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553 total results
I have severe neuropathy in both feet to my knees. I also have Charcot feet. I...
severe neuropathy in both feet to my knees ... compression socks along with ankle braces ... I take the braces off at night and leave
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jul 2, 2023
Hi, I have had these symptoms as well. It started right after I had the 1st...
hands were so bad I wore hand/wrists braces ... starting to have the same symptoms, my knees
Posted: May 19, 2023
I’ve been having pain in my TKR every time I stand up. My original surgeon said...
bursa on the inside portion of my knee ... solution: steroid injection and ordered a knee ... sleeve brace to see if it relieves
Support Group: Joint Replacements
Posted: May 18, 2023
Titanium contains traces of other metals. I had the blood test before knee surgery which did...
Titanium contains traces of other metals ... I had the blood test before knee surgery ... as pure titanium, all titanium has traces
Support Group: Joint Replacements
Posted: May 9, 2023