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839 total results
Hello @dk007 and @cldmeyers how have you each been doing? It's been a while since we've...
last year and have come to accept my central ... sensitization chronic pain..
Hi. My name is Chris and I've had Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Migraine, and extreme Multiple Chemical...
Migraine, and extreme Multiple Chemical Sensitivity ... with this group of illnesses under Central ... Sensitization Syndrome. ... migraine, chronic fatigue, and chemical sensitivity ... Chronic Fatigue or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Just wanted to give you an update. Decided to not take ANY Kadian this morning. So...
Suspect part of my pain is also "central ... sensitization".
I was diagnosed with central sensitization at Mayo last August - this pain is horrible and...
I was diagnosed with central sensitization
Thank you @hopeful33250 for bringing me in to the conversation. Hello @mandalaythu. Thank you for posting...
are still having vision problems and sensitivity ... live with vision problems and light sensitivities ... been restored, but my photophobia and sensitizations ... from a chronic pain syndrome called Central ... Sensitization Syndrome.