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  • Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
3,872 total results
Good evening, @memyselfi, welcome to Connect. I am so happy to see a very nice introduction...
Right now, my right heel feels like ... And before the night is over, those ... specific neuropathic symptoms might ... And by the way, I also have the "sweating ... found to be helpful with the daily sweat
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Jan 15 11:35pm
Yes, my taste has improved... but it has been almost 1 year. ;-( I thought I...
sometimes and my tongue still is not right ... understand that chocolate and anything sweet
Posted: Jan 24 10:41am
I was diagnosed 7 months ago and am now down to 6 mg. of prednisone a...
I too have unusual sweating, and fatigue ... too much, and sleep is difficult at night ... That might be age related.
@joanelle77 , Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I go by Mamacita here and other places. I...
You will need to know right off the ... Fibromyalgia you are going to meet those who swear ... You just might be one of the fortunate ... Check out groups until you find the right ... God bless you, sweet lady.
Support Group: Fibromyalgia
Posted: Aug 15, 2018