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372 total results
Hi There, not sure I'm in the right group, but I have some symptoms that I...
- Itching and tingling when pressure ... dry mouth at times
- hoarseness
- sore ... Acid Reflux and that explains the sore
@acid2come Im so sorry to hear of all that you are going through. I had canker...
I had canker sores in my mouth and baking ... breaths will help with your blood pressure
@abonilla Hello and welcome! I was sleeved almost 5 years ago at the age of 61!...
was going down hill....high blood pressure ... , uncontrollable triglycerides, sore
I am replying to my own post! I think I have figured out the problem (NO...
It is always sore; pulses a little ... bowel movement there seems to be less pressure ... for a while, but still sore.
I'm trying to find some help with my mystery! Background: in 2006, I had a result...
no focus and headaches (I had a bad sore ... frequency to urinate (but no pain), pressure