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372 total results
I've had the same thing happen with my blood pressure which is normally 117/69. and varies...
the same thing happen with my blood pressure ... I take my blood pressure twice a day ... Sore throat could not be explained but
Hello, I had a urine infection followed by low pressure ( fainting level),vomit, severe body aches...
a urine infection followed by low pressure ... vomit, severe body aches (joints), sore ... water consumption, urination flow pressure
This response nails exactly my belief and sxperiance as well. I get pressure due too gas,...
I get pressure due too gas, causes a ... neck gets stiff and my muscles get sore ... ) and whenever the shake starts my soreness ... Neck remains sore a stiff but I have ... I can live with a little pressure around
Support Group: Digestive Health
Posted: Aug 1, 2021
@ggb21 your rash and location of it certainly sound challenging. I wonder if you might try...
skin and between your bra to keep pressure ... off of your sores and provide relief ... figure skater to protect open ankle sores
Support Group: Women's Health
Posted: Jun 23, 2021