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- Search by keywords or complete phrases.
- To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
- Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,371 total results
Quite some time ago, I read a post on this website that has helped me a...
website that has helped me a lot with neuropathy ... I am pre-diabetic and I read on the ... Mayo Clinic had done a study with diabetics ... and pre-diabetics suffering with neuropathy
Ok, folks. Here's what I've lived and what I think. I've taken Lyrica, Neurontin (gabapantin), ibuprophen...
, seizure disorder, diabetes, Sarcoid ... legs/hips/back at night, peripheral neuropothy
Today 11/30/2020 is my 15th transplant anniversary! I decided it is a good day to tell...
old and was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes ... Everything in life impacted my diabetes ... retinopathy, peripheral & autonomic neuropathy ... I was not instantly cured of diabetes ... The neuropathy resolved.
Yes, I experience both, though not constantly. For some reason I feel it more at night,...
My neuropathy is caused by type 2 diabetes
@johnbishop, I can not find the words to express how happy I am that you started...
pin pricks and told I had peripheral neuropathy ... and he ordered the diabetes test because ... I've been following the neuropathy ... others shared the specific types of neuropathy ... to learn that others diagnosed with neuropathy