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492 total results
Undiagnosed Abdominal Pain
Undiagnosed Abdominal Pain ... years from an undiagnosed abdominal pain ... My abdominal pain can feel like cramps ... Does anyone know of any gut doctors ... or what this might be?
Gut microbiome dysbiosis, and duration of adjustment symptoms
Gut microbiome dysbiosis, and duration ... the undoubted cause of significant gut ... intractable symptoms of IBS-C for eight ... with Alflorex, but not bloating or pain ... to utilise iron released into the gut
Long standing symptoms and nothing on CT scan: Does it happen often?
don't really know if this is the right ... be my hormones messing up with my gut ... In November I got some abdominal pain ... strap sits (The typical location of PC pain ... started to have severe upper abdominal pain
Trust your gut instinct Pillow advice for sleep after shoulder surgery
Trust your gut instinct Pillow advice ... posted in here several times about the pain ... with the shoulder to see where the pain ... you and you know something is not right ... you had used to help you sleep at night
Pain And Changes In Weather...Am I Alone????
Pain And Changes In Weather...Am I Alone ... in weather can effect severity of pain ... swollen cysts behind my arthritic knees, gut ... Now it might be coming FROM my head. ... but the pain and sensations are real
Hi ch783e933 @user_ch783e933 I actually have redundant colon and many who have it use drugs like...
years ago (natural and could stand pain ... Take half in the morning and half at night ... biological processes that take place in our gut
Yes, AutoCorrect is the devil! Even voice texting answers in these little boxes is challenging. I’m...
(Like, can they upset gut bacteria?? ... ended with his saying “I think you might ... I don’t suppose gut health has ever ... they gave me such horrible stomach pains ... And it’s so hard when it’s your gut.
Denise, You so eloquently express many of my thoughts about cancer and how it has changed...
physical functioning and to manage pain ... So much lightness and fun is possible ... birds’ dawn chorus and to take in the light ... freeze with worry, not knowing what might ... empty and hollow I have felt in my gut
@windyshores — Our bodies emit our very own infrared light. And the light therapy I’m using...
bodies emit our very own infrared light ... And the light therapy I’m using helps ... weeks now and drastically reduced the pain ... I’m tired of the aches and pains that ... My gut has lost its integrity to process
Good morning Razelrosey, I hear you about a laxative not working. Psyllium husks in what ever...
years ago (natural and could stand pain ... Take half in the morning and half at night ... biological processes that take place in our gut