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361 total results
Thankyou so much for responding!You give me hope.My neurologist I just met with ordered genetic testing.I...
possible that I have a seronegative autoimmune ... infusion and I had been in the sun and heat ... before and day of.So I am sure the heat ... aftermath which is probably several autoimmune
Support Group: Neuropathy
Posted: Mar 17, 2024
I so empathize with what you are undergoing. I just turned 75 and for decades had...
rheumatologist in my town specializing in that autoimmune ... take, and it does help, as well as heating
Support Group: Fibromyalgia
Posted: Sep 7, 2023
I have had an autoimmune disease for about thirty years and long Covid just sounds like...
I have had an autoimmune disease for ... use topicals (CBD, pain creams, ice/heat ... Wahls has some good information on autoimmune