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  • Search by keywords or complete phrases.
  • To narrow your search, try adding quotation marks around phrases.
  • Example: "predictable behavior" will narrow the search results to only include content that has the exact phrase "predictable behavior" in it.
2,073 total results
I am afraid of what I would do if I took a pill for sleeping (such...
what I would do if I took a pill for sleeping ... (such as: otc sleep aids). ... I am so tired and get so little sleep ... I am going on lack of sleep. ... Also, I have sleep apnea and can&#39
Support Group: Depression & Anxiety
Posted: Nov 26, 2020
Hi @joeallen, Thanks for sharing all that information. I completely understand what you're going through concerning...
Sleeping: I too went through a sleep ... clinic and they gave me a sleep apnea ... I find it way too hard to sleep with ... I had a lot of problems sleeping until ... Been sleeping like a baby ever since
Support Group: Spine Health
Posted: Feb 16, 2016
I have found the Post Covid 19 Clinic in my area to be the most helpful....
The first was for a sleep study because ... was really struggling with daytime sleepiness ... grateful to be able to fall back to sleep ... The sleep study revealed severe sleep ... apnea, so my nasal pillow CPAP is my
My belief is that any symptoms that occur or continue three weeks after testing positive for...
After reviewing my lingering daytime sleepiness ... symptoms I was sent for a sleep study ... Since I was diagnosed with severe sleep ... apnea, my CPAp machine has helped me ... to get better sleep, only waking up
I would counsel living 'comfortably'. That is to say, do what you think you can and...
Try not to rob yourself of quality sleep ... duration, REM state repeats during sleep ... or failing to get good rest due to sleep ... apnea.
Posted: Jun 22 10:07am