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293 total results
Moderate neuropathy in both feet only 50 y.o.
is Chris and I’m only 50 y.o. with what ... I need help! ... intermittent moderate to severe pain, burning ... , numbness, tingling and some insecurity ... Can anyone out there relate to what
Preparing for Post-Covid Care at Mayo Clinic: What do I need to know?
for Post-Covid Care at Mayo Clinic: What ... abdominal, and scapular areas including burning ... , tingling, & stabbing sensations ... had similar symptoms, experienced helpful
severe nerve pain in feet. EMG was normal. Is not neuropathy
I have burning, tingling, electrical ... Been to 3 local neurologists with no help ... Don't know what to do.
My Bones Are A MESS!
My feet, burning and tingle and I don ... Was thinking if a machine would help ... t know if it's just old age or what ... Sleeping on my back doesn't help
Chronic Buttock Pain
We talked about some of the tingling ... making the appointment, I had to choose what ... surgery on my neck and was experiencing what ... He asked what I had tried so far. ... opposed to injections, if we know what
Hello @newyorknill, I have not taken berberine for neuropathy but I do take a lot of...
neuropathy with only numbness and some tingling ... It might be helpful to scan through ... the comments and discussions to read what ... it with you.
"Does berberine help ... , or burning sensations.
Hello Thank you for posting on this topic. I understand your frustration. I have had lumbar...
at Mayo to discuss if surgery will help ... after 5-6 min my lower lumbar is so burning ... I am now getting numbness and tingling ... sciatica but was told it wouldn't help ... It can be very confusing to know what
@tpea, Welcome to Connect. As you noted, this forum is committed to sharing experiences in order...
Medicare appointment with my PCP, here is what ... about six months, abdomen pain and burning ... symptoms have been pain, numbness, tingling ... , freezing, burning, and one of the ... What else would help at this point?
Hi I to am going to be starting Sanexas treatments next week. They will be testing...
thing that was bothering me was the tingling ... use Aloe with Lidocaine to stop the burning ... going to continue in doing yoga to help ... strengthen what they are trying to ... Let's keep in touch about what we
Thank you for the information. Are you taking these medications for pain or for other symptoms?...
I don’t have pain or burning. ... are any medications or things that help ... the tingling. ... What is SCS and a Dorsal Root Ganglion ... the tingling.