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372 total results
Hello, I am Brenda and I have been living with chronic pain for a few years...
my left hip replaced and numerous pressure ... sores.
After two months with the AirTouch I am absolutely satisfied with this mask. No irritation, no...
No irritation, no pressure sores, decreased ... scars on the bridge of his nose from sores ... tape across the bridge to prevent the sores
Hi @hearttohear1, You and Michael are on my mind this morning. This is the week he’ll...
any positive improvement with his pressure ... sores?
Exactly the same thing happened to my husband with suboxone. It was a nightmare of months...
due to lack of pain relief He has pressure ... sores on his heels and ankles.
I am almost 71. I turned 40, and my medical nightmares started. They are prescription. Don't...
Anyways no pressure sores on ears. ... I have in past gotten sore ears from
Legs Cramps and head pressure
Legs Cramps and head pressure ... It feels like a pressure, centering ... horses in my legs, my muscles would be sore ... But, my legs muscles are not sore, so
Cervical facet joint nerve RFA
stings constantly, and if I put any pressure ... back of my head there's a big sore
ENT lesion scab in nose
does help
l have had bad sinuses pressure ... days but my nose doe's feal a bit sore
What can be done to resolve my obscure pressure issue with my left ear
can be done to resolve my obscure pressure ... maneuver, my ear clogs with painful pressure ... The ear is sore all the time and never ... feels stable in pressure, it's ... constant game of ping pong with the air pressure
Does lack of exercise and prolong sitting make blood pressure lower?
exercise and prolong sitting make blood pressure ... and have been experiencing low blood pressure ... up and walk around to get my blood pressure ... posture (neck is always tensed and sore