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492 total results
I went to a hand surgeon and he fixed my thumb in a procedure that took...
a day, completely got rid of this pain ... - through the roof type pain (I was ... , steroids can wreak havoc on your gut ... wipe out all the good flora in your gut ... someone who doesn't know the facts might
Posted: Jun 13, 2020
@wa34937 also the right probiotics could help. There is also a product line called heathers with...
@wa34937 also the right probiotics could ... He talks about chronic pain but also ... gut health a lot. ... Those might help. Good luck.
Support Group: Digestive Health
Posted: Jun 23, 2020
I had a similar rash to this, all of these symptoms plus random bruising, every joint...
feeling like it is on fire, chronic 24/7 pain ... more symptoms than I can think of right ... even though I was taking some but my gut
@divinityrose-that’s great your cosmetic surgeon understood it and when you elevated your arms you had relief....
That would possibly explain the pain ... Acupuncture is far far less painful ... You might find all of this resolves ... seen all kinds of doctors for the pain ... Go with your gut, is the best advice
Posted: Oct 30, 2020
Sorry for the ramble. It's what I do. I've been overweight all my life. I am...
She expressed concern that I might be ... and I would stay awake very late at night ... I don't wake up with abdominal pain ... anymore ostensibly from overnight gut