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360 total results
No lupus but several more “minor” ones, or at least not as bothersome: Hashimoto’s, vitiligo, food...
vitiligo, food allergies, possibly autoimmune ... hepatitis (had liver ultrasound &
I @julie3258 you may have noticed I moved your post to this existing discussion on autoimmune...
post to this existing discussion on autoimmune ... hepatitis so that you can connect with ... and @mahdi123 as they have mentioned autoimmune ... hepatitis in the past.
I was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis in June 2021. I was whined off prednisone and put...
I was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis
I haven’t seen my Gastroenterologist yet but he mentioned doing a liver biopsy because of the...
indication of PBC but they also ruled out autoimmune ... hepatitis and other things with some
@luserm1 - I was once diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis by my GI after completing many blood...
luserm1 - I was once diagnosed with autoimmune ... hepatitis by my GI after completing ... When I began treatment for autoimmune ... hepatitis (AIH), I was also treated
Hope for diabetic peripheral neuropathy in young adult
severe, I have decreased sensation, heat ... In addition autoimmune conditions of
Autoimmune? Undiagnosed and don’t know where to go next
Autoimmune? ... lupus said it sounded like it could be autoimmune ... break out in hives because of the heat
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
(my face heated up, chest got all red ... This shows that one's autimmune system