3,173 total results
That sucks…I hope they find what it’s triggering it…this feeling is horrible I am even scared...
Advised ones body has hard time regulating blood pressure heart rate etc they think due to...
The thing that has worked the best for my fatigue is doing Stellate Ganglion Blockages with...
Hi @vap91179, I agree with @danab and @lilypaws, travelling now might be better than later in...
I had PVC about 2-3 months after Covid infection. Went through several cardiologists and got on...
Joint inflammation and muscle pain after COVID
Good morning, my name is Chris. Over the past two months I have experienced moderate joint pain to no excessive pain in my large joints....
Virtual Tours: My plans to lessen the stress of quarantine. Yours?
Hi I am 81 and have a decent diagnosis of PMR and I am currently on a very high dosage of Prednisone I have a...
Inner ear pressure, motion sickness, fatigue
Hi, all! It’s been so helpful seeing that it’s not just me still dealing with issues after Covid. I tested positive on December 31 of...
This is Where We Are
You're going through a lot. We all are. So this community is vital. Being a part of the many studies helps the research community to...
There are several types of immunity: Innate vs Adaptive Immunity
There is a lot of confusion about what immunity is and about "natural immunity". We are not born with immunity to all things. First, we...
Stay Healthy Traveling to Avoid Viruses, such as Coronavirus
I work with people who travel the world. I would like to offer them the best suggestions for staying healthy. But just as we are...
Partner in hospital with COVID: It's the ultimate scare of my life
good evening, i guess we just say whats on our mind? Help. to tell the truth ive never been more scared in my life. my...
Post Covid Long Term Chronic Constipation Like Marbles - Anybody Else?
First - I thank the Lord I found this forum. I knew there had to be others having strange, unexplained issues. November of 2021, I...
Such an isolating sickness
I have posted before and read all of your posts, at least as many as I can. This month is 2 years I have been...
Swaying feeling occasionally when I lay down nearly every night
So I had Covid in May this year and I had become extremely congested to the point I could barely hear and I also developed...