951 total results
In hindsight, I'm downgrading the Folfirinox experience to a bit worse. I had forgotten about the...
My sister completed the standard of care 12 rounds Folfirinox and her doc at Memorial Sloane-...
First chemo tomorrow--tips, suggestions, cautions?
I'll do my first chemo tomorrow (Mon 4/24)--modified FOLFIRINOX, with all the additional meds and the infusion pump coming home with me for a couple...
chemo round 2 or radiation after aborted Whipple
My wife was diagnosed borderline resectable PDAC in Oct 2023. Her 13 cycle Folfirinox chemo ended 5/31/24. CT suggested surgery. Her Whipple was aborted 7/22/24...
Importance of genetic testing for treatment
69 year old male with either pancreatic or periampullary cancer. Tumor is not well seen or measured by ct or pet scans which I guess...
Extreme loss of appetite since starting chemo for pancreatic cancer
My husband had Whipple surgery Feb 2, 2023 for a Stage 1B pancreatic tumor. He is receiving the Folfirinox chemo regimen. The 1st round was...
Occasional sharp back pain after whipple
Hello! I had Whipple for cancerous tumor in head of my pancreas on February 9th. Some lymph node and nerve tissue involvement, but margins clear....
Multi-part question (chemo brain; returning to work)
Hello, and thank you for your generosity in replying to my questions. I've had eight rounds of Folfirinox (the last was on 8-2-23, and it...
Successful treatment of recurrence?
I had successful treatment in 2021, completing in 2022. Whipple, adjuvant Folfirinox 6 1/2 months, brief SBRT for undetermined hazy mass in pancreatic bed. I...
Biomarker mutations question
Hello I recently had the Tempus 684 gene panel done to identify biomarker mutations. I would be interested in hearing from others who have had...
What to expect from Gemcitibine chemo/radiation?
I was diagnosed with stage III pancreatic cancer in Jan 2021. Whipple surgery was performed the following month, followed by 12 treatments of Folfirinox. All...
Father's Recurrence After 4 Years
Hello, Thank you for the opportunity to join this group. I'm here because we found out last month that my father has had a recurrence...