9,278 total results
Icy feet and ankles with Small Fiber Neuropathy....anyone?
Hello neuropathy friends. I am looking for information that talks about ice in your feet and ankles from Small Fiber Polyneuropathy. Recently, my feet feel...
Burning in inner thighs and needle pinch burning in feet
4 months ago my inner thighs started buring when i was standing and walking for few steps, after 2 months my feet started burning and...
Can neuropathy in my feet cause balance problems?
Podiatrist has diagnosed me with minor neuropathy but my balance is worsening. Can neuropathy cause this. I know that input from the feet can cause...
Has anyone had success using Tens on their feet?
Has anyone had success using a TENS on their feet?
PN's little "extras": tired knees & swollen feet.
Hello! Two of my PN's little "extras" have been bugging me: tired knees and swollen feet. I've discussed both with my doctors: my tired knees...
Peripheral neuropathy in lower calves, not in feet or other places?
I have peripheral neuropathy in the outside of both calves and only at night, usually between 4-7am. No problems in feet or other places and...
Best lightweight warm bedding for neuropathy in your feet.
Heavy covers bother my foot neuropathy. Bedding not my specialty. Warm but light. Down, bamboo, goose feathers, down alternative, I have no Idea. Any help?
Does Small Fiber Neuropathy always start in the feet?
I have been on an endless AI diagnosis journey for the past 2 yrs. We have located the cause/source of majority of symptoms, while the...
Do the bottoms of your feet swell up at night?
Most nights when I get into bed the bottoms of my feet swell and I can’t sleep. I move them and adjust and nothing seems...
severe nerve pain in feet. EMG was normal. Is not neuropathy
I have burning, tingling, electrical pain in both feet. This started in 2017, but it was mild, and was only in the evening. Then gradually,...
I have had idiopathic neuropathy in feet since my total knee replacements in 2016 and 2017....
@jchet, I have lymphedema in my legs and now wear compression socks during the day. Before...
Hi Helen @helenwalker, It does sound like poor circulation according to what I've read. Here's a...
@lioness my sciatica runs from my right lower back, right hammie, outside both shins, and the...