Do the bottoms of your feet swell up at night?

Posted by mitfit @mitfit, Jul 1, 2023

Most nights when I get into bed the bottoms of my feet swell and I can’t sleep. I move them and adjust and nothing seems to help. I used to take a hot bath before bed but thought that might be a cause so now take a cool/warm bath. That has not helped. Any thoughts or advice?

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Hi @mitfit, I'm sorry you having difficulty sleeping due to your feet swelling. There are a lot of conditions that can cause your feet to swell. Here's some information that lists some possibilities:
--- What's causing swollen feet and ankles?:

Before I was diagnosed with lymphedema, my legs and feet would swell up during the day and get better at night. Sometimes when the swelling was worse, I would fold up a heavy blanket and place it under the mattress to elevate the bottom part of the bed so that the feet would be higher than my heart when laying down.

Have you seen a doctor about the swelling of your feet at night?


John - This is really helpful and much appreciated. I have not contacted my doctor, but I will now.


I had that foot swelling, it was my blood pressure medication. Procardia


I had that foot swelling, it was my blood pressure medication. Procardia

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I just checked and several of my medications cause swelling of the feet …


The pad of my feet do swell up and get a little red at night. That area also hurts a bit more too. I found that walking on a cold floor for a while kind of helps. It is strange. The rest of my foot is not affected.


I have severe neuropathy in both feet to my knees. I also have Charcot feet. I am not diabetic. No reason has been given to why I have both conditions. I double up my compression socks along with ankle braces. I take the braces off at night and leave the compression socks on while I sleep in case I have to get up and use the restroom at night. When I lay down, sometimes my feet swell up and with the compression socks on, I can feel severe pain. I relieve the pain by taking the compression socks off and hope I don’t have to get out of bed quickly in the middle of the night.


Sounds like we are similar. No diabetes, but neuropathy in feet, hands and calves. Same here, no reason for what I experience, although it is is in my family. Like you, my feet swell up at night, making it hard to sleep. When it’s really bad I take a sleep aid.


The pad of my feet do swell up and get a little red at night. That area also hurts a bit more too. I found that walking on a cold floor for a while kind of helps. It is strange. The rest of my foot is not affected.

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I have found cold to be helpful too. I have metatarsalgia which I think causes the swelling on the ball of the foot. Mine also get red at night.


I did two things. I increased the amount of water I drink daily to 3.5 liters per day upon the advice of two doctors. I also invested with Amazon by purchasing a good foot massager and using it daily. I think you will find that vibration helps the feet.


I have been dealing with the bottoms of my feet swelling at night for a year now. I no longer take a long, soaking bath (one of my favorite things) and now take a short tepid shower and then soak my feet in cold water. They are strange and purple looking after that!

My PCP said feet swell from the heat so that is why I am doing these protocols. They work somewhat, but not completely. The swelling makes it difficult to sleep.

Has anyone experienced this or have any suggestions?

Thank you.

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