804 total results
Agree! My nephrologist continues to tell me that my remaining Stage 3(b) kidney does not require...
Hi @winchester, I'd like to add my welcome. As recommended by @gingerw, I moved your message...
Time to Change Nephrologist
I had a very unsuccessful third visit with the nephrologist. I again asked when I signed in if I could have a copy of my...
Chemo for bladder cancer started my chronic kidney disease.
Anybody else get Chronic Kidney disease from chemo? I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2016. I immediately went on chemo twice a week for...
Reasons eGFR would rise and lower so drastically and quickly?
New to this forum and very happy to be on here! So, I'm actually writing on behalf of my mom, who's not doing good at...
Chronic UTI's after Chlamydia from five years ago
Hi Everyone,I had contracted chlamydia back in May 2016. The day after I had sex with this partner, I had burning sensation when peeing. Worse...