804 total results
Somebody tell me why CKD stage 3a or 3b is no big deal.
The knee-jerk prescription of every healthcare provider I see is for me to "take some Ibuprofen" even though I've been doing that consistently since 1990....
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): How do I stop progression?
I was just rescent told I have stage 3 kidney disease,I felt the my world come to a stand still! I have 1 kidney lost...
Is there any groups on Chronic Kidney Disease
Are there any groups on Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3
Fibrillary glomerulonephritis
I was just diagnosed with fibrillary glomerulonephritis. I have an appointment the 27 at the mayo clinic in Scottsdale. Has anyone ever been diagnosed with...
What is a good diet to keep potassium low.
My husband is diabetic and has to watch his potassium intake because his kidneys are at stage 3. He is 73 guit smoking 5 years...
What's it like to get a biopsy for IgA nephropathy?
I have stage 3 kidney disease and have been in stage 2 for 10 years. I'm getting a biopsy soon. I want to know your...
Heart Patient just diagnosed with CKD Stage 3A-Pre diabetic
Hello, I'm a 70 yr old male with CAD and have 5 cardiac stents, two in the LAD (the widow maker). Just diagnosed with Stage...
Stem cells for Chronic Kidney failure children
My son is 4 years old and is on stage 3 of CKF. Does somebody know or has gone through the experience of stem cell...
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) and future planning
Hello am new to the group. My story is that am a pkd patient at stage 3 with clearace at 175. I've been on salt...
Chronic Kidney Disease and high blood pressure: Any thoughts?
I have ckd stage 3. My blood pressure has been running higher than usual. Any thoughts? I have never had high blood pressure before.
I am newly diagnosed with Stage 3 CKD. Two other informational sites I've found very helpful...
I’m not certain yet. Don’t have an appointment with Kidney Dr until February. This diagnose was...