Heart Patient just diagnosed with CKD Stage 3A-Pre diabetic

Posted by obone @obone, Oct 14, 2022

Hello, I'm a 70 yr old male with CAD and have 5 cardiac stents, two in the LAD (the widow maker). Just diagnosed with Stage 3A CKD via recent blood work. Have some hypertension and is pre-diabetic. My FP has not told me to see a nephrologist yet, but I always s act on the side of caution. Thoughts? Should I see a nephrologist? Thanks to anyone who gets back to me. Peace.

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@obone Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You asked for my thoughts, and I say "YES" to getting in touch with a nephrologist. Get a good team together that will include your cardiologist, nephrologist, and primary care professionals, plus yourself. Yes, indeed, you are part of the team, the most important part!

For some reason, many general practitioners don't feel it is important to address Chronic Kidney Disease until it is way later than healthy. Take control of your kidney health. The biggest things right now for you to step up and do? Drink plenty of fluids [water is best!]. Get moderate exercise most days of the week. Get into a healthy eating plan: watch your sodium intake, research and cut down on foods high in calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sugars, eat quality protein. Fewer processed foods.

As you look through the different discussions here in the kidney and bladder group, you'll see there are many of us who have been where you are, recently diagnosed with chronic kidney issues. But we can advocate for ourselves, learn from each other, and get through this. What questions do you have for me?


Ginger, my name is actually George. Thanks so much for getting back to me. Been fighting heart problems for several years, and now this. I've also survived cancer... so, "one day at a time." Thanks for your words of wisdom regarding diet. I've done some reading on this, and you are right on! I do drink water all day... but I could drink more, especially when the weather turns cold... I drink plenty in the hot summer, but not so much in winter.

I'm fatigued a lot, which I understand is one of the symptoms of this. For years I've worked out and ridden my bike... a lot :)... but the last 3 months have been tough. I think this is another good reason to see a nephrologist.
Lastly, for about a year through 2021, I contracted a urinary tract infection almost monthly. No one could find out why? Again, reading what I've read about CKD, infections can also be a symptom. What else should I be looking for symptomatically? What questions should I ask a nephrologist?

I've read your profile... so sorry you've suffered so much. I will keep you in my prayers. My wife has myeloma. Diagnosed 6 years ago... Thanks for doing what you do in the "connection group"... I'll stay in touch.


Ginger, my name is actually George. Thanks so much for getting back to me. Been fighting heart problems for several years, and now this. I've also survived cancer... so, "one day at a time." Thanks for your words of wisdom regarding diet. I've done some reading on this, and you are right on! I do drink water all day... but I could drink more, especially when the weather turns cold... I drink plenty in the hot summer, but not so much in winter.

I'm fatigued a lot, which I understand is one of the symptoms of this. For years I've worked out and ridden my bike... a lot :)... but the last 3 months have been tough. I think this is another good reason to see a nephrologist.
Lastly, for about a year through 2021, I contracted a urinary tract infection almost monthly. No one could find out why? Again, reading what I've read about CKD, infections can also be a symptom. What else should I be looking for symptomatically? What questions should I ask a nephrologist?

I've read your profile... so sorry you've suffered so much. I will keep you in my prayers. My wife has myeloma. Diagnosed 6 years ago... Thanks for doing what you do in the "connection group"... I'll stay in touch.

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@obone Hi George, glad you are following your health closely.

More than likely you have bloodwork pulled every so often. In chronic kidney disease, it is typically every three months. You and your team will want to look at trends, not a single set of values [unless it is a dramatic change]. Generally watching eGFR, calcium, creatinine, BUN values will give you a good indication of where your CKD is at. Ask your team about the connection for you of heart disease and CKD, plus any other co-morbidities. We are all individuals, so what will hold true for me may not be right for you. Factor in medications you take, also. Honestly, you might get some pushback from doctors, saying there is no rush to be proactive, but it sounds like you have been with heart issues, so tell them you want to do the same with a kidney condition!

As I said above, diet is the biggest factor that you can control. Add in exercise, stress moderation, positive outlook, being proactive all will work in your favor.

Thank you for your comment on my situation. How is your wife doing these days?


@obone (George) Hi my name is Cheryl. Don’t mean to interrupt your thread with Ginger (she is great) but I have some things in common with you, just a bit further along. I have CKD stage 4, diabetes and hypertension. Diabetes and hypertension are the 2 leading causes of CKD. I concur with Ginger about getting a team together consisting of customized specialists, get plenty of water, add a nutritionist well versed in CKD & diabetes. All of this can help you find stability for your various conditions (maybe even improvement). Last but far from least I am a Christian believer. I will be praying God’s blessings for you.


@obone (George) Hi my name is Cheryl. Don’t mean to interrupt your thread with Ginger (she is great) but I have some things in common with you, just a bit further along. I have CKD stage 4, diabetes and hypertension. Diabetes and hypertension are the 2 leading causes of CKD. I concur with Ginger about getting a team together consisting of customized specialists, get plenty of water, add a nutritionist well versed in CKD & diabetes. All of this can help you find stability for your various conditions (maybe even improvement). Last but far from least I am a Christian believer. I will be praying God’s blessings for you.

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Cheryl: First of all thanks for taking the time to write and send your message. Both you and Ginger have given me sound "wisdom." I've been pre-diabetic for years... Since 2018 I have 5 cardiac stents put in my arteries... I'm a cancer survivor to boot :)... hypertension, too. Believe it or not... until these last 6 months... I worked out 3 times a week and am a bike cyclist... doing 100K bike tours (approx 65 miles) 5 or 6 times a summer... and train throughout the year. However, my cardiologist told me I am "genetically" disposed to bad cardiac outcomes... this thing with my kidneys has blindsided me.
I'll make sure to drink plenty of water... and this week will contact a nephrologist. I live in a great medical community... so that is comforting. AND a nutritionist as well.
I, too, am Christian and know from personal experience... that personal suffering can be very "redemptive." I will keep you in prayer, also. Blessings and peace your way.


With your heart condition are you allowed 64 ounces of water a day? If not, try it.

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