628 total results
Systemic IBD, Systemic Anti TNF Therapy
Age 45, advanced Crohns, now Diagnosed with Systemic IBD (irritable bowel disease) complete with brain lesions, left sided partial paralysis, vision difficulties. New treatment proposed...
Zoom support group for Chron's disease?
Hello, I was originally diagnosed with a mesenteric mass that was possibly a Neuroendocrine Tumor. It turns out it was inflammation. I found a support...
Nausea & vomiting going on 8 weeks after iron infusion
Has anyone had nausea, vomiting, & horrible taste for 8 weeks after receiving iron infusion? Have had Crohns Disease since a child ( for over...
Focal Active Colitis? Help
My gut issues started after taking a course of antibiotics for my stomach H pylori infection. Now I don't have H pylori anymore but my...
Chronic diarrhea
I've had chronic diarrhea for a year and 2 months. I've been seeing a gastroenterologist since December 2020. I've been tested for celiac, c diff,...
Chronic Upper Abdominal Pain without an answer
I have had chronic upper abdominal pain (mostly center and to the left) for about a year. It has worsened over the past 4-5 months...
Diverticulitis and persistent pain
I was diagnosed with diverticulitis almost 2-years ago. Prior to diagnosis, I started feeling better rather quickly but went to the doctor as the pain...
C Diff and neck pain?
I’m a 65yo woman diagnosed with Crohns, ulcerative colitis, anemia and liver cirrhosis. I’ve been seriously ill and hospitalized On and off for a few...
Has anyone done a doctor ordered gluten challenge?
Good morning. A little back story first. I was diagnosed with Crohn's and Celiac on the same day 5 years ago. I had had all...
Five Things I Wish I’d Known Before My Chronic Illness
This article is in today's New York Times: Five Things I Wish I’d Known Before My Chronic Illness. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/18/smarter-living/five-things-i-wish-i-knew-chronic-illness-crohns-disease-ibd.html I hope this link works. If...
I am concerned. I have been given Motegrity for my severe contipation and slow motility from...