2,482 total results
Discussions (162)
Changing Doctors for Followup: Who do I see?
I’m 7 years post double mastectomy bc surgery. 2020-2021 was my 5 year follow up but it was the height of covid so it threw...
IDC newly diagnosed-crawling sensation-lymph node thickening
Hello! I was diagnosed last week w/ IDC and have read a lot of great information here. I have an appointment with a surgeon in...
Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC): Time till surgery?
My diagnosis was on 11/4/22 of IDC Grade 1 ER+ HR-negative. Very slow growing according to my surgeon and mammo says this... Within the LEFT...
Lumpectomy or mastectomy that is the dilema. Any insight would help.
Hello, I have been reading posts since shortly after I was diagnosed in early June with ILC. It has been quite informative, has made me...
First post treatment follow up with the oncologist
I have my first follow up visit with my surgeon and radiation oncologists in two days. The weather is threatening to force me to postpone...
Painful lump/spots after lumpectomy not going away?
Hello all I am 10 weeks post last surgery (ILC with lumpectomy and then re-excision). I have had some painful spots since the 1st surgery,...
Still on Letrozole but do I need it?
I was diagnosed with Stage IV BC in July 2020. At that time the hormone receptor was 43% positive. After many chemo treatments and my...
I just received news today that after several mammograms and now a biopsy, I have atypical ductal hyperplasia suspicious for low grade ductal carcinoma in...
Too slim to have reconstruction after a partial mastectomy: Options?
I'm diagnosed IDC stage 2, Er+, Pr- , Her2 Neg.Surgeon wants me to have a single wide excision / partial mastectomy with tissue sparing .My...
What to know right after diagnosis - inhale!
While a breast cancer diagnosis is life altering, it is not an emergency!You have time to understand and research your options.I just wanted the cancer...
just had partial mastectomy
A large mass was removed, including all margins, and lymph nodes are clear. They call it Stage 1. This was 4 weeks ago. I JUST...
Lumpectomy for IDC: Calm but as the date approaches, getting nervous
Introducing myself. I’m 71 years old, married, two adult children and 2 granddaughters. Called back for further testing after routine mammogram. Diagnosed with Invasive Ductal...
Estrogen/Progestrone medication & DCIS Stage 0 Grade 3 diagnosis
Hello, The following is my breast biopsy results: Right upper outer breast, biopsy: Ductal carcinoma in situ, nuclear grade 3 with comedonecrosis and microcalcifications. "right...
Anyone else diagnosed with IDC & ILC, at the same time?
Hello All,In November of 2021 I had a "normal" mammogram (always noted heterogeneously dense breasts) On Oct 7th I had a very long-awaited breast reduction...
Breast cancer/Radiation/Tooth Problems
I have had BC twice and radiation twice. I am just coming onto 5 years from the second cancer and my teeth are starting to...
Severe pain immediately after waking from right masectomy surgery.
In 2020, I woke up in the recovery room after undergoing a skin sparing right masectomy with 4 sentinal nodes removed. Within one minute I...
IBC TNBC left breast, one year later in right while still in treatment
Any advice at how to advocate for myself would be much appreciated.Inflammatory Brest Cancer with triple negative receptors was diagnosed October 2022.My treatment plan:Chemo: 6...
Vaginal Dryness Solutions
Good Evening! Question for all, I was taking anastrozole for ADH diagnosis but had to stop because of side effects. I am left with extreme...
A 2nd Lymph Node Biopsy after Lumpectomy?
Hello, I was recently diagnosed with DCIS Stage 0 ER+ in May 2024.I just had my lumpectomy on July 11, still bruised but otherwise ok...
Pathology with close margins-ADH or DCIS
I had surgery on 10/20 to remove IDC and DCIS and a sentinel node. I have low grade er/pr + her2- right breast cancer diagnosed...