300 total results
Has anyone had Gamma Knife for a glomus jugulare benign tumor?
I had Gamma Knife in January 2022. I am doing very well. My tumor had not shrunk at this point. I was told it could...
Stereotactic Radiosurgery Surgery (Gamma or Cyberknife) for Meningioma
I will be having Gamma Knife Radio Surgery for a meningioma that is growing. Have any of you had this procedure and does it work?...
My sister Jill's brain tumor treatment plan at Mayo Clinic
Wanted to reach out to all of you who have been so responsive and concerned about my sister Jill. She met with all 3 Docs...
I'm wondering is gamma knife auppoaed to make the meningioma shrink or just stop growing? I...
Neurosurgeon visit: Should I get another appointment?
Should I get another apt?Discovered I had a 12 mm meningioma after MD ordered MRI for inner ear problem.I went to first apt yesterday after...
Multiple meningiomas in past, but now my new tumor is GBM4
Over the past 22 years I have been diagnosed and had surgery for multiple meningiomas. The first surgery was 22 years ago as my tumor...
Watch and wait is over: meningioma has grown
Had my 4th MRI last Friday and yesterday found out my tumor has grown some more. Dr is recommending removal before it grows too much...
Squamous cell carcinoma !! Any Hope!!
My father, an 81 year old, was diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) back in 2015. He had a lobectomy of...