300 total results
Gamma knife for meningiomas
Greetings - do any followers of this group have any experience with the use of the "gamma knife" when arresting the growth of benign meningiomas?...
Gamma knife and nerve damage
I had gamma knife in January 2023 for 3 tumors, one being a schwannoma. In November I started experiencing numbness in my face on the...
Swelling following gamma knife procedure for meninigioma
A family member had gamma knife radiation at Mayo for a brain meningioma in August and recently had neuro episodes suspected to be post procedure...
Meningiomas. Gamma knife or Cyber Knife. Which is more effective?
Has anyone had either at Mayo Clinic or Johns Hopkins?
Anyone having Gamma Knife for parafalcine (parafalx) meningioma?
I will be having Gamma Knife for a parafalcine meningioma, likely this summer (2024). My tumour was an incidental finding on an MRI for follow-up...
Gamma Knife for Meningioma & dAVF in ONE treatment session
Has anyone in this group experienced Gamma Knife for treating a meningioma and a dural arteriovenous fistula (dAVF) in ONE treatment session? If so, what...
Choosing how to handle a regrowth of a meningioma gamma knife/surgery
Original larger meningioma removed surgically 2019 - smaller tumors have grown since (4) and they have been removed by gamma knife. Now a previous growth...
Gamma knife treatment in 2018 for meningioma around the optic area
Like I said I had the gamma knife treatment in aug 2018 and was told the tumor would shrink a little every year. I had...
Lump by screw from gamma knife surgery, anyone else?
I have a lump where the screw was put in for my gamma surgery. It has become painful and I am not sure if I...
What were your experiences with the head frame for Gamma Knife?
I was diagnosed with a Brain Tumor in March, they think it’s more likely a Meningioma but they aren’t ruling out Acoustic Neuroma. I saw...
Hi @julieannarcand and welcome to Connect. I'd like to bring @jrt26, who has also been treated...
What’s the difference between protein beam and gamma knife? My NS said something about zapping me...
I've had problems driving at night because of glare for years, but it started years before...