706 total results
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
I had a colonoscopy & gastroscopy performed recently and as preparation a CBC was done and unbeknown to me a pererhal blood smear. The procedcures...
CLL with lambda monoclonal gammopathy
I am so pleased to have found this group, have read so many posts. I am 81 years old and 1 year ago was dxed...
CLL and Managing an Enlarged Spleen
I have CLL and my recent CT scan indicates an enlarged spleen "Spleen: Enlarged, measuring 14.6 cm in length". Is that substantially larger than normal,...
CLL - Symptoms at Stage 0
Periodically I get chills that last several hours without any external cause. Hot chocolate or eating sugary food does not help so low blood sugar...
CLL - Precluded from Other Studies
I had seen a reference in a new study on osteoporosis drugs that precluded participation by anyone with a bone marrow disorder. Now for the...
To continue or stop Venclexta treatment for CLL?
I was diagnosed with CLL in October 2021 at the age of 59. My Dad was also diagnosed with CLL @ 60 years old. His...
CLL and slow healing following dental work
I am in w and w with cll and up till now have not experienced problems with immunity. I recently had a tooth extraction which...
CLL - Follow Up Appointment Questions
Hi everyone- I don't know if anyone else after they were first diagnosed noticed that now everywhere you turn, everything you see is cancer this,...
New to CLL-no treatment-what to eat?
Receny diagnosed Nov. with CLL. No treatment recommended 92yrs. What can I eat. Saw somewhere said no dairy...Diabetic diet dairy recommended. Not sure what to...
Can CLL change to SLL? Then what?
In 2010 I was diagnosed with CLL. since then I have been getting regular IVIG infusions. In the past year some lymph glands under my...
GOOGLE; This helps me understand my sister's cancer better The key difference between SLL and CLL...