Support Groups

Blood Cancers & Disorders Support Group

Public Support Group
653 total results
CLL with lambda monoclonal gammopathy
I am so pleased to have found this group, have read so many posts. I am 81 years old and 1 year ago was dxed...
Last active: Apr 24, 2023
CLL - Follow Up Appointment Questions
Hi everyone- I don't know if anyone else after they were first diagnosed noticed that now everywhere you turn, everything you see is cancer this,...
Last active: Feb 27 1:37pm
To continue or stop Venclexta treatment for CLL?
I was diagnosed with CLL in October 2021 at the age of 59. My Dad was also diagnosed with CLL @ 60 years old. His...
Last active: Jun 26 10:00am
CLL leukemia: Just diagnosed, what can be done?
Husband 84 just diagnosed with CLL, Is this common in older people and what things are done to stop from progressing?? We are new to...
Last active: 2 hours ago
New to CLL-no treatment-what to eat?
Receny diagnosed Nov. with CLL. No treatment recommended 92yrs. What can I eat. Saw somewhere said no dairy...Diabetic diet dairy recommended. Not sure what to...
Last active: Oct 29, 2023
Metformin and its impact on SLL/CLL treatment?
Is there any information about the drug Medformin and its impact on SLL/CLL treatment?
Last active: Jun 15 10:38pm
Have Bullous Pemphigoid and now diagnosed with CLL
I have Bullous Pemphigoid and have been diagnosed with CLL. I was wondering if that has happened to anyone else.
Support Group: Autoimmune Diseases
Last active: Jun 7 8:48pm
Any suggestions on how to travel safely with CLL?
Husband diagnosed 3 mos ago with CLL. No treatments at this time, we’re planning a weekend in Vegas to see a couple of shows, we...
Last active: Sep 16, 2022
CLL and high kappa free light chains
I was recently diagnosed and been having a lot symptoms like hot flashes, bone and joint pain and fatigue. WBC are at 26 and lymphocytes...
Last active: Feb 25, 2023
Might have CLL: Does it come on fast?
6 months ago my rheumatologist did some blood work and everything was normal. Now, this month with different dr, my blood test showed elevated white...
Last active: Nov 17, 2023