706 total results
Discussions (72)
CLL - Referral to CLL Specialist
Thank you for this resource. I have found substantial information about the treatment plans after diagnosis, criteria for diagnosis but not the protocol for referral...
Leptomeningeal Disease and CLL
My father (80 years old) has been diagnosed with leptomeningeal disease which has a very poor outcome. He has been taking Acalabrutinib successfully for the...
CLL and immunization experience
I am wondering what experience, if any, people with CLL have had after receiving HepA/Hep B, Tdap, pneumococcal immunization, and Shingrix immunization. I appreciate any...
Bruising with CLL
Hello Everyone, About a month ago, I posted a few questions for my husband concerning his recent diagnosis of CLL. He is 72 years old....
CLL, Spontaneous Regression
Diagnosed with CLL at age 50 from blood tests and bone marrow my disease progressed slowly for 10 years without treatment. After 10 years my...
Can CLL be hereditary?
Is it possible there is a genetic component to this disease? In my family history, my grandmother, my aunt and my mother — and oddly...
Hot Flashes with CLL
Wonder of this might help those of us dealing with chills and hot flashes due to our CLL. https://www.yahoo.com/news/experimental-pill-cut-hot-flashes-161925642.html
Waldenstrom's, CLL or MGUS?
Hi--I was diagnosed with WM in the summer of 2023 by a hematologist. My PCP, however, thought it might be CLL. A second opinion (online)...
Anybody on Treatment for CLL?
Anybody on treatment for CLL
CLL - newly diagnosed
My doctor discovered smudge cells as a pre-cursor to CLL in Dec. 2015. This spring of 2016, my lyphmocyte count put over the 5000 threshold...
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
I had a colonoscopy & gastroscopy performed recently and as preparation a CBC was done and unbeknown to me a pererhal blood smear. The procedcures...
CLL with lambda monoclonal gammopathy
I am so pleased to have found this group, have read so many posts. I am 81 years old and 1 year ago was dxed...
CLL and Managing an Enlarged Spleen
I have CLL and my recent CT scan indicates an enlarged spleen "Spleen: Enlarged, measuring 14.6 cm in length". Is that substantially larger than normal,...
CLL - Symptoms at Stage 0
Periodically I get chills that last several hours without any external cause. Hot chocolate or eating sugary food does not help so low blood sugar...
CLL - Precluded from Other Studies
I had seen a reference in a new study on osteoporosis drugs that precluded participation by anyone with a bone marrow disorder. Now for the...
To continue or stop Venclexta treatment for CLL?
I was diagnosed with CLL in October 2021 at the age of 59. My Dad was also diagnosed with CLL @ 60 years old. His...
CLL and slow healing following dental work
I am in w and w with cll and up till now have not experienced problems with immunity. I recently had a tooth extraction which...
CLL - Follow Up Appointment Questions
Hi everyone- I don't know if anyone else after they were first diagnosed noticed that now everywhere you turn, everything you see is cancer this,...
New to CLL-no treatment-what to eat?
Receny diagnosed Nov. with CLL. No treatment recommended 92yrs. What can I eat. Saw somewhere said no dairy...Diabetic diet dairy recommended. Not sure what to...
Can CLL change to SLL? Then what?
In 2010 I was diagnosed with CLL. since then I have been getting regular IVIG infusions. In the past year some lymph glands under my...