What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

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I thought I would share a couple of older bird videos I put together from camera shots through my window starting with the wild turkey bird feeder cleanup crew 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving to all my Connect friends!

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Looks like you'll have plenty of Turkey for Thanksgiving.
However, you need a heated birdhouse.


Looks like you'll have plenty of Turkey for Thanksgiving.
However, you need a heated birdhouse.

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Hi Jake, We are doing takeout this year to give the turkeys more time to play 😂


PLANT A TREE My window view is the graffitied back of a fast-food restaurant. Next to that, I see a high-rise apartment building. I have been watching a taller high-rise apartment building under construction in the next block. In the spring, the tree branches outside my window fill out with leaves and white flowers. That makes a pretty view! So trees are the remedy to an eyesore view!


PLANT A TREE My window view is the graffitied back of a fast-food restaurant. Next to that, I see a high-rise apartment building. I have been watching a taller high-rise apartment building under construction in the next block. In the spring, the tree branches outside my window fill out with leaves and white flowers. That makes a pretty view! So trees are the remedy to an eyesore view!

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@blackcat, @johnbishop, and all...You got it! Now, to solve your winter graffiti issues...plant a nice, big fast-growing evergreen! A d, put lights on it!!!
Blessings, Elizabeth


@johnbishpp, @sueinmn, @ginger, @blackcat and all...
I'm attaching a few pictures of rescued plants. The ones in large plants are fron last years except the one at front door with last years Christnas tree I almost lost...I picked up the basket half price with lovely varieties of snake plants, a spider flowing gobs of babies I'm propagating, a d a lovely hot pink flowering vine...what is it?

See what you think...love the orchid in a moss ball! The big leaf pla t is a Silver Dollar. The tall orchid is denrhodium. The long legged root orchid is a Vanda. These a different flowers than I've had Belmore.

Blessings, Elizabeth


@johnbishpp, @sueinmn, @ginger, @blackcat and all...
I'm attaching a few pictures of rescued plants. The ones in large plants are fron last years except the one at front door with last years Christnas tree I almost lost...I picked up the basket half price with lovely varieties of snake plants, a spider flowing gobs of babies I'm propagating, a d a lovely hot pink flowering vine...what is it?

See what you think...love the orchid in a moss ball! The big leaf pla t is a Silver Dollar. The tall orchid is denrhodium. The long legged root orchid is a Vanda. These a different flowers than I've had Belmore.

Blessings, Elizabeth

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@johnbishop and all...Want to show a bit of Florida Mayo.
It's so lovely. The construction is of the new building housing the largest protkn??.last??? I'll research and send info. Excitng!!! I love this campus! It's absolutely beautiful. Lovely. Opening yearlong due to Orinda weather ND the best landscape department in the are!!!!!
Enjoy. I'll send more regulay..
Blessings, Elizabeth


@johnbishpp, @sueinmn, @ginger, @blackcat and all...
I'm attaching a few pictures of rescued plants. The ones in large plants are fron last years except the one at front door with last years Christnas tree I almost lost...I picked up the basket half price with lovely varieties of snake plants, a spider flowing gobs of babies I'm propagating, a d a lovely hot pink flowering vine...what is it?

See what you think...love the orchid in a moss ball! The big leaf pla t is a Silver Dollar. The tall orchid is denrhodium. The long legged root orchid is a Vanda. These a different flowers than I've had Belmore.

Blessings, Elizabeth

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Good morning Elizabeth - What a lovely display of "rescues" - when I move to Texas, I have to leave mine behind in the tender care of the young woman next door. She comes weekly to water, trim and take pictures of anything unfamiliar to her.
The flowering plant is either dipladenia or mandevilla - at most garden centers the term is used interchangeably. Both vine, the flowers look the same, but mandevilla tend to have smaller leaves when young and are much more aggressive in sending long tendrils tat wind around everything. Dipladenia are much more polite and can be maintained in quite a bushy form.

I'm trying and experiment this year - when I trimmed the tropical hibiscus to bring them indoors, I dipped the cuttings in rooting hormone and put into pots of starter soil. I brought them to Texas, where we will plant them out in February (because January nights can be a bit too cold for them.)

Another experiment - I saved the seeds at home from all the tall perennials that will grow here - last year I set up gro-lights in the living room - will start the seeds in January & we will plant them out around the fences in the park to replace some of the volunteer trees that were sprouting (they damage the fences as they grow).

When I am not up to my elbows in side dishes for dinner, I will try to get pictures of the blue mistflower that our butterflies love. It survived the first summer thanks to my neighbor, and should be good to grow on its own by next summer. Also a tropical red salvia...

Have a great day - I am so glad you are back on the patio and tending your babies.


Good morning Elizabeth - What a lovely display of "rescues" - when I move to Texas, I have to leave mine behind in the tender care of the young woman next door. She comes weekly to water, trim and take pictures of anything unfamiliar to her.
The flowering plant is either dipladenia or mandevilla - at most garden centers the term is used interchangeably. Both vine, the flowers look the same, but mandevilla tend to have smaller leaves when young and are much more aggressive in sending long tendrils tat wind around everything. Dipladenia are much more polite and can be maintained in quite a bushy form.

I'm trying and experiment this year - when I trimmed the tropical hibiscus to bring them indoors, I dipped the cuttings in rooting hormone and put into pots of starter soil. I brought them to Texas, where we will plant them out in February (because January nights can be a bit too cold for them.)

Another experiment - I saved the seeds at home from all the tall perennials that will grow here - last year I set up gro-lights in the living room - will start the seeds in January & we will plant them out around the fences in the park to replace some of the volunteer trees that were sprouting (they damage the fences as they grow).

When I am not up to my elbows in side dishes for dinner, I will try to get pictures of the blue mistflower that our butterflies love. It survived the first summer thanks to my neighbor, and should be good to grow on its own by next summer. Also a tropical red salvia...

Have a great day - I am so glad you are back on the patio and tending your babies.

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@sueinmn, @johnbishop, and all...Hello, Sue! I've missed your fun plant posts! I've been a bit offline for a while but as you see with my rescues, my body is up and a bit more active. I didn't work with my plants for far too long...indication of health, eh?

Mandevilla!!!! Yes! I love that crazy vine, I've wanted one for my back fence, may transplant this baby from the hanging basket it's in now in the Spring. This basket has 2 different and unusual snake plants that drew me to it as well...and it was so sad when I bought it half price. I was pleased to find it and get the grouping that I really like! Good additions to my collection.

How do your hibiscus do wintering inside? I actually lost 2 lovely hibiscus early last winter in an unusually early frost for us. In November! We never have frost until January. Maybe late December. And never a hard cold or freeze then but last winter caught us by surprise. I wasn't well and all my babies had to survive on their own. Hibiscus didn't, nor a few other tropicals. Lost my 10year old Vanda orchid! Cried for her. Had planted a hibiscus at the side of my building, in ground, and while it was hurt, it survived. Potted ones died. My large ginger was damaged but came back nicely with trimming, water and love...in ground under my live oak tree.
My Crown of Thorns, I've had since a ba y about 25+ years ago, was touched but is thriving and spreading now. Same with my pony tail PM, about same age...both on patio in large pots...love them and can't stand thought of hurting them. They are truly my babies!!!!

Have a night blooming cactus that's taking off...saved from a neighbors yard after her death. It's taken 2 years for it to like its new home, but think I'll have opening in the summer. I need advice re my Christmas?? Cactus...beautiful and healthy, but no buds. Why?

I hope the rootings will do well. Bet they love Arizona. ❤️
Sounds like you're having fun in the sun. Have a lovely Thanksgiving with family and friends. My son and I enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at my church for the 1st celebration for us in 20 years! Wow...that tells you how much help we're finally getting after all these years of battling the system to find proper help. Well, Mayo came through. I'm having iv iron infusions next week that will make me a new woman! His hematologist is searching to find answers to wonky bloodwork...so we're getting great help!

Be well, my friend. Blessings. Elizabeth


This is my special friend. I share all the almonds from my mixed nuts with him. The HOA is replacing all the fences in the condos so I only see him on the weekends when the workers were not here. I give him extra rations!


Well this isn't actually outside my window, but adjacent to the sliding door. I made the table during the summer with a wooden pallet I found on one of my walks. The clock was an old one that stopped working, and I set it at 5pm because sometimes I like to say out loud, "it's 5 o'clock somewhere" even if I cannot imbibe.

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