What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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Well, not exactly outside of my window but in my front yard here are a few photos from my new Bird Buddy feeder with a camera. Wished I could upload a video since they are a little more interesting.


Well, not exactly outside of my window but in my front yard here are a few photos from my new Bird Buddy feeder with a camera. Wished I could upload a video since they are a little more interesting.

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@johnbishop, and all...John, I love this. These are wonderful pictures up close and personal. I have a friend who has a camera feeder and sends wonderful shots. She has sent a video...is it Connect that restricts the video or ??? I may get one of these feeders...
@sueinmn, and all...I'm attaching a couple of pictures of 2 rescue plants from last year that are growing like crazy or need help. I need our plant guru, Sue, for advice on some issues.
The first plant, no known name yet, has survived and is thriving, reported in Spring with new succulent soil. I water couple times weekly, lightly.
Questions: Any idea what this is?
Any thought on how it's growing?
I'm seeing small branches growing tall and think I need to trim? Stabilize? Does it need to bush more at a lower height or let it grow taller? Stake it?

The ZZ plant has grown but very slowly and stays black. Raven, I understand need moderate/low light, little watering. I water every 2 weeks sort of. It hasn't had any green color for couple months. Need more light? More or less water? Better soil? Nutrients...HELP!

Thanks, Sue. Please you or someone help me help them. Some pics won't send. Hope these help...

John. I'm chkg out that feeder. I almost hurt myself preparing for our hurricane. Jax, upper east coast of Fla., got a slight northeast over storm, no damage. I found reusable 'sand bags'i love, wish had access to them years ago. Costly but do the job, can stay in place til after H. Season, clean and store. I love it. Easy for an older woman alone to handle flooding.
All is well for now.
Hope you are all surviving the heat, ready for cool weather and surviving well.
Blessings, Elizabeth


@johnbishop, and all...John, I love this. These are wonderful pictures up close and personal. I have a friend who has a camera feeder and sends wonderful shots. She has sent a video...is it Connect that restricts the video or ??? I may get one of these feeders...
@sueinmn, and all...I'm attaching a couple of pictures of 2 rescue plants from last year that are growing like crazy or need help. I need our plant guru, Sue, for advice on some issues.
The first plant, no known name yet, has survived and is thriving, reported in Spring with new succulent soil. I water couple times weekly, lightly.
Questions: Any idea what this is?
Any thought on how it's growing?
I'm seeing small branches growing tall and think I need to trim? Stabilize? Does it need to bush more at a lower height or let it grow taller? Stake it?

The ZZ plant has grown but very slowly and stays black. Raven, I understand need moderate/low light, little watering. I water every 2 weeks sort of. It hasn't had any green color for couple months. Need more light? More or less water? Better soil? Nutrients...HELP!

Thanks, Sue. Please you or someone help me help them. Some pics won't send. Hope these help...

John. I'm chkg out that feeder. I almost hurt myself preparing for our hurricane. Jax, upper east coast of Fla., got a slight northeast over storm, no damage. I found reusable 'sand bags'i love, wish had access to them years ago. Costly but do the job, can stay in place til after H. Season, clean and store. I love it. Easy for an older woman alone to handle flooding.
All is well for now.
Hope you are all surviving the heat, ready for cool weather and surviving well.
Blessings, Elizabeth

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Hello Elizabeth - You have posed the second very challenging question for me today.
My best guess on the plant with the bulbous root is a ficus retusa or banyan tree. I guess bonsai growers love it. I know nothing else about it, other than all ficus like to dry completely between waterings, and don't need much fertilizer.
You can "read all about it" here:
It is related to the common house/tropical landscape plant the rubber plant or rubber tree, which is the only variety I have ever grown (or overgrown is more like it.)
I have 3 large plants on my patio that come in for the winter - in summer I plant trailing bacopa around them. And I have 3 growing shoots from lopping the tops off my big plants to make them bush out.
I'm afraid that without better pictures of the leaves, I can't even begin to guess what's happening. The Raven cultivar is not a plant I know, but other zz plants almost hate water, wanting to be bone dry before you water, and need "bright shade" if that makes any sense. Here is what a young woman growing this has to say:

So, now my brain must turn to "what's for dinner?"
Have a great day.


Two beautiful fawns tonight in my backyard. They were "spot" on! LOL.


Well, not exactly outside of my window but in my front yard here are a few photos from my new Bird Buddy feeder with a camera. Wished I could upload a video since they are a little more interesting.

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John, these are beautiful! My hummingbird feeder has been extra busy this week. I didn't appreciate the beauty of birds until I got much older. Thank you so much! Blessings & Prayers....


Hello Elizabeth - You have posed the second very challenging question for me today.
My best guess on the plant with the bulbous root is a ficus retusa or banyan tree. I guess bonsai growers love it. I know nothing else about it, other than all ficus like to dry completely between waterings, and don't need much fertilizer.
You can "read all about it" here:
It is related to the common house/tropical landscape plant the rubber plant or rubber tree, which is the only variety I have ever grown (or overgrown is more like it.)
I have 3 large plants on my patio that come in for the winter - in summer I plant trailing bacopa around them. And I have 3 growing shoots from lopping the tops off my big plants to make them bush out.
I'm afraid that without better pictures of the leaves, I can't even begin to guess what's happening. The Raven cultivar is not a plant I know, but other zz plants almost hate water, wanting to be bone dry before you water, and need "bright shade" if that makes any sense. Here is what a young woman growing this has to say:

So, now my brain must turn to "what's for dinner?"
Have a great day.

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@sueinmn, @johnbishop, and all...Thanks, Sue. You helped a lot. The bonsai ficus is I think my plant...although the stems growing with leaves are not thick and rough like a tree. They're thin like leaf growth and are the growing part of the plant. The stems are growing from the bulb trunks, but the trunks are slightly taller than when I bought the plant last year. It may be that's the way it's going to grow since it was being tossed by the garden and the trunks won't see much growth. The articles say it may outlive me, for crying out loud. They are said to live 50-75 years. The oldest one is 1000 years old...that's the tree living outdoors. I suppose I'll be adding it to my will now!!!!

The stems and leaves are very healthy and happy but are beginning to bend a bit as they're now about 1 1/2 feet tall, growing out of the bulb and trunks. I guess I'll wait and see how they do and let them tell me what they need...if I should trim and bush them up. I think, depending on growth from now, I'll do that next Spring. I do love this plant!

The Raven ZZ plant is as cool as the Dickens. It just isn't growing. I think one or two of the bulbs may have broken open months ago. I'm caring for it pretty well, just think I'll back off a bit on water, maybe every 2 weeks for sure, and repot in a bit larger pot. Just wait and see...
Thanks for the help. You confirmed most of what I thought, but was stumped by the lack of thicker stems for leaves. Wait and see...

Thanks for the help. My birds are coming back now but haven't seen any Woodys yet, and only a few cardinals, although they were one of the first back after the hurricane, cardinals, and chick-a-dees. I adore those little birds. I'll send pictures of the feeders soon.

Blessings all, Elizabeth


Every time I go out to water my garden, one of these lovely creatures comes over for a drink. I understand many are frightened by bees, wasps etc., but they will not bother you if you leave them alone, just like me.


Gardening is my therapy when I am not doing artwork. In fact, my garden is starting to look a bit like a succulent center, as I have this powder I can dip stalks in, place them in soil and they will root. In my mind, I want to save all of them because I cannot save myself, or rather, my doctors cannot save me, at least at this point. Gardening and art are great therapies, and while my neighbor thinks I am a nut case because I talk to my plants, we all know it has been proven that talking to plants encourages them to grow. I saw a fellow on Instagram who was growing over 50 avocado pits in jars of water. Naturally, I wanted to get into the picture, so now I have a collection of my own, 14. I suppose it is a bit much, but it is all for entertainment and distraction, which I sorely need at this point in time.


@johnbishop Love those bird pics from the Buddy feeder with camera!!!! Soooo cute! They are curious! That setup would be really fun with my squirrels, but I don’t have a private yard living in a condo.

@covidstinks2023 You have such a good heart helping your backyard animals. Keep up the animal TLC!

@vellen That’s pretty funny and cute about the grasshoppers! Bugs have personalities too.

@ess77 Can’t wait to see pics of your birdies!

@frances007 Great pic of the wasp. I also just let those and bees alone in the garden and they leave me alone. So true about talking to plants. Normally, I’m not good with potted plants, but I once had a plant on my desk at work that I talked to all the time and it just flourished. Then I left that job, put it in my kitchen window where we didn’t spend much time together and it immediately started withering away.

Love all the animals pics and stories. Please keep sharing! 🙂


Every time I go out to water my garden, one of these lovely creatures comes over for a drink. I understand many are frightened by bees, wasps etc., but they will not bother you if you leave them alone, just like me.

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@frances007 and all...
I don't care to be close to any of these fellows with stingers. We have various types nesting on the soffit, inside bushes, on fences, in door jams, all around. I rid the ones near my living areas, but others are welcome as long as they stay away!
I have the most lovely little guy, almost looks like a hummingbird, but not. Black body, purple and black wings that move oh, so fast! It's a beauty. I'll try to catch a picture but they're tough to get one you can see.
Enjoy and be blessed. Elizabeth

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