What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

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In response to Content and Well:

It's true that we really don't have seasons the way you do: it can be as cold on the beach in July as in December...or as warm! We have winter days where a sweater is all you need, but very often we wear sweaters or sweats all summer. It's rare to have a day above 70 or below 45; if the temp drops below freezing, there's real grief as houses aren't well insulated so water pipes freeze and break. We haven't had a serious freeze for over 20 years, though. I stop mowing grass sometime in November and start up again most years in March. Not having rain in summer is a new twist that we haven't gotten used to: most people have never owned hoses and sprinklers! My father had a huge garden while he was alive and never watered it, but, today, without summer rains, we do need to water occasionally. In this little town, you can go anywhere any time of year in sweats, i.e., Beach Casual.


Minnesota has it all, Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall 🙃


Minnesota has it all, Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall 🙃

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Oh my, oooh...
I would not mind moving there 😊
The squirrel is so cute, what a fab picture 💖


@joyces Fortunately not everyone enjoys the same climate or we would all be clustered in one small section of the country. I hate humidity and really enjoy the changing of the seasons. I love the beauty of newly fallen snow and the crisp, autumn air, and the riotous variety of colors it brings. We always have an influx of tourists in the fall to see the colors. We call them "leaf peepers".

I cannot imagine living anywhere other than the northeast, except possibly Washington state.

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Hi JK What about the Ozarks of Missouri? Since we are still eating two meals a day out, mostly driving 30 miles to eat since we are so far out in the country. We have seen alot of scenery with the seasons changing now. We have alot of rock formations and trees of all kinds. But in between, we see all the dairy and cattle farms with cow-calf pairs out on pastures. It is now fall calving time.
For the evening meal, we go a different way to eat so it does not get too boring but for breakfast, we go to the same diner. It starts the day off right and everyone is very friendly. We do not have to order anymore, our order is put as soon as they see us coming. Makes you feel at home.
We finally got a little rain and the pastures greened up but we are still considered in a drought area. The new Farmers' Alamac forecasts us for a wet and cold. Since Labor Day has come and gone all the tourists have left for home and all the college students have returned.
Now with Fall coming and the colors changing, we can really see how many trees have been lost along the highway. It is very sad. We lost trees in the yard even though, I mustered up enough strength to water all my trees for three weeks. But no garden this year and the weeds have taken over my asparagus bed that I work so hard to get established (was doing great). You seem to be doing great with your garden, just a little jealous.

On another note, I had an ECHO on Friday, and have not had one since the ER on March 5th. Hope it has improved and I can have my surgeries. It sure would help my git up and go that is gone. Hope you both are healthy and enjoy the Fall before the cold comes. KLH


Today, our outside view included a doe with her twin fawns walking down the middle of the street past our house. Not too sure where she was heading! Also, a squirrel in the driveway. My mini sunflowers started from seedlings have bloomed on leggy stalks, and thrill me that I was successful! A hummingbird buzzed my head as I stepped onto the porch this afternoon, no doubt headed for the torch plant with its blooms. At dusk and into the night, we are hearing lots of crickets.

Unfortunately, there is no view of the full moon, since we have smoke haze. Dang it!


Hi @hearttoheart1 Summer is quickly turning into autumn in the north woods of Wisconsin. I’m appreciating the cooler temperatures during the daytime and the crispy nights! Great for sleeping! I know you had an uncharacteristically hot summer across the ocean where you are. I hope you were able to keep cool and enjoy your summer, though I know you’re missing Michale terribly and this had to be a difficult season for you. I would expect that his passion for gardening is still bringing you joy when you see the flowers blooming and the plants growing. They have a way of reminding us of continuance and renewal of life…
I just had to share with you the little surprise I discovered one of my apple trees back home! Ripe apples and blossoms at the same time! What do you make of that!!?? ☺️

Have you been able to visit more with your granddaughters? Do you have any pictures of your garden you’d like to share?

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How kind and thoughtful of you to think of me💖 I had to check the atlas to see where Wincosin is,🤔😊
It’s so terribly far from me here in Ireland 🇮🇪
Autumn approaching,I’m just going to plant my daffodils with tulips 💐mixed through for a blast of colour when January comes around.all new for me,but gotta keep going and gives me a real purpose.Michael’s rhubarb is in abundance, so I’ve made lots of crumbles and tarts (with apples)
And are in the freezer now to have at hand if guests arrive unexpectedly ! Everything is different now.😔
Yes I’ve been to Spain to visit my daughter and granddaughters and they have been here,filling the house with laughter ,missing Grandad too, also making their own floral wreath too🌸ages 7and 8💗all of us in the greenhouse together
I had been talking about the headstone for Michael and wanted to involve them “will there be a photo of Grandad on the headstone “asked Lauren “I don’t know” was my reply “nobody will know it is Grandad if there is no photo, “she says how right she is .! So it will be her job with me , will be to choose the photo.🥰( out of the mouths of babes ,for sure) . it is now 9 months ,a fast year indeed, his first sign of esophagael cancer was 23rd September2021 .he fought so hard till the end I will relive the days until 3rd December. He had a tough 35years in the wheelchair ,dealing with his spinal cord injury too😢
Still doing my 5k walk daily with effort but it is always worth it
Being in the fresh air does wonders for the depression,keeping that and anxiety at bay.
Much love ,keep well


Today, my view includes some wet spots since it again rained a bit last night. Not enough to wash away the cat pee smell that were delivered at my garden door by some stray cat. Now the good thing about cat pee stench is erm, that errrr... hmmm... It scares away mice, that's it! Found something.

I can spot the last top snapdragon flowers that defied all drought this year. I have a bright red maple in a pot but it's not as bright as other years, it looks a bit tired. I think I should feed it but I have been too drained this year to do much gardening.

On the opposite side of my window view, and yeah that side counts as well, one cat has been dragging jalapeno peppers around (again) and the other has managed to lick open a mayonnaise jar. Number three, my Best Friend Cat, is lying on the sofa 'sleeping'.


Hi JK What about the Ozarks of Missouri? Since we are still eating two meals a day out, mostly driving 30 miles to eat since we are so far out in the country. We have seen alot of scenery with the seasons changing now. We have alot of rock formations and trees of all kinds. But in between, we see all the dairy and cattle farms with cow-calf pairs out on pastures. It is now fall calving time.
For the evening meal, we go a different way to eat so it does not get too boring but for breakfast, we go to the same diner. It starts the day off right and everyone is very friendly. We do not have to order anymore, our order is put as soon as they see us coming. Makes you feel at home.
We finally got a little rain and the pastures greened up but we are still considered in a drought area. The new Farmers' Alamac forecasts us for a wet and cold. Since Labor Day has come and gone all the tourists have left for home and all the college students have returned.
Now with Fall coming and the colors changing, we can really see how many trees have been lost along the highway. It is very sad. We lost trees in the yard even though, I mustered up enough strength to water all my trees for three weeks. But no garden this year and the weeds have taken over my asparagus bed that I work so hard to get established (was doing great). You seem to be doing great with your garden, just a little jealous.

On another note, I had an ECHO on Friday, and have not had one since the ER on March 5th. Hope it has improved and I can have my surgeries. It sure would help my git up and go that is gone. Hope you both are healthy and enjoy the Fall before the cold comes. KLH

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@kilh I never even thought about the middle section of the country! You sure make it sound appealing. I would not want to have to drive 30 miles to get breakfast or dinner on a regular basis but going to a place where everyone knows you is always special. When I was single and worked in Boston, many, many years ago, we often went to a place after work where everyone knew us.
My garden is just two plants, a tomato one and a lemon cucumber one. I have never been a gardener but my daughter started these for me so I feel as if I have an obligation to keep them healthy.

@gingerw We see so many deer here. Yesterday there was a doe on our front lawn in the middle of the day. She seemed to be alone which is unusual. She just stood there for a long time before meandering off. The deer here do not seem to have much fear of people.

@hearttoheart1 Have you always lived in Ireland? I wish I could get there someday. I am 100% Irish by heritage. My brother did some work to find out where our relatives were from. He passed away a few years ago but I imagine his widow still has it. They went a couple of times trying to find relatives. My mother's family must have been very early settlers in the United States, my grandfather was born here and since my mother would be 115 if she was still alive I can only imagine how old her father would be. I think he was one of the first Irish people to graduate from Harvard Medical. I think my father's father came here when he was very young.
I envy you being able to walk such a distance! I was able to walk a couple of miles but recently my legs have been hurting a lot, a possible side effect from a medication, and the most I have done at one time is 1.5 miles and that's pushing it.


@kilh I never even thought about the middle section of the country! You sure make it sound appealing. I would not want to have to drive 30 miles to get breakfast or dinner on a regular basis but going to a place where everyone knows you is always special. When I was single and worked in Boston, many, many years ago, we often went to a place after work where everyone knew us.
My garden is just two plants, a tomato one and a lemon cucumber one. I have never been a gardener but my daughter started these for me so I feel as if I have an obligation to keep them healthy.

@gingerw We see so many deer here. Yesterday there was a doe on our front lawn in the middle of the day. She seemed to be alone which is unusual. She just stood there for a long time before meandering off. The deer here do not seem to have much fear of people.

@hearttoheart1 Have you always lived in Ireland? I wish I could get there someday. I am 100% Irish by heritage. My brother did some work to find out where our relatives were from. He passed away a few years ago but I imagine his widow still has it. They went a couple of times trying to find relatives. My mother's family must have been very early settlers in the United States, my grandfather was born here and since my mother would be 115 if she was still alive I can only imagine how old her father would be. I think he was one of the first Irish people to graduate from Harvard Medical. I think my father's father came here when he was very young.
I envy you being able to walk such a distance! I was able to walk a couple of miles but recently my legs have been hurting a lot, a possible side effect from a medication, and the most I have done at one time is 1.5 miles and that's pushing it.

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JK, hi the start of another week. 1.5 miles at one time, I have never done that my legs would never get me home. This is probably something I should be doing for my heart. I have not been able to start cardio rehab yet but hopefully, through Mercy Virtual, I get to talk to a PT for some home exercises. A dietician for some advice on what to eat to help build muscle and maybe gain some weight and more get up and go. What do you do for exercise at home?

Looking out the car window on the way home this morning, I saw a flock of geese flying south. This seems early, the first day of Fall has not arrived yet. They sure are pretty to watch their flight. KLH


I think that I finally learned how to resize photographs so I can upload some. Here is a view outside my window, with Blue Ridge Mountains in the background. A picture of the purportedly largest magnolia tree in North Carolina in the front. And a sign outside the local Health Food Co-op. I don't know what a flying spell is but it sounds amusing.

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