What were your tumor marker results at time of stage 4 diagnosis?

Posted by ncteacher @ncteacher, Jun 21, 2023

So far, I have only the CA 19-9 and CEA results from March, when we thought we were establishing baseline info because I was (at that time) high risk for pan can. I was diagnosed at stage 4 in April. I'm curious to know where I fall anecdotally in the range of stage 4 patients. My CA19-9 was 1736 and my CEA was 13.2, both higher than normal, of course.

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My husband was CA 19-9 of 2500, which went up to 4200 after the first month of treatment and is now 28 after 15 cycles of Gemcitabine, Abraxane and Pamrevulab- the trial drug.
CEA was 195.
It is not unusual to bump up before it goes down so don’t be alarmed.
Hope your treatments go well.

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Can you please tell me more about this trial..the name..where it is available. I am interested in this as there is progression on folfoxiri for me as I just learnt Friday. I feel the cancer is winning but I am seeing so many people with success with research but I am not finding one that Inqualify for with stage 4 mets to liver and now seeing in lymph node peritoneal cavity going outside of intestine and pericardium. Before I was responding to folfoxiri. I need new treatment. I am 47 and need to live for my three k-12kids


Can you please tell me more about this trial..the name..where it is available. I am interested in this as there is progression on folfoxiri for me as I just learnt Friday. I feel the cancer is winning but I am seeing so many people with success with research but I am not finding one that Inqualify for with stage 4 mets to liver and now seeing in lymph node peritoneal cavity going outside of intestine and pericardium. Before I was responding to folfoxiri. I need new treatment. I am 47 and need to live for my three k-12kids

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Hi Patel,
Are you at a major cancer center ? They are very helpful for trials.
My husband is in the arm of the Precision Promise Trial that is Gemcitabine, Abraxane and Pamrevulab. I believe this arm is full but there are other arms existing and being added that may be even better than what was available when we signed up. Precision Promise is open at many cancer centers in the US.
My husband is also Stage 4 Mets to liver but so far nowhere else that we know of.
He has a KRAS mutation, as many do, and the hope is that by the time he goes from the trial drugs to the Folfirinix and runs that course, that the new KRAS treatments will be approved or something else will come along.
A “good” hospital is no substitute for a cancer research hospital.
God Bless you and your family and I hope you find some answers.


Please share the location of the trial your husband is in.
Thank you!


Please share the location of the trial your husband is in.
Thank you!

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Memorial Sloan Kettering
The same trial was offered to him by Perlmutter Cancer Center at NYU although we obviously don’t know what arm he would have been randomized to.


Memorial Sloan Kettering
The same trial was offered to him by Perlmutter Cancer Center at NYU although we obviously don’t know what arm he would have been randomized to.

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Thank you for sharing. I am always keen to knowing of trials for those of us that have been through the big F series and surgeries with KRAS. You never know when you may need one.
So glad we have funding for these. That’s why I will continue to raise my voice for efforts to screen for this and more than 2 gold standard treatments!


Hi Patel,
Are you at a major cancer center ? They are very helpful for trials.
My husband is in the arm of the Precision Promise Trial that is Gemcitabine, Abraxane and Pamrevulab. I believe this arm is full but there are other arms existing and being added that may be even better than what was available when we signed up. Precision Promise is open at many cancer centers in the US.
My husband is also Stage 4 Mets to liver but so far nowhere else that we know of.
He has a KRAS mutation, as many do, and the hope is that by the time he goes from the trial drugs to the Folfirinix and runs that course, that the new KRAS treatments will be approved or something else will come along.
A “good” hospital is no substitute for a cancer research hospital.
God Bless you and your family and I hope you find some answers.

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Thank you. I treat locally in the twin cities clinic and visit with mayo with scans. They offered me no studies but said to do gemcitabine abraxane but no pamrevulab
Where is this study offered. .can I find on clinical trials.gov.It feels like err they as re N oy a sd aggressive in the as many as the other could be.plz help as my ability to do eebsiye search decreases. I have kras mutation too and they tell me its in my bone s as well.


Thank you. I treat locally in the twin cities clinic and visit with mayo with scans. They offered me no studies but said to do gemcitabine abraxane but no pamrevulab
Where is this study offered. .can I find on clinical trials.gov.It feels like err they as re N oy a sd aggressive in the as many as the other could be.plz help as my ability to do eebsiye search decreases. I have kras mutation too and they tell me its in my bone s as well.

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I am so very sorry Patel. You can find the information on this study on the Precision Promise Trial but I believe the pamrevulab arm is full- it is not a cure, the pamrevulab eats through the shell of the tumor so the other drugs can work better.
When my husband started both hospitals said he might have 18 Months to live, although we are hoping to be one of those people that defies the odds. God Bless You and your family.

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