What to watch for as a caregiver after liver transplant?

Posted by Smiles @preetismiles, May 7 11:55pm

Hi, My wife (42 years) has been went through liver transplant about a month back in Mayo Phoenix. I am little nervous but curious to know what should all I know so that I can provide her excellent care and prevent any possible complications. Any advice from your own experience would be highly appreciated. -Thanks

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Make sure to stay on top of any coughs or upper respiratory issues especially early on with immune suppression higher. I made the mistake of thinking I would get better and contracted pneumonia and took a long time to recover from that. Better to ask than wait so anything that feels wrong or unusual ask team or PC. I don’t want anyone to make the mistake I did. I am seven years post transplant now and can walk miles or hike so it gets better 👍🏽🙏🏽❤️
Day by Dsy
I am down to 1 mg two times a day Blessed 👍🏽🙏🏽


Make sure to stay on top of any coughs or upper respiratory issues especially early on with immune suppression higher. I made the mistake of thinking I would get better and contracted pneumonia and took a long time to recover from that. Better to ask than wait so anything that feels wrong or unusual ask team or PC. I don’t want anyone to make the mistake I did. I am seven years post transplant now and can walk miles or hike so it gets better 👍🏽🙏🏽❤️
Day by Dsy
I am down to 1 mg two times a day Blessed 👍🏽🙏🏽

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Thanks much for the advice. She has just completed first month. Although she is doing better but on medication of CMV virus. I would definitely watch for any cough & cold systems. Appreciated ❤️


I will add one more, see a dentist more frequently for check ups. There can be long term dramatic effects on dental health from the drugs that are now required to take the rest of your life. Best to stay ahead

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Welcome, @carlcc. Are you also a liver transplant recipient? Or caregiver of a transplant recipient? I look forward to getting to know about your story.

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