What am I doing wrong? How to get a good sputum specimen for a culture

Posted by pled @pled, Nov 28, 2023

Although I have tried several times, I have not been able to submit a sputum sample that meets the qualifications for testing. In the beginning it was because I was just dry coughing all the time and I basically gave up. But recently, by using postural drainage techniques I am able to cough up mucous in the evenings. My most recent sample came back "unacceptable for culture due to oropharyngeal contamination". I'm looking for tips on how to insure that my sample can be cultured in the future. Now that I'm actually coughing productively in the evenings, I am motivated to get this job done. How are you all accomplishing this?

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@irenea8 I've tried/used both albuterol via nebulizer and inhaler, and levalbuterol via nebulizer for some time. I have not noticed any long term side effects.

For levalbuterol ask for 0.63/3ml script. Many doctors unwittingly prescribe 1.26/3ml, which makes many nervous and shaky.

Before a breathing test I might use albuterol as I think it works slightly better but day to day levalbuterol open things up with no anxiety or shakiness. It took my body a few days of getting used to it, however.


I was able to get needed specimens using a nebulizer with 7% saline solution. This was done in the Respiratory Therapy Department.

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