Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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I am Shana. Up until 2013, I was very active with hiking, hunting, fishing, running daily. Preparing to return to work as a registered nurse in a trauma center, after my littles started school. Then, while training for a Half Marathon, I hit a wall. I just couldn’t anymore. My feet became too painful to walk on, my knees inflamed and useless. I had no energy. Couldn’t get up off the couch, wanted to sleep all day. My fingers, hands, wrists wouldn’t hold a coffee cup, they hurt so badly. But I pushed through because I had 3 & 4 year old daughters home at the time. My GP sent me to a rheumatologist and she ran a ton of tests. Diagnosed me with seronegative RA, ignoring many other symptoms. Fast forward to 2021, after failing several dmards and Biologics, spending years in pain, I’m headed to the Mayo Clinic in November.

Pain control would be wonderful, but doctors don’t want to give narcotics anymore. I’ve been given 30 lortab 5/500 and they are to last me a month. “Take one a day for bad pain days.” Seriously. I take many hot baths, use ice and heating pads. I can’t do massages anymore (right now) due to pandemic. It’s so frustrating.

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If your symptoms have been ignored then the cause of your problems may have been misdiagnosed,. Some of the things you mentioned-feet, knees , etc sound like some of the things I have been suffering with. But I know the cause of my issues (never successfully diagnosed) is Lyme Disease. I contracted it in 1992 after pulling off a large engorged tick. You have been out in the woods "hiking, hunting, fishing" . If I were in your position I would be on the internet researching that possibility because very few dr.'s will test. Additionally, typical treatments are not very helpful in the long run. Antibiotics may alleviate your symptoms but do nothing to provide a complete cure.


I don't even know where to begin! I started having orthopedic issues about 30 years ago with multiple scopes done to clean up my right knee that had been injured in an auto accident. That went on to need major open knee surgery in 2005. I also have a genetic condition called Haglund's Deformity in both feet. I had surgery on my right Achilles in 2010 and just had the left one done this year - with this one, they had to remove about 6" of the damaged tendon, so the remained is stretched super tight now causing calf and knee pain. In addition, I broke a bone on the top of my foot that required surgery and also had joint damage, and broke my right ankle three years ago and have hardware in my right ankle. Some of these surgeries left unresolved issues, and all of them have resulted in major arthritis. They've also diagnosed me with arthritis in my back and shoulders as well as elbows. I have constant chronic pain body-wide. The leg/foot issues have caused not only pain in my legs when I walk or stand too long - but has now caused hip and lower back pain. Something hurts every day - sometimes multiple areas. I now use a mobility scooter for shopping or outings where I will be walking or standing for long periods. It gets very frustrating because I feel embarrassed that I'm always in pain. I worry that my friends and family get sick of hearing it, and I'm just tired of not feeling well.

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I second that emotion. Feeling sick all the time and imposing your misery on family makes life more difficult. Who wants to be the center of attention in a bad way? Family members do get tired of hearing it, but if you don't relate what is causing you not to want to do things no one knows where you are coming from. Isolating isn't it? I don't know what the answer is. To add problems with mental health in addition to problems with physical health is a burden that most people who live long enough will face. That is all I know. I wish I could offer a cure for feeling emotionally bad about how you feel physically. I live with that myself and get it.


My name is EDNA.I just join the group.I had an upper endoscopy 2 days ago.The doctor found one no bleeding gastric ulcer.She said was 7mm in largest dimension.She also took a biopsy for pylori testing.It was outpatient.I was home within 2hours of the procedure. She prescribed OmeprazoleDr. 20 mg capsule. I have not taken the med yet because the phamasist indicated that interacts with my thyroid medication .Both need to be taken in the morning on an empty stomach 30 min. Before eating.I am also eating gluten free,dairy and egg free. I am new to all this. I am 75 years old.and I only take Syntroid but I take a lot of supplements.Should I see a dietitian for an eating plan ?.Any suggestions ?.I will appreciate your comments.

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I doubt Omeprazole is the only course of action for the long term. If your pylori test comes back positive you can work with supplements and natural products that will not interfere with synthroid. Maybe one of your current supplements is just not for you. There could be a host of reasons for a gastric ulcer. Treating only the symptoms may not be in your best interests. Give your condition the benefit of research.


My name is EDNA.I just join the group.I had an upper endoscopy 2 days ago.The doctor found one no bleeding gastric ulcer.She said was 7mm in largest dimension.She also took a biopsy for pylori testing.It was outpatient.I was home within 2hours of the procedure. She prescribed OmeprazoleDr. 20 mg capsule. I have not taken the med yet because the phamasist indicated that interacts with my thyroid medication .Both need to be taken in the morning on an empty stomach 30 min. Before eating.I am also eating gluten free,dairy and egg free. I am new to all this. I am 75 years old.and I only take Syntroid but I take a lot of supplements.Should I see a dietitian for an eating plan ?.Any suggestions ?.I will appreciate your comments.

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Hello @maestra34, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @krisjb1 and other members. You mentioned your pharmacist said that there is an interaction with your thyroid medication and you have not yet taken the prescribed Omeprazole. Have you called your doctor and discussed the drug interactions? You may also want to have the doctor or pharmacist go over all of the supplements you are taking along with your current medications since they can also sometimes cause problems.


My name is EDNA.I just join the group.I had an upper endoscopy 2 days ago.The doctor found one no bleeding gastric ulcer.She said was 7mm in largest dimension.She also took a biopsy for pylori testing.It was outpatient.I was home within 2hours of the procedure. She prescribed OmeprazoleDr. 20 mg capsule. I have not taken the med yet because the phamasist indicated that interacts with my thyroid medication .Both need to be taken in the morning on an empty stomach 30 min. Before eating.I am also eating gluten free,dairy and egg free. I am new to all this. I am 75 years old.and I only take Syntroid but I take a lot of supplements.Should I see a dietitian for an eating plan ?.Any suggestions ?.I will appreciate your comments.

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Hello I would like to add that Omeperazole is not the only medication that can be used. A discussion with your pharmacist or doctor would help figure that put


Hello Shana @irishdoe, Welcome to Connect. I know it's difficult giving up activities you love due to having so much pain and that is a challenge in itself. Adding the pain and a young family and it's really hard to imagine dealing with it. I'm hoping you find some answers when you get to Mayo Clinic.

Are you going to Mayo Clinic for the Pain Rehabilitation Program? If so, you might find the following discussion helpful -- Mayo Pain Rehabilitation Program:

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I’m headed to Mayo for a “better diagnosis”. Our two younger daughters have a rare AutoInflammatory disease (genetic) called TRAPS and three of our girls have EDS.


If your symptoms have been ignored then the cause of your problems may have been misdiagnosed,. Some of the things you mentioned-feet, knees , etc sound like some of the things I have been suffering with. But I know the cause of my issues (never successfully diagnosed) is Lyme Disease. I contracted it in 1992 after pulling off a large engorged tick. You have been out in the woods "hiking, hunting, fishing" . If I were in your position I would be on the internet researching that possibility because very few dr.'s will test. Additionally, typical treatments are not very helpful in the long run. Antibiotics may alleviate your symptoms but do nothing to provide a complete cure.

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I’ve been tested for Lyme numerous times and have researched it. That’s a tough one to pin down.


I’m headed to Mayo for a “better diagnosis”. Our two younger daughters have a rare AutoInflammatory disease (genetic) called TRAPS and three of our girls have EDS.

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I hope you find some answers and help Shana. If you don't mind, can you let us know how your appointment go and you find out any additional information?


I am Shana. Up until 2013, I was very active with hiking, hunting, fishing, running daily. Preparing to return to work as a registered nurse in a trauma center, after my littles started school. Then, while training for a Half Marathon, I hit a wall. I just couldn’t anymore. My feet became too painful to walk on, my knees inflamed and useless. I had no energy. Couldn’t get up off the couch, wanted to sleep all day. My fingers, hands, wrists wouldn’t hold a coffee cup, they hurt so badly. But I pushed through because I had 3 & 4 year old daughters home at the time. My GP sent me to a rheumatologist and she ran a ton of tests. Diagnosed me with seronegative RA, ignoring many other symptoms. Fast forward to 2021, after failing several dmards and Biologics, spending years in pain, I’m headed to the Mayo Clinic in November.

Pain control would be wonderful, but doctors don’t want to give narcotics anymore. I’ve been given 30 lortab 5/500 and they are to last me a month. “Take one a day for bad pain days.” Seriously. I take many hot baths, use ice and heating pads. I can’t do massages anymore (right now) due to pandemic. It’s so frustrating.

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Hello @irishdoe, welcome to Connect. Thank you for sharing your journey thus far. I'm sorry to read of your physical set backs, especially with young children. Your story speaks to me, as I shared a similar path. I have an understanding of how frustrated you must feel.

Getting to the root cause of your pain can be a real pain in and of itself. I see you are going to Mayo for evaluation. That's awesome! I certainly hope you will gain more clarity by process of elimination.

@johnbishop referred you to a thread that I began on the Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Center (PRC). As you keep persevering to find proper diagnosis, please keep in mind the rehab center provides new direction for chronic pain sufferers. I attended last year and it was the best thing I could have ever done for myself.

I'm rooting for you Shana, and here to answer any questions, should you have them. Best of luck with your upcoming visit to Mayo. Will you please keep us posted on your progress?


I don't even know where to begin! I started having orthopedic issues about 30 years ago with multiple scopes done to clean up my right knee that had been injured in an auto accident. That went on to need major open knee surgery in 2005. I also have a genetic condition called Haglund's Deformity in both feet. I had surgery on my right Achilles in 2010 and just had the left one done this year - with this one, they had to remove about 6" of the damaged tendon, so the remained is stretched super tight now causing calf and knee pain. In addition, I broke a bone on the top of my foot that required surgery and also had joint damage, and broke my right ankle three years ago and have hardware in my right ankle. Some of these surgeries left unresolved issues, and all of them have resulted in major arthritis. They've also diagnosed me with arthritis in my back and shoulders as well as elbows. I have constant chronic pain body-wide. The leg/foot issues have caused not only pain in my legs when I walk or stand too long - but has now caused hip and lower back pain. Something hurts every day - sometimes multiple areas. I now use a mobility scooter for shopping or outings where I will be walking or standing for long periods. It gets very frustrating because I feel embarrassed that I'm always in pain. I worry that my friends and family get sick of hearing it, and I'm just tired of not feeling well.

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Hey Michael @michaelhughes welcome to Connect. My apologies for just now replying to your post. Thank you for joining the conversation and expressing yourself. You sir, have had quite the run. I'm sorry to hear of all you've been through, and the chronic pain you are left with. Please do not feel embarrassed by your need for an electric scooter. That tells me you are out of your house and not letting pain defy who you are. Way to go!

If you don't mind, I would love for you to watch a video presentation on Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS) by Mayo Clinic's Dr. Sletten. Here is the link:

I'm curious if the video speaks to you. Will you please let me know your thoughts?

Also, may I ask what steps you are currently taking to handle your chronic situations, both physically and mentally?

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