How did you wean off Metoprolol?

Posted by kenny48 @kenny48, May 11, 2018

I've been taking both flecainide and metoprolol now for eight years, as a prophylactic for Afib. I recently moved to North Carolina and have a new Cardiologist. Have had a lot of PVC's this past two months, and had to wear a heart monitor for an entire month. He said that although I had a lot of PVC's I didn't have even one PAC! He also noted that my BPM was low in the low fifties most of the time. He asked why I was taking metropolol. I told him that the only thing my previous doctor had said was " it makes the flecainide, work better". He suggested I stop taking the metoprolol to see how I do without it. Unfortunately I read a lot of information on the internet. I read that it can be very dangerous to stop taking it. I take 25 mg metoprolol succinate, split in half. Once in the morning with my flecainide, and then again in the evening for a second dose. He wants me to take half in the morning and skip the evening dose for two days, then stop entirely. Has anyone else stopped taking this drug in a similar manner? I'm worried that the cut off is too soon.

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I'm very surprised at these reports. I've been taking Metoprolol for several years now And I also take eliquis, and that's all I take. It's been evaluated several times, and my A-fib is said to be under control. Yes, I have certainly aged, but am not suffering from your symptoms. I'm surprised to see that long list. I am new to this list, so hi everybody.


I was on 25mg twice a day. While on it, I gained weight and could not get it off. I got out of breath easily. I told my doctor about it and he scheduled a nuclear stress test. The stress test found no problems except leaving my bank account a grand lighter. Not the kind of weight loss I was looking for. So, I quit taking Metropolol cold turkey a week ago. I had no issues. Maybe because I was on a smaller dose. Already, taking three flights of stairs does not leave me winded. I'm bothered by the fact my doctor discounted the side effects. Now to get the weight off.


I also was on metoprolol 25mg and flecainide 100 mg each. Managed a total of 1 month and felt so awful that I was taken off. Weaned off over 5 days with no issues.


I don't have Afib, but did have some palpations years ago, but wore heart monitors for different length of times and I don't. Toprol XL was precribed for blood pressure.


I would like to know how to reduce Toprol XL from 25 mg to 1/2 of the tablet. Toprol XL is reducing my heart beat to the low 50's and one day it was 48. I also take Losartan Potassium that my doctor increased to 50 mg a day, but can go up to 100 mg a day if needed. Even taking 1/2 tablet of Toprol XL speeds up my heart and increases my blood pressure even when I take other blood pressure pills. I feel trapped by this drug.

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Before reducing, you should consult your doctor. He or she should have advice on weaning to 12.5 mg if an issue exists. Consulting Google for a Toprol XL 25 mg pill, it shows it as white, oval tablet scored in the middle, so breaking it in half with your doctor's awareness should be easily done. Why are you taking it, I'm taking it because I'm in afib and otherwise develop fast rhythms.

I'm currently on 400 mg Metoprolol Succinate (Long Acting) taken as 200 mg twice per day. I may be put on Sotalol in the hospital and monitored for 2+ days. My point in relating this to you is that although Sotalol is a special kind of combination beta blocker and anti-arrhythmic, I'll be stopped from my 400 mg Metoprolol overnight, no taper.


I would like to know how to reduce Toprol XL from 25 mg to 1/2 of the tablet. Toprol XL is reducing my heart beat to the low 50's and one day it was 48. I also take Losartan Potassium that my doctor increased to 50 mg a day, but can go up to 100 mg a day if needed. Even taking 1/2 tablet of Toprol XL speeds up my heart and increases my blood pressure even when I take other blood pressure pills. I feel trapped by this drug.


Are you sure that your Afib did not return? Apparently some people are not aware that their hearts are out of rhythm. I don't get how that can be because it's like a huge thumping in the chest and needing to take extra breaths to get enough O2 in the system etc.. In any case, be careful. How are you going to keep your Afib at bay? You can't just expect it not to return. Something has to change. You need to be proactive. The cardiologist advised me to avoid ALL stimulants; alcohol, chocolate, Coke, any drugs or supplement with ephedrine in them, too many carbs especially sugar, being around cigarette smoke and avoiding very stressful situations. But what cured me of my serious case of Afib was exercise; pushing my heart. A walk didn't work. It had to be where I was working up a sweat. I suggest you really research and learn about your condition. My aim is to know as much as my doctor, if not more. I also cured myself of bladder thanks to my urologist. I had 28 in a row inside a 2 year period. Now gone! Become ultra informed about how your body works, reacts to meds and food and exercise etc... Good luck to you. Keep well!

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I'm new onset afib with a lifetime of PVCs that come and go. The worst PVC rate I've had is 5 per minute, the entire time I was awake, and probably when I was sleeping, 7 days a week, for a few months. Anyone experiencing PVCs for the first time should consult a doctor for advice, as should anyone that gets PVCs that suddenly have a significant increase in frequency or symptoms. I've been to the ER on several occasions over the years, better safe than sorry.

A premature ventricular contraction (PVC) occurs and almost assuredly is not felt, but there is a compensatory pause - "These pauses are long enough to balance an incomplete or premature extrasystole, thereby the short cycle and the pause together equals two regular cycles". The heart filling for an extra amount of time produces the "Thump" we feel as the extra volume is discharged.

Although with Afib I have more than my share of PVCs, most of the Afib activity initially felt like the entire top of my heart was quivering. Some of the things I thought were PVCs by the feeling in my chest are not reflected in my pulse, i.e. taking my pulse when the feeling occurs, no change in the pulse is felt, it must be occurring in the Atrium. My symptoms have gone now principally to the left atrium, or more correctly are felt in the left side only, a strong quivering. This is where 4 pulmonary veins return to the left atrium, and these pulmonary veins are often the source of the Afib. I am otherwise, at this time, asymptotic, no shortness of breath, dizziness, etc. I do get short runs of relatively fast heart beats on occasion, at rest, despite being on 200 mg Metoprolol Succinate TWICE per day, but overall the rate is fairly well controlled.


I took propranolol 10mg 4 times a day for a week. Had horrible side effects, was switched to metoprolol succinate 25mg once a day for 2 weeks, felt a little better but still many side effects, so I was on them for about 3 weeks only. I tapered down and took the last dose 6 days ago. The first day was horrible, then a little better the second, same on the third. However, I’m still having palpitations, dizziness, head feeling weird, some tachycardia (somewhat less today), weakness. I’m much better than when I was on the medication, that’s for sure. I had almost all of the side effects I could get and even ended up dehydrated in Urgent Care, also got anxiety for the first time in my life which has been horrible. So, my main question is: am I any close to the end of this road? I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to feel like myself again. I was put on this for occasional hypertension and tachycardia, which I believe was caused by stress. I would appreciate it so much if someone could help me with their experience. Thank you so much

I’m listing all the side effects I had with these medications, sorry for the long post:
✔️Blurred vision
✔️chest pain or discomfort
✔️like electrical current in head
✔️tingling, chills like on arms, back and head
✔️dizziness, or lightheadedness when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting position
✔️hair loss
✔️dry mouth
✔️hot flashes/heat intolerance
✔️unusual tiredness or weakness
✔️insomnia, nightmares
✔️soft stools
✔️difficult or labored breathing
✔️difficulty with speaking
✔️extreme tiredness or weakness
✔️fast, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse
halos around lights
✔️overbright appearance of lights
✔️lose weight
✔️seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there
✔️tightness in the chest
✔️tingling of the hands or feet
✔️troubled breathing
✔️continuing loss of appetite that got to the point when only could eat liquids
✔️continuing abdominal pain
✔️continuing nausea
dark urine
✔️difficulty with moving
✔️general tiredness and weakness
✔️increased frequency of urination
✔️muscle pain
✔️sore throat
✔️sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouth-white tongue
✔️unpleasant breath odor

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Wow!! Ive been on Metropolol 50mg XL for over a year and have gone through some nasty anxiety. But my cardiologist won't admit that it may be the cause of everything. After 3 bouts of A Fib the cardiologist put me on this stuff. Just curious have you been put on any new med since you stopped Metropolol? If so any better? Thanks


Are you sure that your Afib did not return? Apparently some people are not aware that their hearts are out of rhythm. I don't get how that can be because it's like a huge thumping in the chest and needing to take extra breaths to get enough O2 in the system etc.. In any case, be careful. How are you going to keep your Afib at bay? You can't just expect it not to return. Something has to change. You need to be proactive. The cardiologist advised me to avoid ALL stimulants; alcohol, chocolate, Coke, any drugs or supplement with ephedrine in them, too many carbs especially sugar, being around cigarette smoke and avoiding very stressful situations. But what cured me of my serious case of Afib was exercise; pushing my heart. A walk didn't work. It had to be where I was working up a sweat. I suggest you really research and learn about your condition. My aim is to know as much as my doctor, if not more. I also cured myself of bladder thanks to my urologist. I had 28 in a row inside a 2 year period. Now gone! Become ultra informed about how your body works, reacts to meds and food and exercise etc... Good luck to you. Keep well!


I weaned off Metroprolol last week. Went from 25 mg once a day to 12.5, took 12.5 mg for 3 days then stopped completely. I am on day 5 of being off and am just starting to feel normal again. I had every side effect everyone else is listing, I couldn't get out of bed, very skaky, felt faint even walking 10 feet, and Terrible anxiety (on the medication). Symptoms Slowly started to subside after day 1 off of Metro. I am so glad to be off this. Worst thing I have ever put in my body.

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