Warning!! re Cataract surgery!!

Posted by ainsleigh @ainsleigh, Aug 30, 2023

Last week I had Cataract surgery on both eyes at the same time.
I was given the wrong lens. I wanted the multifocal lens but was given ones that boost distance vision. The area needing the most help was not distance, it was close up. The doctor does not want to replace the lens for the correct ones due to increased risk but will if I insist.
The doctor and I were supposed to initial a form designating the proper lens but this did not happen. If it had been done I would have seen that they were putting in the wrong lens. Please make sure you do this before your surgery!! I will not risk more operations due to the risk
but am devastated - due to my very poor hearing, I had wanted my eyes to be as good as possible, not the case now . I will need glasses for reading.
Good luck!

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I did talk with my pulmo doctor and she said that she could order some antibiotics during the time, but antibiotics does not decrease the amount of mucus iny case. I am going to have to have it done and put my trust and faith in God.


I will be 86 in several months. My eye doctor has been saying for years that I had cataracts, but they were not ready for surgery yet. I moved and changed docs for conveniences. He said I needed the surgery 10 years ago, I. have had it scheduled twice this year but cancelled the appointments both times. I understand that while they are healing that you are not to bend over or cough. I have bronchiectasis and have to do airway clearance at least 2 times a day to get the mucus out of my lungs, That involves being ing over the sink after nebulizing meds and coughing (postural drainage.).
I am afraid of dislodging the lens, causing bleeding or whatever complications that could result from bending over and coughing. In the meantime, my vision is getting worse. I have not been able to drive at night for several years and for the past couple of years the sun in blinding. My vision is very blurred. I would like to know what others have done after cataract surgery when having to bend over. (It is not a matter of not doing airway clearance. My lungs would fill up to the point tht I could not breath if I missed a day.

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Hi @raney,

Ginger has a great idea! Your lung doctor must have had other patients like you. He must have some knowledge about it.

Best of luck to you!!! Keep us posted : )


I don’t know if I was given the wrong lenses the first time around but I just couldn’t see. The doctor kept telling me “perfect surgery” I wasn’t buying it. I was given Multifocals with a subtle hint at not having to wear glasses. That would not have been an issue. I would have been happy to not have such a high index lens.
I had the first surgery in January one week apart. From what I understand I should have never had those lenses due to severe dry eye.
Long story short I had those explanted and exchanged for monofocals offset to give good distance. I can read my ipad and phone but need cheaters for small print.
It was very risky surgery. I found a corneal specialist who did a lot of these exchanges. I am lucky, I have no scarring and 20/20 functional vision. I struggle with dry eye made worst by the first surgery .
Whatever you do DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT let them talk you into covering their mistake with laser surgery. Laser surgery will severely diminish any chance of a lens exchange. Get a second or third opinion. Even if you have to pay out of pocket it beats poor vision for the rest of your life!


I don’t know if I was given the wrong lenses the first time around but I just couldn’t see. The doctor kept telling me “perfect surgery” I wasn’t buying it. I was given Multifocals with a subtle hint at not having to wear glasses. That would not have been an issue. I would have been happy to not have such a high index lens.
I had the first surgery in January one week apart. From what I understand I should have never had those lenses due to severe dry eye.
Long story short I had those explanted and exchanged for monofocals offset to give good distance. I can read my ipad and phone but need cheaters for small print.
It was very risky surgery. I found a corneal specialist who did a lot of these exchanges. I am lucky, I have no scarring and 20/20 functional vision. I struggle with dry eye made worst by the first surgery .
Whatever you do DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT let them talk you into covering their mistake with laser surgery. Laser surgery will severely diminish any chance of a lens exchange. Get a second or third opinion. Even if you have to pay out of pocket it beats poor vision for the rest of your life!

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I am sorry to hear about your troubles. You mentioned dry eyes. I have dry eyes now and am trying to find help. Do you have a great docotr ? I live in New York. Also, what has helped your dry eyes? I wonder if mine were caused by long covid. Thanks for any help.


I am sorry to hear about your troubles. You mentioned dry eyes. I have dry eyes now and am trying to find help. Do you have a great docotr ? I live in New York. Also, what has helped your dry eyes? I wonder if mine were caused by long covid. Thanks for any help.

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I live in NY. I just switched Drs.
She switched me to xiidra. I’m not sure if it’s working yet
But boy is it expensive. I am pretty sure at my next appointment I’ll be getting punctal plugs.
At the moment I use heat compress mask, wipes and hypochlorite acid 2x daily.


I had bilateral cataract surgery in 2019; and have been extremely pleased with decision and results, but I now need laser capsulotomies due to scar tissue. Any comments/thoughts/suggestions?


I am so sorry.
I had cataract surgery when a new Dr came into the practice and my Dr had never even told me I had cataracts. I was suspicious that he was just drumming up work for the new Dr and I shouldn't have let him do the surgeries. After the surgeries, I ended up with AMD and found out that, in some cases, people who have the tendency for AMD, cataract surgery can activate it. So, this is another warning!
I have lost all faith and trust in Drs today.


I am not at all pleased with my cataract surgery. My left eye is secreting mucous and my eye was closed shut this morning. I put a warm washcloth on it to open my eye. It seems counter intuitive, but I was told I have dry eyes now, at least in the left eye which had surgery on August 1st. I do use eye drops 4 times a day, in both eyes just in case the right eye turns into this mess. At first my left eye was just "leaking" tears, but now this mucous makes it difficult to read. As for the huge amounts of money given to my optometrist and the cataract surgeon, I expected more than this and the fact that I will have to wear glasses. I finally took that prescription in on Thursday. I was told by my optometrist that I could see him at no charge for 90 days after each surgery. When I went in for my checkups on my right eye, I was told I owed $80 for my last two visits. I think there is a communication gap here. Finally, after I argued about the $80, one of the techs talked to the doctor and said they would write it off. Oh, ha-ha, wasn't the $300 for each eye's checkups enough? So, the eye surgeon gets $2200 per eye, my optometrist gets $300 for each eye and then there is the co-pay for the facility fee ($300). I obtained a copy of what the surgery center was going to send in to my insurance and they are billing $4,000 for the facility fee (an old house that was remodeled.) And, we wonder what is wrong with our health care system. I already posted about the jerk who was the anesthesiologist and did not give me enough to sedate me. My left eye has been through hell. I am sorry for this rant, but I am just so frustrated I had to make these comments. I wish better luck for all of you who are scheduled for cataract surgery. With all good wishes, @joybringer1.


I am not at all pleased with my cataract surgery. My left eye is secreting mucous and my eye was closed shut this morning. I put a warm washcloth on it to open my eye. It seems counter intuitive, but I was told I have dry eyes now, at least in the left eye which had surgery on August 1st. I do use eye drops 4 times a day, in both eyes just in case the right eye turns into this mess. At first my left eye was just "leaking" tears, but now this mucous makes it difficult to read. As for the huge amounts of money given to my optometrist and the cataract surgeon, I expected more than this and the fact that I will have to wear glasses. I finally took that prescription in on Thursday. I was told by my optometrist that I could see him at no charge for 90 days after each surgery. When I went in for my checkups on my right eye, I was told I owed $80 for my last two visits. I think there is a communication gap here. Finally, after I argued about the $80, one of the techs talked to the doctor and said they would write it off. Oh, ha-ha, wasn't the $300 for each eye's checkups enough? So, the eye surgeon gets $2200 per eye, my optometrist gets $300 for each eye and then there is the co-pay for the facility fee ($300). I obtained a copy of what the surgery center was going to send in to my insurance and they are billing $4,000 for the facility fee (an old house that was remodeled.) And, we wonder what is wrong with our health care system. I already posted about the jerk who was the anesthesiologist and did not give me enough to sedate me. My left eye has been through hell. I am sorry for this rant, but I am just so frustrated I had to make these comments. I wish better luck for all of you who are scheduled for cataract surgery. With all good wishes, @joybringer1.

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You might have a blocked tear duct. There is an easy test for this using a fluorescent dye. I recently had a post-cataract surgery blocked tear duct. It was corrected by an occuloplastic surgeon in an in-office procedure. It is a delicate area, so I would be careful regarding whom you allow to do the procedure, if needed.


I am so sorry.
I had cataract surgery when a new Dr came into the practice and my Dr had never even told me I had cataracts. I was suspicious that he was just drumming up work for the new Dr and I shouldn't have let him do the surgeries. After the surgeries, I ended up with AMD and found out that, in some cases, people who have the tendency for AMD, cataract surgery can activate it. So, this is another warning!
I have lost all faith and trust in Drs today.

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Doctors are limited in our 180-360 on our history, genes, epigenes, family…they are not gods, they just execute the best way know how…both mom & dad have dry AMD. How does an AMD specialist distribute shots to someone with dry MAD?? Well, we all need astute caregivers…being one makes me more astute. Please don’t be down on anyone, especially yourself…it is an act of god…blessings Marianne

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