Kidney cancer patients: Let's connect and introduce yourself

Posted by koke @koke, May 2, 2023

I have stage 4 kidney cancer. Taking target and immunotherapy drugs. Would love to connect with anyone who is going through the same process or has kidney cancer!

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Any/all questions are welcome. I find sharing our experiences very helpful! My dr too is very direct and tells me the truth…no nonsense and I want that! Having a positive attitude is very helpful to me! My kidney removal surgery was not bad. Mine was robotic. I was tired and sore the first week…but not painful. I made myself get up everyday and at least walk up and down the steps. Movement was good but tiring! By second week I was much better and by third, good!
I will pray the same for you!
Everyone has asked if I feel any different now that I have one kidney. I do not:)
But I do watch what I eat:). Look forward to hearing from you! Koke


Were you diagnosed Stage 4 before your radical nephrectomy?


No…as I remember, after removal, the pathology report confirmed I was stage 3. When cancer spread to lymph node attached to lung, then diagnosed with stage 4 and started target drug and IV.
So much to remember and so many changes with each process. I take each day and enjoy it…it gets overwhelming if I look too far down the road!
Feel free to ask questions…so much to understand so quickly!


No…as I remember, after removal, the pathology report confirmed I was stage 3. When cancer spread to lymph node attached to lung, then diagnosed with stage 4 and started target drug and IV.
So much to remember and so many changes with each process. I take each day and enjoy it…it gets overwhelming if I look too far down the road!
Feel free to ask questions…so much to understand so quickly!

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Yes, everything constantly changes with each test, scan, and procedure. Mine started at stage 2, but after the kidney biopsy it went to 3. After removal, CT scan on the lung mass, so I do see how it changes and nothing is really definite. It is overwhelming and stressful at times. Even more so when I’m trying to figure out employment, finances, housing, and health insurance. Let alone the ever changing hazy diagnosis and prognosis.


Yes, everything constantly changes with each test, scan, and procedure. Mine started at stage 2, but after the kidney biopsy it went to 3. After removal, CT scan on the lung mass, so I do see how it changes and nothing is really definite. It is overwhelming and stressful at times. Even more so when I’m trying to figure out employment, finances, housing, and health insurance. Let alone the ever changing hazy diagnosis and prognosis.

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For many months I struggled daily … often hourly trying to put the pieces together. I want to do everything I can do to beat this and there really is very little. Eating right, walk and or do what I can to exercise and keep a positive and very faithful mind! This has helped. I worked to get all things in order that were important to me. I really work hard to enjoy each day. I’ve had weeks of not feeling good so when I do, i am so grateful. I find praying helps me!
I’m 63, mom and grandma! I stopped working, and started ss. Nothing at all what I had planned but have mostly adjusted. My family gives me a drive to want to live as long as I can. I find sharing with others helps.


I completely agree, it’s basically out of my hands, and all I have is hope, faith, and belief.


Reading all these posts I more and more am leaning towards doing nothing and just letting nature take its course. Last year I went through radiation therapy for prostate cancer, and then just this last April after tests because of symptoms I was having I found out that I have a malignant growth on my left kidney; two cancers in a short period. Per urologist the only treatment is removal of the kidney and then adjunct medication; no guarantees of course. As I read these posts at my age of 81 I don't feel that I want to go through the recovery period, continuing tests and feeling poorly from the chemo therapy. Right now I am able to take daily walks and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, so the idea of a long recovery period and a not so good quality of life is not something I look forward to. I am scheduled for CT scan next month, and I will reassess at that time, but for now I take it a day at a time.


I had stage 3 cancer on my left kidney. The kidney was removed at Cleveland Clinic and I have received treatment there since. I am going on my 6th year fighting the cancer and have completed the last two on immuno-therapy. The cancer moved from the kidney to the lungs (I had a cancerous spot removed from the lung and no real problems since) and then to the spleen and pancreas.
Since I started the immuno-therapy two years ago, the cancer slowed and then began to shrink. I know that everyone who gets the MRIs and CT Scans every 3 months live in limbo between the test results, and I am the same. I look forward to seeing what is happening, but it all seems to be working out for me, but it is rough mentally. I have been taking Opdivo infusions every month and taking cabometryx pills every night, and the cancers seems to be shrinking.
I also have some friends who tell me they pray for me and I believe there is a great power in prayer. It is important to believe that you will beat this monster and have faith in your doctors and the Lord. Miracles happen.


Reading all these posts I more and more am leaning towards doing nothing and just letting nature take its course. Last year I went through radiation therapy for prostate cancer, and then just this last April after tests because of symptoms I was having I found out that I have a malignant growth on my left kidney; two cancers in a short period. Per urologist the only treatment is removal of the kidney and then adjunct medication; no guarantees of course. As I read these posts at my age of 81 I don't feel that I want to go through the recovery period, continuing tests and feeling poorly from the chemo therapy. Right now I am able to take daily walks and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, so the idea of a long recovery period and a not so good quality of life is not something I look forward to. I am scheduled for CT scan next month, and I will reassess at that time, but for now I take it a day at a time.

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That is completely understandable at age 81, I’m 54. So my view is a little different.


Paul, sorry to hear you are scheduled for removal of kidney.
I am scheduled for biopsy of mass on my left kidney on Aug. 14, and don't know what comes after that. I finished successful treatment for esophageal cancer tumor recently.
I had lots of side affects during radiation and chemo. Coughing up flem and being constantly tired were a few. My kidney mass was describled as 4 by 3 cm and growing. I'm curious how the size of your tumor was described?

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My surgery was moved up . I actually had it done this past Friday at Mayo / St Mary’s in Rochester MN. Ended up being a 6hr surgery. The surgeon,Dr Sharma described my tumor as being very large. 24 cm . Thank God he was able to remove it still totally intact with kidney. It’s been to say the least a very rollercoaster ride week. The first couple of days were not fun. But…. the good news is I’m
Schedule to go home tomorrow with only being here for 5!full days. Believe me, I’m still
Pretty sore when walking , but off everything but extra strength, Tylenol.

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