Wanted: Organ Transplant Recipients Who Have Been Hit By a Car

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Feb 26, 2018

"Are there any transplant recipients of any organ who have been hit by a car? How did you recover? What helped you to recover from the multiple injuries?
I am posting this discussion question on behalf of one of our members,
@glinda who has recently been hit by a car and asked me to do it for her. Due to multiple injuries, she may not be able to respond right now and can read your messages.
Your support and encouragement will be appreciated as she recovers.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


@glinda Mornin' girl. I have always been a John Wayne fan w/ Rooster Cogburn being among my favorites. Just for fun I did a painting of the Duke as Rooster. And I did have fun doing this one!!!

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@glinda Thanks girl. My other computer crashed Poor choice of words) and I am endeavoring to get art work on the new one. Always something. I cannot imagine getting a heart transplant and then being hit by a car...The irony is uncanny. Although not the least bit funny...When I read the topic...Incredulous. Again, I do keep you in my thoughts. You need spunk to deal with all of this...some prayers will not hurt either.


Good morning @glinda, do you have a window close by? One of my favorite pastimes is watching out windows to see what ever is provided in frame of the moment. I've always been an early riser and rarely sleep later than 5am. I was reminiscing yesterday about the photo I missed out of my window when I was about to drive into the office for what else – morning coffee with the office techs which is my networking time. Just when I got up and looked out the window along comes mama possum no more than 4 feet from the window. I fumbled trying to get the camera turned on and focused on her and got nada. As slow as she was walking I was even slower trying to take a picture. Well low and behold looking out the Window yesterday afternoon I see her under the bird feeder and I got the camera on and was again fiddling with the focus and she started to meander away. I was able to catch a shot of her plodding through the snow which made me smile. Unlike the nasty woodchuck, I like having a possum around because they are good neighbors:


Hoping you have a great day...


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Hi Glinda, Those critters are fun to watch! I like the squirrel's idea of sunbathing on the roof, too. I had a squirrel in my yard this morning, and the snow was deep enough that only his head was sticking out above it. It took me a while to figure out what he was. Sorry, no picture of him 🙂
I want you to know that I am really enjoying the times that I can drop in for a visit with you and all of your friends! I hope your day is going well:-) And that your progress continues to move forward.


Good morning @glinda, do you have a window close by? One of my favorite pastimes is watching out windows to see what ever is provided in frame of the moment. I've always been an early riser and rarely sleep later than 5am. I was reminiscing yesterday about the photo I missed out of my window when I was about to drive into the office for what else – morning coffee with the office techs which is my networking time. Just when I got up and looked out the window along comes mama possum no more than 4 feet from the window. I fumbled trying to get the camera turned on and focused on her and got nada. As slow as she was walking I was even slower trying to take a picture. Well low and behold looking out the Window yesterday afternoon I see her under the bird feeder and I got the camera on and was again fiddling with the focus and she started to meander away. I was able to catch a shot of her plodding through the snow which made me smile. Unlike the nasty woodchuck, I like having a possum around because they are good neighbors:


Hoping you have a great day...


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Thank you Rosemary I am progressing good but slow tomorrow p.t. and o.t. are going to try to put me in a reclining wheelchair to see how I do as I go to Rochester on friday to see the orthopedic surgeons and my transplant team I'm kinda scared though of it all I like when I can talk to you all it helps me a lot so thank you from all my heart for listening to me glinda


Good morning @glinda, do you have a window close by? One of my favorite pastimes is watching out windows to see what ever is provided in frame of the moment. I've always been an early riser and rarely sleep later than 5am. I was reminiscing yesterday about the photo I missed out of my window when I was about to drive into the office for what else – morning coffee with the office techs which is my networking time. Just when I got up and looked out the window along comes mama possum no more than 4 feet from the window. I fumbled trying to get the camera turned on and focused on her and got nada. As slow as she was walking I was even slower trying to take a picture. Well low and behold looking out the Window yesterday afternoon I see her under the bird feeder and I got the camera on and was again fiddling with the focus and she started to meander away. I was able to catch a shot of her plodding through the snow which made me smile. Unlike the nasty woodchuck, I like having a possum around because they are good neighbors:


Hoping you have a great day...


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Hello @glinda

I'm sure it must be frightening - that is understandable. Let me know how the reclining wheelchair works for you.

I will be praying for your appointments on Friday.



Good morning @glinda, do you have a window close by? One of my favorite pastimes is watching out windows to see what ever is provided in frame of the moment. I've always been an early riser and rarely sleep later than 5am. I was reminiscing yesterday about the photo I missed out of my window when I was about to drive into the office for what else – morning coffee with the office techs which is my networking time. Just when I got up and looked out the window along comes mama possum no more than 4 feet from the window. I fumbled trying to get the camera turned on and focused on her and got nada. As slow as she was walking I was even slower trying to take a picture. Well low and behold looking out the Window yesterday afternoon I see her under the bird feeder and I got the camera on and was again fiddling with the focus and she started to meander away. I was able to catch a shot of her plodding through the snow which made me smile. Unlike the nasty woodchuck, I like having a possum around because they are good neighbors:


Hoping you have a great day...


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I will definitely let you know how the reclining wheelchair goes and on my appointments on Friday it will be my pleasure to keep you informed thanks


Good morning @glinda, do you have a window close by? One of my favorite pastimes is watching out windows to see what ever is provided in frame of the moment. I've always been an early riser and rarely sleep later than 5am. I was reminiscing yesterday about the photo I missed out of my window when I was about to drive into the office for what else – morning coffee with the office techs which is my networking time. Just when I got up and looked out the window along comes mama possum no more than 4 feet from the window. I fumbled trying to get the camera turned on and focused on her and got nada. As slow as she was walking I was even slower trying to take a picture. Well low and behold looking out the Window yesterday afternoon I see her under the bird feeder and I got the camera on and was again fiddling with the focus and she started to meander away. I was able to catch a shot of her plodding through the snow which made me smile. Unlike the nasty woodchuck, I like having a possum around because they are good neighbors:


Hoping you have a great day...


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@glinda definitely making progress if they are ready to try you in a reclining wheel chair. I hope that works out for you.

I wish you the best on Friday. I am sure there is nothing to be frightened about, try to keep your spirits up.


Good morning @glinda, do you have a window close by? One of my favorite pastimes is watching out windows to see what ever is provided in frame of the moment. I've always been an early riser and rarely sleep later than 5am. I was reminiscing yesterday about the photo I missed out of my window when I was about to drive into the office for what else – morning coffee with the office techs which is my networking time. Just when I got up and looked out the window along comes mama possum no more than 4 feet from the window. I fumbled trying to get the camera turned on and focused on her and got nada. As slow as she was walking I was even slower trying to take a picture. Well low and behold looking out the Window yesterday afternoon I see her under the bird feeder and I got the camera on and was again fiddling with the focus and she started to meander away. I was able to catch a shot of her plodding through the snow which made me smile. Unlike the nasty woodchuck, I like having a possum around because they are good neighbors:


Hoping you have a great day...


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@glinda, - Glinda, Remember that this is new for you, but not for the people who are taking care of you. I think that if you talk to the caregivers, therapists, and transporters about your fears, that they respond with whatever they can to make it more manageable.

Will this be a visit as an outpatient? or will you have several days of appointments?

By the way - we are enjoying these conversations and pictures and positive vibes as much as you are:-)


It's a 1day visit crammed with appointments and tests and doctors I'm hoping and praying that I get the stitches out in my right hip and left leg on Friday as it will be over a month that I have had them in and I'm hoping to at least get out of my left brace during the day but will have tho sleep with it at night thank you so much for listening when I need to talk it means a lot to me you all are my support group and that's just what I need right now thank you so much


@glinda, I should have expected as much! Mayo is so efficient with their marathon schedule of appointments. You will sleep well after all of that, too.
That would be nice to get the stitches out. I'll cross my fingers for you;-) It would be a nice mood boost to get the leg brace off for part of the time too.

Later on, when you advance to a regular wheelchair think about how cool it could be with some shiny wheels, or maybe a red bicycle horn (like we had as kids with the rubber bulb that you had to squeeze "honk honk" ) 🙂
See you tomorrow,


It was 1 yr. after I had lost my 2nd kidney transplant when I was side swiped by another car back in 2014. The accident wasn't that bad and after giving the police our statements we all went our separate ways. I went home and told my wife about what had happened. After a shower I notice a thin abrasion over the area of the transplant. I told my wife that it was most likely from the seat belt. After a couple of hours a began to feel a very slight pain where the abrasion was and we decided that I should got to the ER. After a cat scan it was determined that my Gal Bladder had been badly damaged and had to be removed ASAP. After a 4 hour surgery and one week in the hospital I went home. I began to have some mild abdominal pain that got worse day after day. I told my wife that something wasn't right. After a week of this pain getting worse I ended up in the ER again. Another cat scan showed severe internal bleeding. Now the same surgeon that did the 1st surgery was doing this one. The 1st one was done Lapcriscopically, but not this time. This surgery was akin to a liver transplant as far as the incision goes. I was in the hospital for another 2 weeks. When having a transplant that goes anywhere in the abdomen you have to be vary mindful of seat belts whether you're the driver or passenger. There is no way to get around this other than not wearing a seat belt. I had a doctor give me a note stating that it was too dangerous for me to wear one. This was supposed to get me off the hook if I ever got pulled over, but I wouldn't recommend doing that. In the end the kidney wasn't damaged, but it didn't matter because I was back on dialysis anyway. I hope this helps, good luck......Andy

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@keggebraaten and @ lori120ann as a child safety seat tech this really interests me. As a tech we strongly discourage people from putting anything on or under their car seat straps or safety belts that hasn't been crashed tested with them. You just never know how it may hinder the way they react. I would suggest just making sure your belt is on your hips and not over your abdomen. That will keep it properly positioned and keep it off your abdomen.
I hope this helps,

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