Vitamin B complex

Posted by robyng @robyng, Nov 30, 2023

I've been doing some reading that B complex helps in alleviating peripheral neuropathy symptoms. Has anyone had any success with this? Thank you.

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I stopped taking B vitamin when I read it causes neuropathy. In fact, I stopped my statin drug, vitamin D and calcium pill. My feet feel better but still some tingling and numbness, swelling and cold feet. I'm still going to follow with my doctor and see what else she might suggest, but if there isn't a cure, will just keep up with what I'm doing. I think we have to try things that won't hurt us and rely on our own mind. Good luck.


Hello @robyng, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @daisy22 and others. You might find the following discussion helpful as Metanx is a prescription Vitamin B supplement that neurologists sometimes prescribe for neuropathy patients.
--- Metanx:

There are also quite a few other discussions on vitamin B that you may find helpful. Here's a search results link for vitamin b -


Hello @robyng, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @daisy22 and others. You might find the following discussion helpful as Metanx is a prescription Vitamin B supplement that neurologists sometimes prescribe for neuropathy patients.
--- Metanx:

There are also quite a few other discussions on vitamin B that you may find helpful. Here's a search results link for vitamin b -

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Thank you


I stopped taking B vitamin when I read it causes neuropathy. In fact, I stopped my statin drug, vitamin D and calcium pill. My feet feel better but still some tingling and numbness, swelling and cold feet. I'm still going to follow with my doctor and see what else she might suggest, but if there isn't a cure, will just keep up with what I'm doing. I think we have to try things that won't hurt us and rely on our own mind. Good luck.

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I think you are right. It is very much trial and error with each individual. What works for one may not work for another. I appreciate the input on vitamin B. I am new to my town and have an appointment on December 14th. I would definitely ask about it then.


I’ve been taking Vit B complex for over a year. For me it is a miracle. After thousands of dollars on clinical processes to address numbness tingling and pain over a 6 month period, I still had pain sensations especially at night. After researching many over the counter options and ingredients, I saw Thiamin, Vit B as an ongoing ingredient. So I get Nature Made B Complex with 2,000% Thiamin. I’ve been out of pain for over a year as a result. I understand every human body is different though, so wishing all good luck. P. S. My lab work is very healthy, I’m 74 yrs old. .


I’ve been taking Vit B complex for over a year. For me it is a miracle. After thousands of dollars on clinical processes to address numbness tingling and pain over a 6 month period, I still had pain sensations especially at night. After researching many over the counter options and ingredients, I saw Thiamin, Vit B as an ongoing ingredient. So I get Nature Made B Complex with 2,000% Thiamin. I’ve been out of pain for over a year as a result. I understand every human body is different though, so wishing all good luck. P. S. My lab work is very healthy, I’m 74 yrs old. .

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Thank you so much for your reply. I do think I'm going to try B Complex. I'll keep you posted.


Well I have been taking Vitamin B for years, but not for SFN. I used it for anxiety. I am now beginning to believe the Vitamin B was also helping the SFN. I use the sublingual type.


What is the name of the vit b you take ?


I stopped taking B vitamin when I read it causes neuropathy. In fact, I stopped my statin drug, vitamin D and calcium pill. My feet feel better but still some tingling and numbness, swelling and cold feet. I'm still going to follow with my doctor and see what else she might suggest, but if there isn't a cure, will just keep up with what I'm doing. I think we have to try things that won't hurt us and rely on our own mind. Good luck.

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Statins can cause neuropathy. I've not read that about vitamin B. I have read that some people can't tolerate B6.

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