Vitamin B complex

Posted by robyng @robyng, Nov 30, 2023

I've been doing some reading that B complex helps in alleviating peripheral neuropathy symptoms. Has anyone had any success with this? Thank you.

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What is the name of the vit b you take ?

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Statins can cause neuropathy. I've not read that about vitamin B. I have read that some people can't tolerate B6.

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I have read about the possibility that statins can cause neuropathy. I'm wondering about that, because I am on lipitor.


I take Spring Valley B12 5,000 mcg. You think that could be making my SFN worse? For the first time, last night I woke up and my arms were hurting.


My Neurologist has me on B12, B2, B3 & B5 supplements for PN (mainly in feet) but not a B-Complex because my B6 is 3xs what it should be. Something you may want to have checked.


Thank you! I absolutely will. I recently relocated and have an appointment with my new Primary next Thursday.


I’ve been taking Vit B complex for over a year. For me it is a miracle. After thousands of dollars on clinical processes to address numbness tingling and pain over a 6 month period, I still had pain sensations especially at night. After researching many over the counter options and ingredients, I saw Thiamin, Vit B as an ongoing ingredient. So I get Nature Made B Complex with 2,000% Thiamin. I’ve been out of pain for over a year as a result. I understand every human body is different though, so wishing all good luck. P. S. My lab work is very healthy, I’m 74 yrs old. .

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Thanks for the information! I will find and try the B complex with thiamin😎


My Neurologist has me on B12, B2, B3 & B5 supplements for PN (mainly in feet) but not a B-Complex because my B6 is 3xs what it should be. Something you may want to have checked.

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Thanks for sharing. How much of each B supplement has your neurologist advised you to take?
I too have had very high B6 level, and by stopping B6, the level has dropped well within the acceptable range. My functional medicine doctor still does not want me to take any B6 supplements and to get it from food only.


I currently take, 1000mcg B12, 50mg B2, 500mg B3 & 500mg B5 at the direction of my Neurologist whom has done extensive lab work to come to this conclusion. Also have follow up labs to make sure still needed. I try to keep the B6 down. Best to you!


I currently take, 1000mcg B12, 50mg B2, 500mg B3 & 500mg B5 at the direction of my Neurologist whom has done extensive lab work to come to this conclusion. Also have follow up labs to make sure still needed. I try to keep the B6 down. Best to you!

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Thank you. Does your neurologist periodically check your B6 level? When it reaches a certain level, would you take B6 as a supplement again? I have read that B6 is also good for nerves too. I have a formula from Nervitalize that I was taking. It has 4 mg of B6. My last test for B6 had dropped to 45.


I currently take, 1000mcg B12, 50mg B2, 500mg B3 & 500mg B5 at the direction of my Neurologist whom has done extensive lab work to come to this conclusion. Also have follow up labs to make sure still needed. I try to keep the B6 down. Best to you!

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Have you experienced actual relief with this regimen?

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