Using the Smartvest

Posted by lvalenti @lvalenti, Jul 7, 2023

I recently started using the Smartvest along with nebulizing Albuterol, sodium chloride, Arikayce and using the aerobika. It is very time consuming and I’m interested to know from anyone else doing the same what order they are using and how they are managing it all. Thank you.

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@ncalvan NAC is thought to help break up mucus. Lately, I take NAC together with mucinex with lots of water before albuterol and then clearance. You can read about it here:

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How long do you wait after taking Mac and mucinex before you start Albuterol


How long do you wait after taking Mac and mucinex before you start Albuterol

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You don't need to wait if you take the extended release Mucinex and the NAC twice a day. They stay in your system helping full time.


What can you take if you can’t get sputum up? I use nebulized saline and airway clearance device but nothing comes up


You don't need to wait if you take the extended release Mucinex and the NAC twice a day. They stay in your system helping full time.

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Thank you; do you mean mucinex 12 hour which is 600 mg or 4-hour- 400mg twice a day plus NAC 600mg. I just started NAC today before albuterol and saline solution- i must try because i cough, some, but do not produce any no matter how hard I try.


Thank you; do you mean mucinex 12 hour which is 600 mg or 4-hour- 400mg twice a day plus NAC 600mg. I just started NAC today before albuterol and saline solution- i must try because i cough, some, but do not produce any no matter how hard I try.

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Mucinex (original) 600 mg extended release or a generic equivalent. You want just guaifenesin.


My ID Dr told me pain is not a symptom of MAC . Well , it is for me

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The rib pain definitely related to vest use in me. When I stopped the pain disappeared. I was getting shooting pain, crazy sensation. From what I can tell vest use is more effective/useful in young patients.


Mucinex (original) 600 mg extended release or a generic equivalent. You want just guaifenesin.

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Thank you, I was using 400 mg which is probably not enough and yesterday switched to 600 12-hour morning and night. my question is do you take it on an empty stomach and then nebulize?


Thank you, I was using 400 mg which is probably not enough and yesterday switched to 600 12-hour morning and night. my question is do you take it on an empty stomach and then nebulize?

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It doesn't matter when you take it, and whether or not you have food as long as it is twice a day, roughly 12 hours apart, it constantly serves to thin the mucus. What is important with Mucinex and NAC is plenty of water - I drink a full glass when I take my meds morning and evening, as well as plenty throughout the day.
I have taken guaifenesin for close to 40 years, and it seems to have very few side effects, isn't known to interact with other meds, and you don't seem to become resistant and need higher doses.


It doesn't matter when you take it, and whether or not you have food as long as it is twice a day, roughly 12 hours apart, it constantly serves to thin the mucus. What is important with Mucinex and NAC is plenty of water - I drink a full glass when I take my meds morning and evening, as well as plenty throughout the day.
I have taken guaifenesin for close to 40 years, and it seems to have very few side effects, isn't known to interact with other meds, and you don't seem to become resistant and need higher doses.

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What is NAC? Thanks.


It doesn't matter when you take it, and whether or not you have food as long as it is twice a day, roughly 12 hours apart, it constantly serves to thin the mucus. What is important with Mucinex and NAC is plenty of water - I drink a full glass when I take my meds morning and evening, as well as plenty throughout the day.
I have taken guaifenesin for close to 40 years, and it seems to have very few side effects, isn't known to interact with other meds, and you don't seem to become resistant and need higher doses.

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Regarding the Mucinex and NSA dosage, when taking 2x daily do you ever stop clearing your throat or coughing up phlegm? I go on and off of Mucinex but am wondering if I should take it daily? I use my vest 2x daily and nebulize 2x daily with 3%. I produced a lot of phlehm throughout the day and with Mucinex even more. I would really like to control the coughing and dry up the phlegm. I understand the importance of getting it out of my lungs and airways but just need a break from the constant cough. Thanks for any and all advice.

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