Tymlos causing belly fat?

Posted by kaa1 @kaa1, Jun 3 6:23pm

I’m on Tymlos for about 2 1/2 months now. I’m not usually concerned about my weight. I stay pretty stable. I’ve noticed that my belly seems to be getting fatter. Has anyone experienced this belly fat situation from Tymlos? Is there anything I can do about it? Why is it happening? Thanks for any input.

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Radius pharmacy should know because they have documented it in the men. It is a known side effect. But someone wrote that it goes away after stopping. I asked for a scientist liaison to be assigned as a radius told me I could m. We shall see! I’ll ask!


Yes, I also have belly fat that I never had (I am 73). I'm not worrying about it for now, because it seems to help make the Tymlos injections painless. Also, my doctor said it was mainly thin women (under 125 lbs) who get osteoporosis, so I am less concerned about keeping my weight down. All my life I have been 120 or under, so now I actually shoot for 125 or slightly above. Also, for decades I minimized protein intake and now realize I shot myself in the foot for bone health. I was getting around 25 grams a day and now I am supposed to get 25 grams per meal, which is not easy. I believe had I ingested 75 grams a day for all these years, I would not be where I am with a bone density score of -5.1 (I was a vegetarian who did not eat dairy).

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Don't be so sure increased protein would have prevented your osteo. I consumed well over the recommended protein amount (and plenty of dairy plus calcium/Vita D) daily for decades, along with a ton of weight training and other weight bearing exercise. Did not matter - still was diagnosed with osteoporosis. If you're 50+, it's often from estrogen loss post -menapause or genetic or both.

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