Treatment for chronic Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)

Posted by cummings3 @cummings3, Jan 23, 2017

My son has been suffering with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) for over a year. I have taken him to an immunologist and infectious disease doctor with no answers. He is always tired and never feels well. He has relapsed with Mono twice in the last 10 months.

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After Covid Vax from Pfizer, I had the worst flare from my UC. I never had to take steroids before, but they put me on Entocort . I was diagnosed with mono as a kid, which often is caused by Epstein B Virus. Even after the flare remission, I have been exhausted. I work, but feel like a century old after work. Had RUQ pain and found out it's my gallbladder. During the MRI we found my liver is enlarged. FibroScan performed and no fat, so not a fatty liver. Thought about the days when I had mono and how I'm that fatigued. Palpated my back for pain and sure enough my spleen is really sore to touch. That's left side of back by rib cage. I'm going to start my L-lysine, NAC, multivitamin, with extra vitamin C. L-lysine you just can't go wrong taking it. It works on all herpes family of viruses and Epstein B is right there.

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Try lauricidin
Story here is same.
Vacc, prednisone réactivation of a bunch of stuff panic and then unlike you I did something stupid to help myself and messed myself up real badly
Anyway try lauricidin
Start super low.
Love you


Try lauricidin
Story here is same.
Vacc, prednisone réactivation of a bunch of stuff panic and then unlike you I did something stupid to help myself and messed myself up real badly
Anyway try lauricidin
Start super low.
Love you

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Vit D


I got Covid when I was 4 months postpartum with my only child. It was an incredibly stressful time and the Covid reactivated Epstein Barr virus. I have been ill for 16 months. It has caused Hashimoto’s and celiac. All most doctors have wanted to do was put my on levothyroxine and call it a day. I found a functional medicine doctor who has given me neurological exercises and put me on a homeopathic protocol specifically for Epstein Barr Virus. He also has me taking a repairative digestive powder in the morning and at night (glutamine, aloe, ginger, etc), monolauric acid, l-lysine, IV glutathione, a supplement to support my B-cell/th2 response (my autoimmune response is Th1 dominant), vitamin D and a cream that absorbs through my skin and supports my adrenals during the day as well as another supplement to support my adrenals at night. They have me on an autoimmune paleo diet during this 8 week protocol, after which we will be adding eliminated foods back in one at a time. They have told me that gluten is often not okay for anyone with autoimmune issues or chronic epstein barr virus to consume again because it is so inflammatory. Since Covid, there has been a huge increase in reactivated Epstein Barr virus. EBV is the root cause of many adult chronic health problems. My best suggestion for others suffering from this - find an experienced functional medicine doctor with knowledge on EBV in your area. Since starting the protocol my body has been purging. It is not easy but I have a young daughter and I want to be there for her, I want to raise her. The goal is to get the EBV to go into latency again. Stress management, good sleep, nutrition and detox are all part of maintenance once the chronic reactivated EBV is addressed. If it is never addressed, it will continue to wreak havoc on you. Look into Dr. Kharrazian’s books for good info. Good luck on your journey!

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Yeah that was my protocol for three years (well slowly built, monolaurin saved me) then I got the vaccine because I thought I was strong enough then all hell broke loose with the booster then o made a huge mistake.

But yeah, monolaurin was my friend for two years. Cleaned me top to bottom, I had to take it so slow. And when I added the gut powder because I was finally strong enough to tolerate it it was a game changer even though I took very little.
Oh I missed those days.


Hi all! I'm new here and so glad I found this group. I am 55, had mono in HS and never thought twice about it after that, except to say I never felt quite the same after it, especially in relation to fatigue, need to nap, etc. Last year I had a physical due to extreme fatigue and low energy. My EBV IGg came back at 152! My general M.D. said it just indicated a "flare" of old EBV/mono markers, most likely due to stress or another infection or virus, and that it was nothing to be concerned about. This year I had another physical and now my IGg number is 192. I am healthy otherwise but I do experience fatigue and the need to nap in the afternoons. My vitamin D level and all other bloodwork on general panel is normal (white/red blood cells, etc). However, I am concerned and wondering if I should seek out the opinion of an infectious disease specialist? I do not take any multivitamins, I am past menopause by 11 years now (had that early!) I am normal weight and exercise regularly. Any thoughts?? The IGg is the only EBV element that was done in my bloodwork. Thank you!


Hello @cummings3,

I'm sorry to hear about your son's diagnosis, but I'm so glad you chose to come to the Connect community to seek support and get some answers.

For now, I'd like to introduce you to @jenchaney727, @suesiegel, @arriba, @aman_23_23, @copiela, @jatl, @cheryldotson, who have all discussed Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), and I sincerely hope they will return with some more insight.

Here is some more information from Mayo Clinic:

@cummings3, chronic fatigue is one of the symptoms of this condition; could you tell us a little more about your son? How old is he? What other symptoms does he have?

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I am new to this, I have been dealing with Chronic EBV for 9 months. God bless you all that have been dealing with it for years. I am already frustrated with it. On top of having EBV I also have fibromyalgia that I have been dealing with for 10 + years. I am looking for anything that will help.


Hi All, I got EBV mono last April 2022 and have been bugging my doctors to retest for awhile now. I finally got a doctor to do it and I tested positive again. I’ve been super worried because I heard chronic ebv can be life threatening. My doctor thinks it’s an acute infection but no real answers so far. My IGM and IGG are even higher then when I first got it last year. Anyone had this happen and know more about what I should do? I put in a referral two weeks ago and still waiting for a call from infectious disease specialist. I feel hopeless and like I should try a naturopath or something. Any suggestions?


Hi All, I got EBV mono last April 2022 and have been bugging my doctors to retest for awhile now. I finally got a doctor to do it and I tested positive again. I’ve been super worried because I heard chronic ebv can be life threatening. My doctor thinks it’s an acute infection but no real answers so far. My IGM and IGG are even higher then when I first got it last year. Anyone had this happen and know more about what I should do? I put in a referral two weeks ago and still waiting for a call from infectious disease specialist. I feel hopeless and like I should try a naturopath or something. Any suggestions?

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How are you doing, @milanocookie? Did you get to see an infectious disease specialist?


I have high EBV antigens, 449.0 result. Drs are not concerned,. they just run tests without any care when test results are abnormal. I have no idea what is cuasing this result, but I suspect caused by virus. I did notice taking famcyclovir reduce level of EBV antigens and Im going to ask post covid dr to restart the famcyclovir. My liver ALT is 56 and always high now. Liver MRE shows NASH on report drs says fatty liver.


This is a frustrating virus. I was diagnosed in March 2023 but suspect it’s been around a while due to the chronic fatigue I’ve experienced since I had mono 40 years ago. Glands would swell up occasionally, but the fatigue was the worst part.

I’ve seen Functional Medical provider (who tested and diagnosed this). My PCP also tested and I saw infectious disease who tested. No one has been able to help or quite frankly, seems to care.

I’m trying to understand what this virus is and why so many people are affected by it and why no good treatments are available. I’m at a point now where I’ve lost a lot of weight and had to retire early due to worsening brain fog and fatigue. I also developed severe insomnia and get night sweats. I have a poor quality of life. I do all the right things to try and beat this. I cut out all alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, sugar, I take supplements, Vit C infusions when I can afford, take Lauracidine, acupuncture. I don’t take any medications. Not even Tylenol. to try and help my body heal. Nothing works.

I’m part of some forums where I read about others going through the same thing. They get diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and Fibro which is what I’ve been diagnosed with which seems to mean nothing. All mystery illnesses with no cure that take over and wreck your life. Things also got very bad for me after I contracted Lyme about 3 years ago. Lyme exasperated my symptoms, but Lyme also seems to mean nothing to doctors. All mystery illnesses.


This is a frustrating virus. I was diagnosed in March 2023 but suspect it’s been around a while due to the chronic fatigue I’ve experienced since I had mono 40 years ago. Glands would swell up occasionally, but the fatigue was the worst part.

I’ve seen Functional Medical provider (who tested and diagnosed this). My PCP also tested and I saw infectious disease who tested. No one has been able to help or quite frankly, seems to care.

I’m trying to understand what this virus is and why so many people are affected by it and why no good treatments are available. I’m at a point now where I’ve lost a lot of weight and had to retire early due to worsening brain fog and fatigue. I also developed severe insomnia and get night sweats. I have a poor quality of life. I do all the right things to try and beat this. I cut out all alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, sugar, I take supplements, Vit C infusions when I can afford, take Lauracidine, acupuncture. I don’t take any medications. Not even Tylenol. to try and help my body heal. Nothing works.

I’m part of some forums where I read about others going through the same thing. They get diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and Fibro which is what I’ve been diagnosed with which seems to mean nothing. All mystery illnesses with no cure that take over and wreck your life. Things also got very bad for me after I contracted Lyme about 3 years ago. Lyme exasperated my symptoms, but Lyme also seems to mean nothing to doctors. All mystery illnesses.

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Have you had a CT scan done? I went through something similar and through a CT scan they discovered enlarged lymph nodes throughout my body. Had bone marrow and lymph node biopsies and tons of different blood work. Never remember having mono but somehow the EBV virus was reactivated and affected my liver and spleen. Lost a lot of weight suddenly and had two bouts of jaundice. Hope you get this resolved. It took many hematologists to figure my case.

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