Trazodon withdrawal

Posted by kratz5 @kratz5, Oct 16, 2023

Took Trazodone as sleep. Has anyone taken it and then stopped ? Was there any withdraw effects ?

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I tried it for a while. It didn't help much, just made me groggy the whole next day.

The only side effect from stopping was relief.


It saids for depression and also as a sleep aid. I have taken for sleep for several years. I have had a horrible cough at night for years. Well, I stopped taking it and I haven't coughed since. Go figure. That's why I was wondering if anyone else had used it and stopped as I have stopped and was afraid there might some effect.
Thank you for your reply.


It saids for depression and also as a sleep aid. I have taken for sleep for several years. I have had a horrible cough at night for years. Well, I stopped taking it and I haven't coughed since. Go figure. That's why I was wondering if anyone else had used it and stopped as I have stopped and was afraid there might some effect.
Thank you for your reply.

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I was put on trazodone 150mg for sleep about ten years ago. It worked pretty well and no side effects, so I stayed on it. As I got older it started to have an effect on my bladder control. I only had this problem about an hour after taking it, so I know it was the culprit. Anyway, I decided it was time to get off it and found out the hard way you have to wean off this med, low and slow. I have been cutting down by 25 mg every couple of months and am now down to 50 MG, ready to drop to 25. Like any med, I suppose your withdrawal will depend on the dose and length of time you've been taking it. Best of luck.


I took it for years. Then I decided to get off of it. After consulting with my psychiatrist he said it was ok to go off of it cold turkey. Well, I followed hid advice and for exactly seven days I had withdrawal in the way I felt my entire body was vibrating inside. Terrible feeling and disruptive to my activities of daily living.


I have been taking trazodone for 33 years. Several times over the years I have stopped taking it for as long as two months I think. Besides not being able to sleep, I noticed I felt itchy all over and that was the only withdrawal side effect for me. Of course, after taking trazodone for this long, it doesn’t work very well unless I don’t take it every night. So I’ve been skipping a few nights each week when I don’t have anything I really need to do the next day I am getting by on 25-75 mg nightly.


I took Trazodone for years. I had terrible leg and feet pain every night for years too that I kept telling Drs about. Of course they just blew it off, one made the remark "So I guess you're wanting painkillers right?" No, I would like to know what's causing it and fix it, still just blew me off. It stopped working for seep so I started something else. A few months later I ran out of the new pills so took a left over Trazodone. OMG, THE PAIN! It was unbearable and went on till the next afternoon. I realized that Trazodone had been making my leg pain 100 times worse than it was without it. All those years of horrible pain every night, getting blown off everytime I tried to get help for it and turns out it was caused by taking this one pill. I have RLS but its very mild, don't have pain every night but that Trazodone really made it so much worse, many nights I cried myself to sleep. I went to Quetiapine after that for a few years. I've had serious problems thinking, processing, confusion, feel like I've had a blanket over my brain, I recently figured out it was the quetiapine causing that. I told my Dr I want to switch to something that is specifically for sleep. No more of these psych drugs to solve my sleep issues, the number of problems they have caused is no different than if I've had yet another debilitating health condition, I'm not going through this anymore simply because actual sleep medication maybe addictive. The side effects have been just as bad if not worse and have also been addictive going through withdrawal to get off them. I don't see how it makes any sense to try and replace drugs made for sleep issues with drugs that in some cases have dozens of side effects and also can be addictive. It's not worth the risks or what they put patients through.


I use Trazodone for sleep, .50 half an hour before bed. It has helped me immensely. I have had no side effects and no sleep hangover.


I use Trazodone for sleep, .50 half an hour before bed. It has helped me immensely. I have had no side effects and no sleep hangover.

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I have been on Trazadone, for more years than I can remember. 150mg, presently, no problems at all. I have many, many medical conditions, and it helps me sleep extremely well.


I use Trazodone for sleep, .50 half an hour before bed. It has helped me immensely. I have had no side effects and no sleep hangover.

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Thank you !!!


Trazadone and balance?

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