Transplant News and Events

Posted by Kristin Eggebraaten @keggebraaten, Feb 20, 2018

Hello everyone!
Many events are held each year and many news stories are published that may interest the transplant community. We thought it might be nice to let people know of some of these events and stories, even if they may not apply to everyone. In this discussion, feel free to post events and news stories that might be of interest to transplant patients, caregivers, or donors.

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What events are you looking forward to?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


There is an informal zoom support group for all pre and post transplant patients (and caregivers and supporters) that meets every Wednesday at 6pm Pacific time (9pm Eastern time). It is patient led by post transplant patients who share their experiences and tips for dealing with issues affecting transplant recipients and donors. Info and link below

MAY 15TH AT 6:00pm

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Thanks for posting this, @gratefulbob. I moved your announcement to the discussion titled:
- Transplant News and Events

Can you tell people a bit more about the origins of the group? Who leads it? Is there a place to register for upcoming meetings? Do you have guest speakers or is it more like a coffee-hour exchanging experiences, tips and support?


There is an informal zoom support group for all pre and post transplant patients (and caregivers and supporters) that meets every Wednesday at 6pm Pacific time (9pm Eastern time). It is patient led by post transplant patients who share their experiences and tips for dealing with issues affecting transplant recipients and donors. Info and link below

MAY 15TH AT 6:00pm

An event for kidney transplant patients, caregivers and family members! Learn how to start the transplant process, find out what to expect throughout the journey, and hear stories from recipients and living donors who have been there. This in-person event will be held April 28th in Minneapolis. We realize not everyone can attend in person - watch for further remote events with similar information coming in the future!

Shared files

BABG Flyer 4 (BABG-Flyer-4.28-1.pdf)


@arty12856, I agree that chatting with others about how to manage health as we agecan be a positive and motivating experience with the personal reward that comes with learning from/and helping others.
I remember when you responded, "Yes it is" in the group discussion: Is a kidney transplant worth it?

The Transplant Support Group has many questions that are waiting for your experience:

Did you have your transplant in Rochester and be able to attend the on-line group?
I am interested to connect you with other patients. What are your current health concerns that you feel are forgotten?

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We found it so hopeful to your: “ yes it was worth it”, to us that’s very encouraging. Thank you.


Please don’t feel forgotten, we are just beginning the process and knowing you got thru the transplant alone is hopeful for us. Hope u keep sharing, Praying for u.


Being a senior with a chronic (long-term kidneytransplant) illness and navigating a healthcare system that has seem to forgotten about us, i.e., not being abe to speak to my doctor when have an urgent matter, making decisions without much guidance, etc. thanks. love to chat with others!

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@arty12856, I agree that chatting with others about how to manage health as we agecan be a positive and motivating experience with the personal reward that comes with learning from/and helping others.
I remember when you responded, "Yes it is" in the group discussion: Is a kidney transplant worth it?

The Transplant Support Group has many questions that are waiting for your experience:

Did you have your transplant in Rochester and be able to attend the on-line group?
I am interested to connect you with other patients. What are your current health concerns that you feel are forgotten?


Being a senior with a chronic (long-term kidneytransplant) illness and navigating a healthcare system that has seem to forgotten about us, i.e., not being abe to speak to my doctor when have an urgent matter, making decisions without much guidance, etc. thanks. love to chat with others!


I would like to, but it looks like I have a business appointment that will conflict. Thanks for asking.

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That's same as me, cannot do it this time. I really would love to be there, though. Maybe another time!
Hope you are feeling well and your kidney is doing well. I'll look for you in the Transplant
Support Group here on Connect.


@m1rmiller, You are absolutely correct that new Mayo Rochester support group is an on-line group. I applaud you for catching this.
I was actually replying to the post from Jan 8, about the Patient Oicnic, I am sorry for the confusion.

Will you be attending the online support group next week?

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I would like to, but it looks like I have a business appointment that will conflict. Thanks for asking.


Isn't it an online meeting?

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@m1rmiller, You are absolutely correct that new Mayo Rochester support group is an on-line group. I applaud you for catching this.
I was actually replying to the post from Jan 8, about the Patient Oicnic, I am sorry for the confusion.

Will you be attending the online support group next week?

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