Transplant: BK Virus

Posted by hello1234 @hello1234, Aug 12, 2022

Hi all,
It's Friday night at 7:45pm and I just received an email notification from my local lab that my BK virus test came back positive. I am a two year post kidney transplant patient. Does anyone have any experience with BK virus? I had the CMV virus eight months after my transplant which is now resolved. But I am not familiar with BK and how it is treated, etc?
Thanks everyone!

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Good afternoon @cmael and @leahdrose and everyone following this discussion! 😊
I have EXCELLENT NEWS to share! I just received an email notification from Labcorp that one of my lab tests from Monday is complete.
When I logged into the portal, my BK virus load was 100 points less than two weeks ago.
So it's moving in the right direction finally!!! (not like last week).
I was dancing around my kitchen and I thought about @cmael and @leahdrose ....I wanted to share the news ASAP!!
THANK YOU for being so wonderful to me. You are true friends and I appreciate it more then you know!
P.S Leah, don't forget to share your blood work news on Friday. Hopefully, our Mayo Connect Transplant family will all continue to celebrate our lab work results together in the coming weeks!

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So happy for your improved labs! Dance, celebrate and enjoy!


Good morning @jackiez
Thanks so much for the good wishes...I am definitely dancing this morning! How did everything go yesterday at Mayo with your procedure? Will you know the results today or tomorrow during your doc appointment?


@jackiez I just read your awesome news on "Life is good!" post......No sign of rejection! Now YOU can dance and celebrate too!
We all have good news to share today 😊


@jackiez I just read your awesome news on "Life is good!" post......No sign of rejection! Now YOU can dance and celebrate too!
We all have good news to share today 😊

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Yes we do! Always good to get over these little bumps in the road. Full speed ahead now!


Good afternoon @cmael and @leahdrose and everyone following this discussion! 😊
I have EXCELLENT NEWS to share! I just received an email notification from Labcorp that one of my lab tests from Monday is complete.
When I logged into the portal, my BK virus load was 100 points less than two weeks ago.
So it's moving in the right direction finally!!! (not like last week).
I was dancing around my kitchen and I thought about @cmael and @leahdrose ....I wanted to share the news ASAP!!
THANK YOU for being so wonderful to me. You are true friends and I appreciate it more then you know!
P.S Leah, don't forget to share your blood work news on Friday. Hopefully, our Mayo Connect Transplant family will all continue to celebrate our lab work results together in the coming weeks!

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Hello @hello1234
Glad to hear BKV issue has been overcome & Congratulations
I am curious.. during the entire BKV episode how were the creatinine numbers doing
Can you share the info.


Hi @l0lag0lag0b3 😊
Great to hear from you, thank you! My BK viral load improved last week so I am excited and hopeful that it's now going the right direction. That said, my BK virus is not resolved and won't be for a while.
I have been warned that BK takes months and sometimes up to a year to finally resolve and turn negative.
It's a long process because my impaired immune system needs to fight the virus.
Every two weeks, I will have my labs done to monitor my kidney function and track my BK viral load.
Hopefully, everything continues to go well and I will ultimately post a "negative" BK viral load. Then, we can truly celebrate!
BK virus is a concern for kidney transplant patients because it can cause rejection as well as some other not great outcomes.
I am only about 3 weeks into this BK journey, so I will definitely keep you posted as I learn more!
Thank you again @l0lag0lag0b3 for checking in.


Hi @l0lag0lag0b3 😊
Great to hear from you, thank you! My BK viral load improved last week so I am excited and hopeful that it's now going the right direction. That said, my BK virus is not resolved and won't be for a while.
I have been warned that BK takes months and sometimes up to a year to finally resolve and turn negative.
It's a long process because my impaired immune system needs to fight the virus.
Every two weeks, I will have my labs done to monitor my kidney function and track my BK viral load.
Hopefully, everything continues to go well and I will ultimately post a "negative" BK viral load. Then, we can truly celebrate!
BK virus is a concern for kidney transplant patients because it can cause rejection as well as some other not great outcomes.
I am only about 3 weeks into this BK journey, so I will definitely keep you posted as I learn more!
Thank you again @l0lag0lag0b3 for checking in.

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Hello @1234
but during all this I am hoping the kidney function is steady & Stable
Best Wishes


At 3 weeks in, there are no signs of kidney function problems from the BK.... I am hopeful it stays that way too. Thank you for all your good wishes!


At 3 weeks in, there are no signs of kidney function problems from the BK.... I am hopeful it stays that way too. Thank you for all your good wishes!

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@hello1234, I think this is your most recent post. I also know that you live in Florida. Please let us know if you are safe 💓


Hi @rosemarya 😊
Thank you so much for checking on me! Yes, you are correct that I live in Florida and for many scary days, my east coast home was in the cone of uncertainty for this storm. Hurricanes are terrifying. (Especially predictions of Cat 4 and Cat 5 winds.) My heart goes out to the west coast.
Every year I "exhale" once the Florida hurricane season officially ends. During hurricane season, I hold my breath. It's a stressful time each year.
I have experienced some bad hurricanes over the years with no power or water for weeks. It certainly makes you grateful when the power returns and your roof is repaired.
Thank you again Rosemary for checking on me. I go for my next BK virus blood test on Monday so I will come back to this BK discussion and update everyone with my BK progress when I receive my new numbers! Love ❤

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