Tips on minimizing withdrawal symptoms from Effexor (aka Venlafaxine)

Posted by richyrich @richyrich, Nov 2, 2016

I have been taking Effexor/Venlafaxine for years and tried to get off it a few times but each time I try to give up the chemical withdrawal symptoms are a horror story and I give up giving up. Anyone got any tips or tried and tested strategies? Thank you

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Glad you liked my kitty pix. May the memory of the precious kitty you lost always be a blessing. After my Minnie passed after 18 solid years, I waited only 6 weeks to adopt my Tux, the tuxedo cat you saw in one of the 2 photos. He sounds like the kitty who comforted you. After my spouse fell in love with Gingi, a stray orange tabby who just showed up on our porch 1-2 days, with our other 2 regulars, Gingi has started to comfort me as well, when I came down with a recent sore throat/
head cold. He slept with me 2 hours on our family room sofa. It's funny how they copycat each other's ways of getting attention from me. So glad I adopted Tux when I did from my local shelter. Also surprised that my spouse copycatted me when he brought Gingi into the house. A double blessing they are! They teach us how to keep life simple and enjoy every bit of it in the present. They calm me down when I get upset or anxious. A cute greeting to each other in the a.m. They rub noses, then wrestle each other. Better than any med., doc, or counselor in my book!

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@tglapin1974 thank you for your very kind words 🥰🥰😻


@tglapin1974 yes you are right. I feel the same way about tapering and adding or raising as needed.
I LOVE pics of your cats! We always had an orange or orange/white, a grey tabby and a black or black/white cat 😻😻😻. My black cat Spooky died a few months ago....for some reason I can't get over his loss. He was the one who, when I came back from the hospital after my stroke, wrapped himself around my head and started stroking my forehead. 😢💔. They do offer comfort 😊🥰

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Your description of your Spooky brought tears to my eyes. Our furbabies are special gifts, and we need to take extra care of ourselves when they pass.
5 years ago, I lost my heart dog, Hobbs. He was a 13 year old Springer Spaniel. I had adopted a 2 year old Ragdoll cat earlier in the year. Lily always slept on a cushion on the cedar chest at the foot of the bed, Hobbs in bed snuggled up against my leg.
About a week after he passed, I caught a very bad case of the flu. Lily snuggled up against me in bed in and never left my side while I was sick. I felt like she knew she had to take care of me since he was gone. They are truly amazing , aren't they?
I believe Spooky will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge. ❤️


Your description of your Spooky brought tears to my eyes. Our furbabies are special gifts, and we need to take extra care of ourselves when they pass.
5 years ago, I lost my heart dog, Hobbs. He was a 13 year old Springer Spaniel. I had adopted a 2 year old Ragdoll cat earlier in the year. Lily always slept on a cushion on the cedar chest at the foot of the bed, Hobbs in bed snuggled up against my leg.
About a week after he passed, I caught a very bad case of the flu. Lily snuggled up against me in bed in and never left my side while I was sick. I felt like she knew she had to take care of me since he was gone. They are truly amazing , aren't they?
I believe Spooky will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge. ❤️

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I certainly hope so ❤️💔. Yes cats and dogs "know" things about us. There are actually dogs who can smell cancer!! Crazy right? That's why they make such great service animals. ❤️🥰😊


@tglapin1974 thank you for your very kind words 🥰🥰😻

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You are so welcome. Keep me posted. Hope you feel better, as you speak up
for yourself & make progress with your health. I trust you will feel
better, because you partner with God & will find an authentic doc who


I’m new to the Effexor tapering. Has anyone found a kit to divide the capsules or a small scale to weigh the 37.5mg so counting the beads is not necessary? Ie order from Amazon and what to look for? Thanks


I’m checking to see how you are. It’s now 5 years later but I’m currently where you were then….. it makes my heart hurt to know someone else is where I am now - yet I somehow feel like less of a weirdo.
Please let me know you’re alright and loving your life again ❤️

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I am there now, too. I was prescribed Effexor for hot flashes umpteen years ago. I weaned myself off once four years ago, I thought successfully--but after a period of weeks or months without it, I felt such overwhelming anxiety that I begged to be placed back on it. My mother had died, and I thought that was the reason for the anxiety; now, having weaned off Effexor a second time and feeling the same overwhelming anxieties with no real "excuse," I believe the anxiousness and feeling fear about every little thing was and is caused by the drug. I still had/have hot flashes--with and without Effexor. I think the hot flashes are better controlled by exercise and deep breathing/calming myself. I suffered many of the side effects of Effexor (muscle aches and pains, constipation, insomnia) without realizing that they were side effects. I still have tremendous trouble sleeping. I can't seem to turn off my anxious brain! I refuse to go back on Effexor. Would love to hear from someone who got past this horrible stage of withdrawal anxiety.


I can’t speak to this because I have the same problem. I’ve weaned off successfully once before and had to go back on months later. I want to wean off again and deal with the anxiety, but driving is extremely dangerous for me when in that state of mind.

I’ve been thinking about trying again and this time using Hydroxizine and Prazosin to help me cope. Maybe these are worth looking into.

All I want to say is that I wish you the absolute best. May you be well always.


I can’t speak to this because I have the same problem. I’ve weaned off successfully once before and had to go back on months later. I want to wean off again and deal with the anxiety, but driving is extremely dangerous for me when in that state of mind.

I’ve been thinking about trying again and this time using Hydroxizine and Prazosin to help me cope. Maybe these are worth looking into.

All I want to say is that I wish you the absolute best. May you be well always.

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Oh, thank you. This site helps me see that I'm "normal," not alone, and there is help out there. Blessings and best wishes to you, too.


I am there now, too. I was prescribed Effexor for hot flashes umpteen years ago. I weaned myself off once four years ago, I thought successfully--but after a period of weeks or months without it, I felt such overwhelming anxiety that I begged to be placed back on it. My mother had died, and I thought that was the reason for the anxiety; now, having weaned off Effexor a second time and feeling the same overwhelming anxieties with no real "excuse," I believe the anxiousness and feeling fear about every little thing was and is caused by the drug. I still had/have hot flashes--with and without Effexor. I think the hot flashes are better controlled by exercise and deep breathing/calming myself. I suffered many of the side effects of Effexor (muscle aches and pains, constipation, insomnia) without realizing that they were side effects. I still have tremendous trouble sleeping. I can't seem to turn off my anxious brain! I refuse to go back on Effexor. Would love to hear from someone who got past this horrible stage of withdrawal anxiety.

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I wonder if you would of got on another medication for anxiety if that would of helped? But I'm guessing you did not want to be on any type of anxiety medication. I am wanting to get off effexor and try cymbalta instead because I read the reviews on here and they were very good, people saying it helped with menopause sysmtoms , anxiety and pain! So if I can get off 2 meds (buspar and effexor) and replace with just one that can do it all then I'm all in. I just know it is not a quick thing to get off effexor

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