Thoughts about nebulizing and using vibration vest at one time.
I was advised by the technician that helped me with the vibration vest that it is more effective if you use it and nebulize at the same time. I was wondering if anyone has experience with this process. Pros? Cons?
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Well dang! I guess I need to go back to doing vest at a different time than saline. I have only done it at the same time 2x since reading that the Jewish hospital said do it at the same time. Better soak the lungs down then do my shake machine. Oh I was so hoping to save some time by doing it together. I do find that when I did the saline at the same time as my vest, I didn't feel as if I were doing as good a job as inhaling as doing the saline by itself.
I do know for a fact I breath better even doing the 3% saline solution. In process of getting the 7%. Hoping I can go more than a month without getting a new bacteria. At the moment I have two different ones.
Thanks for this info! I just looked at the website and filled out an inquiry form. I didn't see info about the 6 week pulmonary bootcamp course. Where is in on the site?
It's under the 'rehab' link.
I was told to do albuterol first and then saline. I was doing that first then vest but have switched. The vibration is so much I don’t know how you could do both at same time
I don't see the link but I will call as I think I'd like to go to their center rather than doing the bootcamp online. Thanks for your reply.
more specifically
Thanks, got it!