Chronic Buttock Pain

Posted by paulkem @paulkem, May 11, 2023

I will do my best to keep this brief, but it is a long story. I have had pain in my buttocks, sometimes hips, groin, sacral area for 5 months, along with tingling in both legs and feet. The pain is most intense in the intergluteal cleft, the area where pressure is applied while sitting. My entire buttock region is sensitive to pressure. The pain in the sacral area comes and goes, and is best described as a burning pain. The majority of symptoms are on my left, but are also on the right side. The groin pain is most often "flashes" of burning.

My first diagnosis was hemorrhoids since the first symptom was burning bowel movements. The burning bowel movements stopped, but then the other buttock pain intensified. In mid January, I had x-rays of my pelvis taken.

"Mild osteophytosis and sclerosis of the SI joints suggesting mild osteoarthritis. There is mild to moderate multilevel degenerative disc disease and facet arthropathy of the lumbar spine most prominent from L4-S1."
The pain started to really focus on a specific spot on my left buttock. It even hurt to just gently rub my finger against.

When I would sit in a car, especially driving, my legs tingle quite severely and the burning pain in my sacrum intensifies. (this also happened when I lay on my back)

By Feb 17, I thought maybe it was ischial bursitis. My doctor prescribed me a short course of steroids, but no change. The next step was MRIs of my pelvis and lumbar region.

IMPRESSION: * At L5-S1, right central disc protrusion deforms the anterior thecal sac and may contact the traversing right S1 nerve root, but the nerve root is not displaced. * At L4-5, posterior annular tear and central disc protrusion are superimposed on circumferential disc bulge. Although this deforms the anterior thecal sac, there is no obvious neural impingement. * L3-4 posterior annular tear and circumferential disc bulge. No neural impingement.
The radiating nerve irritation is on the inside of my thigh, near where the inseam of a pant leg would be, but maybe a little farther on the back of the leg. Sometimes it will go beneath the knee. My ankles have been burning some as well. My feet are often cold.

It was getting to the point where the only position I could be comfortable is laying down. And the only time I could fully escape the pain was during sleep.

On Feb 27, my doctor (nurse practitioner) is stumped and started questioning whether the pain is mental. I ask if we can explore PT, and he refers me. He did note the disc degeneration in my MRI and said he could refer me to a pain management doctor for local injections. I have no idea how that process works and decide to proceed with the PT.

At this time, he had me try Cymbalta but I am pretty certain that it caused some severe insomnia so I stopped taking it after a few days. I was pretty stressed at this time due to an upcoming colonoscopy. The NP continued to question whether this was anxiety or psychosomatic. I had to start taking sleep aids.
PT started on Mar 8. I was excited to get in front of someone who knew more details of the nerves/muscles/spine, and someone who would listen to me. Upon evaluation for the severe pain in the spot in my left buttock, the PT determined that the connection of my hamstring to my pelvis had become frayed or damaged. Certain actions of my hamstring triggered intense pain.  We started exercises that focused on the hamstring. We talked about some of the tingling but didn't really address it much. He thought it may have been due to the lack of sleep.

The PT was definitely helping the intense pain spot. I do not recall the level of pain in the rest of the buttock area.

My colonoscopy was on Mar 14 and the results were fine. The few days after this was the only time since late December that I actually felt normal. Then, on Mar 18, I started having neck pain. My PT could not help me with the neck issue at this time since the order was for the buttock pain. Sleep is the only place I could fully escape, so I started sleeping A LOT.  At certain times of the day, after I have been upright for a time, I would just have this "sinking" feeling like my entire spine was collapsing. I tried heat, NSAIDs, Apsercreme, nothing really worked well. 
Mar 29 was the last day of PT for the specific spot on my buttock. PT performed the same actions as on day 1 and the pain in that spot was no longer triggered. I visited a doctor about my neck. He felt my neck and said that I felt tight (and was sore) on the left side. He said to try more naproxen or ibuprofen. I mentioned the seat and leg pain, and he said to try the gabapentin at night again. I told him my PT said he could help if I had a new order, but he would want x-rays since I told him I knew my neck as deformed (I have autofused vertebrae from birth).

During this time, my neck was my biggest misery, with the other issues still present.
I messaged my doctor again and asked about the buttock and leg issues. He said he could refer me to pain management for injections in my back. I asked him if the assumption then was that this leg tingling is related to my back and he said "he feels that is most likely the cause". I then asked if it would make sense to talk to someone in ortho/neuro about my MRI and symptoms before pursuing the injections.I was referred to an Ortho. While making the appointment, I had to choose what area I wanted to treat.

At that time, my neck was most bothersome, so I started there. During the first visit, I did not see the doctor, but an NP. We looked at my imaging and talked about my neck, the autofused vertebrae, the disc degeneration. I asked some questions about my buttock issue. She suggested that maybe it was an SI joint issue and once again, it was suggested that I visit pain management for injections. She said we could try Celebrex to see if that helped any first. She tested my reflexes and since I was hyperreflexive, ordered a neck MRI and follow up. Two weeks later, I had the MRI and follow-up, this time with the doctor. The issue in my buttocks had intensified, and the neck pain was more intermittent. The doctor said I was not a candidate for surgery on my neck and was experiencing what millions of others are experiencing regarding disc degeneration. He asked what I had tried so far. I said just OTC NSAIDs. He said the next step is PT. As is typical, he was very rushed and I tried to ask questions about my buttock pain, but was not really allowed to get into as much depth as I would have liked. In the end, he added the "lumbar" issue to my PT order.

I started PT again last week. Even after just two sessions, my neck is quite a bit better. I had some very tight muscles in my shoulder region that he was able to loosen up, and has been doing some very light manual traction. He did some provocative tests on my SI, and while not conclusive, there were some results that pointed to an issue. He said that he has only treated SI joint issues a handful of times, and did not think that they often were accompanied with the leg nerve pain.  He gave me an SI belt yesterday and said that I should start noticing a difference by the end of the night. I have been wearing it since, and really have not noticed much change yet. It does seem to make me more stable while walking, but the buttock pain while sitting, and at least some level of tingling is still there. I am trying to give it time, even though he said the impact should be noticeable quickly. Honestly, he seems stumped. I trust him very much, and he seems dedicated to trying to help me, but he wants to go down the path of the source just being sitting too much, and I do not think that is the case. I have made an appointment with another PT in town that offers a free consultation to get his take. I have also made an appointment with a massage therapist. 
The Celebrex does not seem to be doing anything.

I have been trying to get some clarification from the ortho NP who talked to me the most about my buttocks, but the office is very slow to reply and I only get replies from the nurse assistant and don't even know if my questions are being seen by the NP.

As much as I hate needles, I am not opposed to injections, if we know what needs to be injected. But I would prefer to FIX the issue rather than cover it up.  I did get a referral to Pain Management but have not had an appointment set yet.

The last 5 months have been miserable. I am not performing to the level I should be at work or home. I am thankful that I work from home and have flexibility. It is still the worst while driving and I rarely go anywhere anymore. I have missed out on so much, including time with my family. I am wiped out by 5:00 pm and am often in bed by 7:00 or 8:00. Relief from the neck pain is helping, but I cannot escape the buttock pain.

Can anyone provide any insight? Does this sound like an issue with my SI joint? Could those protrusions mentioned on my MRI be the issue?  I am so desperate for answers I don't know where to go.

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I'm just curious, is this being done by an orthopod, neurologist or pain dr?

A hemilaminectomy is what caused my lifetime (since I was 24) disability of CRPS, with spread, now from the hips down.

No such thjng as a simple back surgery. I'm not a big fan of SCS but also wanted to add a medical article I just found about trials, which only makes sense to me. Both produce scar tissue which is probably the cause of a lot of long term pain post op for people labeled "failed back surgery." The cure was to do it again. 4 times. Imagine my scar tissue now. Make sure you add future scar tissue into the mix before looking at sirgery. Esp if you heal keloid like I do?

Just adding that in.

"Spinal Cord Stimulation Trial Electrodes Rapidly Produce Epidural Scarring, Impeding Surgical Paddle Lead Placement"
Randall W Treffy et al. Neuromodulation. 2024.

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Thank you Bebold
Appreciate your insight and sorry to hear your miseries.
This is a neurosurgeon recommended by my Gastro Dr , who is the best Dr I have ever met, he cares and is smart.
I know you’re right no matter what surgery y you have in your back, you are risking things.
I know that I will have ongoing back issues because other parts of my back bother me. My expectation is that the numbness in my right leg and all the way down to my foot will go away, and the claudication in my butt will go away if I am fortunate enough to have that as a result I feel like i can continue my exercise routine and keep some level of fitness and health.
At this time I feel that I have no choice but to do something about the extreme stenosis in L34 and five. If I choose to do nothing all kinds of nasty things can develop like loss of bowel, control, and loss of right foot becoming drop foot right. If I continue as I have been, I will be unable to walk any distances to take care of the peripheral artery disease from my clogged arteries in my lower legs.
It’s critical that I keep moving for any quality of life in the future.
Thanks, Tony


I am sorry you are suffering both physically and mentally.
I believe you stuck but really don’t need to be.
Having been on the merry go round your on I know how upsetting this can be.
Ok solutions : stay away from Cymbalta worst ever drug you’ll be addicted. Gabapentine is ok but use it only as needed like bed time.
Your neck can’t be operated on so if otc and massage don’t work try biofreeze.
Ok the butt pain, stop wasting your time with pt. You have real issues, just like me. Go to pain management for 2 reasons; through injection they can isolate the issue, secondly this provides a roadmap and a necessary step for surgery if needed.
Ok so you hate needles , not more than me. I was traumatized at 5 yrs old held down by 3 orderlies for penicillin shots 3 times a day for 7 days in the hospital. I screamed and cried every time.
I finally realized 60 years later so many things hurt more than a shot and I don’t think about them. I’m here to tell you I had 22 shots and 6 bilateral epedurals this last 6 months and I’m here to tell you yes I was nervous but it really didn’t hurt.
. I am now awaiting minimally invasive surgery. The other reason you need shots is it may actually fix the back. Hard to believe but my wife had 5 unsuccessful cortisone injections for chronic back pain , she was miserable. The 6 th epidural nailed the problem that was 11 years ago and today she did Zumba and was pain free from that day forward. I wasn’t as lucky but they definitely helped.
78 with extreme stenosis in L345 , I have to decompress and relieve the pinched spinal cord.
Go and get the injections it will be you
Only way forward. You did enough PT. I was afraid also, trust me this is good advice from a sissy of a guy.


Thank you Bebold
Appreciate your insight and sorry to hear your miseries.
This is a neurosurgeon recommended by my Gastro Dr , who is the best Dr I have ever met, he cares and is smart.
I know you’re right no matter what surgery y you have in your back, you are risking things.
I know that I will have ongoing back issues because other parts of my back bother me. My expectation is that the numbness in my right leg and all the way down to my foot will go away, and the claudication in my butt will go away if I am fortunate enough to have that as a result I feel like i can continue my exercise routine and keep some level of fitness and health.
At this time I feel that I have no choice but to do something about the extreme stenosis in L34 and five. If I choose to do nothing all kinds of nasty things can develop like loss of bowel, control, and loss of right foot becoming drop foot right. If I continue as I have been, I will be unable to walk any distances to take care of the peripheral artery disease from my clogged arteries in my lower legs.
It’s critical that I keep moving for any quality of life in the future.
Thanks, Tony

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You are absolutely right. It does come down to quality which is directly related to function. A numb leg in your case, a drop foot in mine.

But what I'm curious about is your claudication thing. I fell flat in my butt 11 weeks ago. I have continued muscle pain/spasm that is niw interfering with my ability to even swing my leg forward to walk.

Can't get a dx because my back looks so bad on x-ray, its assumed to be my back.

I'm a long disabled nurse from it but I need to read mire about claudication. Thanks for that word.

Modtly I'm glad you havr a neuro or orthopod involved. That's just my thing. I think, really, strictly MY opinion of things I've seen pain drs do to even kids, I think they overstep. A 13 year old should not have a spinal cord stim put in as first treatment. An 8 year old woth a broken arm shouldn't be sent to a pain doctor. These are things I see happening on sites for "chronic pain." It just makes me mad. And with yhe.war against chronic pain patients on full force, everyone is sent to a pain dr and I see them doing their own experimental stuff.

Total admission I am completely prejudiced against pain doctors. I kniw.some people are helped but I don't think people should go PCP to pain doc amd I'm seeing it. They should never replace neurosurgeons and orthopods. Yup I'm a nurse. I worked ortho when I slipped disks lifting a pt. I had neuros and orthos do my surgery and still ended up in a mess but I don't blame the doctors. Fair or not I.might have not been so forgiving of a pain dr doing a fusion that medicare won't even pay for. Full transparency.


I am sorry you are suffering both physically and mentally.
I believe you stuck but really don’t need to be.
Having been on the merry go round your on I know how upsetting this can be.
Ok solutions : stay away from Cymbalta worst ever drug you’ll be addicted. Gabapentine is ok but use it only as needed like bed time.
Your neck can’t be operated on so if otc and massage don’t work try biofreeze.
Ok the butt pain, stop wasting your time with pt. You have real issues, just like me. Go to pain management for 2 reasons; through injection they can isolate the issue, secondly this provides a roadmap and a necessary step for surgery if needed.
Ok so you hate needles , not more than me. I was traumatized at 5 yrs old held down by 3 orderlies for penicillin shots 3 times a day for 7 days in the hospital. I screamed and cried every time.
I finally realized 60 years later so many things hurt more than a shot and I don’t think about them. I’m here to tell you I had 22 shots and 6 bilateral epedurals this last 6 months and I’m here to tell you yes I was nervous but it really didn’t hurt.
. I am now awaiting minimally invasive surgery. The other reason you need shots is it may actually fix the back. Hard to believe but my wife had 5 unsuccessful cortisone injections for chronic back pain , she was miserable. The 6 th epidural nailed the problem that was 11 years ago and today she did Zumba and was pain free from that day forward. I wasn’t as lucky but they definitely helped.
78 with extreme stenosis in L345 , I have to decompress and relieve the pinched spinal cord.
Go and get the injections it will be you
Only way forward. You did enough PT. I was afraid also, trust me this is good advice from a sissy of a guy.

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Hey Tony second response as I just saw yours to me.

I don't hate needles. I've done all that years ago. I was recently referred to.anpain person who had pages.and pages of contracts for me to sign about drugs and I don't even take opioids. No beer. (I have a pony beer about once a month and not being only any.lain meds, at 69, nobody is going to threaten me if i have 6 oz of beer.

2 docs wanted to inject two different places recently without a clue what was wrong. And I have CRPS from the groin down. Even a blood draw can make it spread. I in my colon and ribcage and larynx too after covid. So for me there are other things to consider.

Some of the five pages of contracts were written in all caps bold and direct threats. If you for any reason broke any of the contracts you had to sign that it was okay that they would notify every doctor in town that you were fired from a chronic pain clinic without telling them why which makes everybody think that you are drug seeking.

And then I was very traumatized by a pain doctor about 10 years ago. When I went in it was an hour and a half of filling out no word of a lie 50 pages of my medical history and again contracts. I was ushered into this little tiny room and the doctor comes in carrying needles. I had not even met him. I had already had four back surgeries. I was gassed that he walked in assuming he was going to inject my back never having even examined me. One of the contracts was that I had to allow a friend to come in day or night and count my pills. I wasn't on pills.

I told this doctor that I would not accept any injections right now. He had already asked the nurse to leave the room. He wanted to inject me then and there no ultrasound no anything to see if he was going in the right place. And when I tried to leave the room he got between me and the door and wouldn't let me leave.

I have a pretty serious trauma history. I've been in bad situations with MD's in the past. And the one my PCP recently referred me to was supposed to be the best one in town. I tried to cancel my appointment with them and they wouldn't answer the phone and in fact my doctor's office tried to cancel my appointment with them and they wouldn't answer the phone for them either. They had miserable reviews online. And one of them was that you could never cancel an appointment because they would never answer the phone. And if you didn't show up they would fire you and tell every doctor in town that you were fired from a pain clinic and that you are pain meds seeking and to not accept you as a patient.

I take lamictal for epilepsy, bipolar and CRPS. Same category as neurontin/gaba. I actually went on gabapentin last year and my lipids went through the roof.

So again, full transparency. The last try was 2 weeks ago. Finally my doctor ended up pulling my referral and told me that they would intervene if they tried to say I was no show. I love my PCP and her office. She even has a chronic care nurse who answers the phone or.calls hours and will spend an hour talking if you need. Very very fortunate.

Last Friday they said that they would order whatever CAT scan ultrasound MRIs or whatever is needed to find out what's wrong with my hip. Because I've had the MRI and x-rays but I did it to my back not to my hip.

By the way I recently read that an Open MRI doesn't give as good a reading as it closed MRI because the waves are not as scattered. Made sense.

Anyway yes I am very very Prejudiced and I totally admit it, and Beyond me I've seen them order very questionable things for friends and for people I've met online. The one I went to 10 years ago I wasn't taking medication but they were about to make me an addict. I think fortunately for me I'm allergic to all opioids.

Thanks for the conversation good luck! Please keep all of us here in the loop. Betty


Hey Tony second response as I just saw yours to me.

I don't hate needles. I've done all that years ago. I was recently referred to.anpain person who had pages.and pages of contracts for me to sign about drugs and I don't even take opioids. No beer. (I have a pony beer about once a month and not being only any.lain meds, at 69, nobody is going to threaten me if i have 6 oz of beer.

2 docs wanted to inject two different places recently without a clue what was wrong. And I have CRPS from the groin down. Even a blood draw can make it spread. I in my colon and ribcage and larynx too after covid. So for me there are other things to consider.

Some of the five pages of contracts were written in all caps bold and direct threats. If you for any reason broke any of the contracts you had to sign that it was okay that they would notify every doctor in town that you were fired from a chronic pain clinic without telling them why which makes everybody think that you are drug seeking.

And then I was very traumatized by a pain doctor about 10 years ago. When I went in it was an hour and a half of filling out no word of a lie 50 pages of my medical history and again contracts. I was ushered into this little tiny room and the doctor comes in carrying needles. I had not even met him. I had already had four back surgeries. I was gassed that he walked in assuming he was going to inject my back never having even examined me. One of the contracts was that I had to allow a friend to come in day or night and count my pills. I wasn't on pills.

I told this doctor that I would not accept any injections right now. He had already asked the nurse to leave the room. He wanted to inject me then and there no ultrasound no anything to see if he was going in the right place. And when I tried to leave the room he got between me and the door and wouldn't let me leave.

I have a pretty serious trauma history. I've been in bad situations with MD's in the past. And the one my PCP recently referred me to was supposed to be the best one in town. I tried to cancel my appointment with them and they wouldn't answer the phone and in fact my doctor's office tried to cancel my appointment with them and they wouldn't answer the phone for them either. They had miserable reviews online. And one of them was that you could never cancel an appointment because they would never answer the phone. And if you didn't show up they would fire you and tell every doctor in town that you were fired from a pain clinic and that you are pain meds seeking and to not accept you as a patient.

I take lamictal for epilepsy, bipolar and CRPS. Same category as neurontin/gaba. I actually went on gabapentin last year and my lipids went through the roof.

So again, full transparency. The last try was 2 weeks ago. Finally my doctor ended up pulling my referral and told me that they would intervene if they tried to say I was no show. I love my PCP and her office. She even has a chronic care nurse who answers the phone or.calls hours and will spend an hour talking if you need. Very very fortunate.

Last Friday they said that they would order whatever CAT scan ultrasound MRIs or whatever is needed to find out what's wrong with my hip. Because I've had the MRI and x-rays but I did it to my back not to my hip.

By the way I recently read that an Open MRI doesn't give as good a reading as it closed MRI because the waves are not as scattered. Made sense.

Anyway yes I am very very Prejudiced and I totally admit it, and Beyond me I've seen them order very questionable things for friends and for people I've met online. The one I went to 10 years ago I wasn't taking medication but they were about to make me an addict. I think fortunately for me I'm allergic to all opioids.

Thanks for the conversation good luck! Please keep all of us here in the loop. Betty

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Wow thanks Betty
Man you have been through it!
You are a trained medical professional.
I will pray for your good fortune moving forward and a miracle cure for your complicated medical maledies.


Wow thanks Betty
Man you have been through it!
You are a trained medical professional.
I will pray for your good fortune moving forward and a miracle cure for your complicated medical maledies.

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Thanks Tony. Ditto!
Comparison is the thief of joy.

We all here have been thru it right? The ones who do well don't come here. So when I go to a site about CRPS, I know I'm hearing the worse case senarios and then I see a parent of a 13 yo thinking we are average. I'm always there to tell the parents there is hope. There is treatment when first diagnosed. Its true, a dr put a SCS in a teen like 3 months into her dx. There's no place to go from there.

I do take LDN (low dose naltrexone - very different than the 50mg people take coming off drugs - if you've never heard of it. Its an antiinflammatory but you can't take it with any opioids do clearly not near surgery. Its also a very long treatment. Life for me and many. There is quite a bit about it here if you need more info.

I am looking at the 3 week Mayo Pain rehab mostly because they don't do test to diagnose or try to treat.

I just need to be able to cope better - until my hip of course which I do want diagnosed. If its my back, ill learn to live with it. One doc says fusion but at almost 70, living alone, medicare doesn't really pay for much except a bath. And a fusion can fix the instability but already so much scar tissue I don't know it would do that much and it would have to be from L2-S1. Too much. I ned to improve my coping again. I hear tho that some go to the Mayo PRC in a chair and walk out 3 weeks later. A lot of work but I'm game!

I recently bought a wheelchair and trying (don't want to!) adjust. My age is catching up and some of us have an early start huh? When is your surgery? Are you alone, married, kids nearby?
Till later, betty


Thanks Tony. Ditto!
Comparison is the thief of joy.

We all here have been thru it right? The ones who do well don't come here. So when I go to a site about CRPS, I know I'm hearing the worse case senarios and then I see a parent of a 13 yo thinking we are average. I'm always there to tell the parents there is hope. There is treatment when first diagnosed. Its true, a dr put a SCS in a teen like 3 months into her dx. There's no place to go from there.

I do take LDN (low dose naltrexone - very different than the 50mg people take coming off drugs - if you've never heard of it. Its an antiinflammatory but you can't take it with any opioids do clearly not near surgery. Its also a very long treatment. Life for me and many. There is quite a bit about it here if you need more info.

I am looking at the 3 week Mayo Pain rehab mostly because they don't do test to diagnose or try to treat.

I just need to be able to cope better - until my hip of course which I do want diagnosed. If its my back, ill learn to live with it. One doc says fusion but at almost 70, living alone, medicare doesn't really pay for much except a bath. And a fusion can fix the instability but already so much scar tissue I don't know it would do that much and it would have to be from L2-S1. Too much. I ned to improve my coping again. I hear tho that some go to the Mayo PRC in a chair and walk out 3 weeks later. A lot of work but I'm game!

I recently bought a wheelchair and trying (don't want to!) adjust. My age is catching up and some of us have an early start huh? When is your surgery? Are you alone, married, kids nearby?
Till later, betty

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I am 54, a single parent of an 14 year old son and his sole provider, no child support and lost my job last summer. I also live alone with my son and have no family. I have cervical and lumbar stenosis (severe congenital) and had ACDF surgery and holding off as long as possible for lumbar surgery by getting steroid injections. Still in lots of pain despite multiple injections and only taking 100 mg Gabapentin at night, 150 mg bupropion for depression and 100 mcg levothyroxine for Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. I also have severe pain in hips/buttocks/hip flexors and awaiting my MRI results (had MRI of hips/pelvis last week and this is the first for me; I have had lots of spine and brain MRIs). My pain makes it hard to walk, lift legs, bear weight, sit, etc. my thought is I may have sacroilitis and something wrong with my hamstring connection to my right ischial tuberosity (sit bone). I have had a CT scan show inflammation of the sit bone in 2019 but doctors ignored many of my CT/MRI results (including my flattened spinal cord in my cervical spine causing many problems below C5C6). Similar to you, I have a trauma childhood and have had bad experiences with many doctors and the healthcare system. I worked in healthcare/insurance but was not a provider/healthcare worker but behind the scenes in management and I did not like what I saw/heard. Healthcare as a for profit business is terrible for patients.


About 14 years of pain ago, my internal medicine Doc said “you have multilevel arthritis of the spine that is causing all your pain. I can prescribe you pain medicine or refer you to pain management but nothing else can really be done.” I should have listened to him and just taken the meds. But of course, like so many of you I wanted more specific info, thinking my sitting pain was coming from a specific impingement source that could be fixed. Thus years of tests, MRI’s, PT, various meds, the best being NSAIDS until my kidneys said “no more”, cortisone injections, PRP injections, EMG diagnosis of pudendal nerve entrapment, therapy sessions and using antidepressants at times,
acupuncture , massage, and placement of a Spinal Cord Stimulator. In the end, I would say my initial doctor was right except for the addition of the SCS which came available later. And certainly the SCS is not a miracle to end all this pain. But a combination of Cymbalta, Lyrica and the SCS each contribute about a third of the work of keeping me out of bed full time. I take my seat cushion everywhere. The problem is mechanical. Pressure on nerves starting higher up in the spine are impinged by my arthritis and sitting directly on already impinged nerves causes vastly more pain. But the combination of the 2 meds plus SCS makes the pain just tolerable enough to be thankful to wake up to each new day with hope. Good luck to you all. It's good to be alive!


Hey Tony second response as I just saw yours to me.

I don't hate needles. I've done all that years ago. I was recently referred to.anpain person who had pages.and pages of contracts for me to sign about drugs and I don't even take opioids. No beer. (I have a pony beer about once a month and not being only any.lain meds, at 69, nobody is going to threaten me if i have 6 oz of beer.

2 docs wanted to inject two different places recently without a clue what was wrong. And I have CRPS from the groin down. Even a blood draw can make it spread. I in my colon and ribcage and larynx too after covid. So for me there are other things to consider.

Some of the five pages of contracts were written in all caps bold and direct threats. If you for any reason broke any of the contracts you had to sign that it was okay that they would notify every doctor in town that you were fired from a chronic pain clinic without telling them why which makes everybody think that you are drug seeking.

And then I was very traumatized by a pain doctor about 10 years ago. When I went in it was an hour and a half of filling out no word of a lie 50 pages of my medical history and again contracts. I was ushered into this little tiny room and the doctor comes in carrying needles. I had not even met him. I had already had four back surgeries. I was gassed that he walked in assuming he was going to inject my back never having even examined me. One of the contracts was that I had to allow a friend to come in day or night and count my pills. I wasn't on pills.

I told this doctor that I would not accept any injections right now. He had already asked the nurse to leave the room. He wanted to inject me then and there no ultrasound no anything to see if he was going in the right place. And when I tried to leave the room he got between me and the door and wouldn't let me leave.

I have a pretty serious trauma history. I've been in bad situations with MD's in the past. And the one my PCP recently referred me to was supposed to be the best one in town. I tried to cancel my appointment with them and they wouldn't answer the phone and in fact my doctor's office tried to cancel my appointment with them and they wouldn't answer the phone for them either. They had miserable reviews online. And one of them was that you could never cancel an appointment because they would never answer the phone. And if you didn't show up they would fire you and tell every doctor in town that you were fired from a pain clinic and that you are pain meds seeking and to not accept you as a patient.

I take lamictal for epilepsy, bipolar and CRPS. Same category as neurontin/gaba. I actually went on gabapentin last year and my lipids went through the roof.

So again, full transparency. The last try was 2 weeks ago. Finally my doctor ended up pulling my referral and told me that they would intervene if they tried to say I was no show. I love my PCP and her office. She even has a chronic care nurse who answers the phone or.calls hours and will spend an hour talking if you need. Very very fortunate.

Last Friday they said that they would order whatever CAT scan ultrasound MRIs or whatever is needed to find out what's wrong with my hip. Because I've had the MRI and x-rays but I did it to my back not to my hip.

By the way I recently read that an Open MRI doesn't give as good a reading as it closed MRI because the waves are not as scattered. Made sense.

Anyway yes I am very very Prejudiced and I totally admit it, and Beyond me I've seen them order very questionable things for friends and for people I've met online. The one I went to 10 years ago I wasn't taking medication but they were about to make me an addict. I think fortunately for me I'm allergic to all opioids.

Thanks for the conversation good luck! Please keep all of us here in the loop. Betty

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Man, where did all this stuff happen? It sounds like something that would go on inside a Russian gulag. Run, as fast as possible, from that joint!


I am 54, a single parent of an 14 year old son and his sole provider, no child support and lost my job last summer. I also live alone with my son and have no family. I have cervical and lumbar stenosis (severe congenital) and had ACDF surgery and holding off as long as possible for lumbar surgery by getting steroid injections. Still in lots of pain despite multiple injections and only taking 100 mg Gabapentin at night, 150 mg bupropion for depression and 100 mcg levothyroxine for Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. I also have severe pain in hips/buttocks/hip flexors and awaiting my MRI results (had MRI of hips/pelvis last week and this is the first for me; I have had lots of spine and brain MRIs). My pain makes it hard to walk, lift legs, bear weight, sit, etc. my thought is I may have sacroilitis and something wrong with my hamstring connection to my right ischial tuberosity (sit bone). I have had a CT scan show inflammation of the sit bone in 2019 but doctors ignored many of my CT/MRI results (including my flattened spinal cord in my cervical spine causing many problems below C5C6). Similar to you, I have a trauma childhood and have had bad experiences with many doctors and the healthcare system. I worked in healthcare/insurance but was not a provider/healthcare worker but behind the scenes in management and I did not like what I saw/heard. Healthcare as a for profit business is terrible for patients.

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Hi @dlydailyhope
I'm sorry for your predicament too. I'm guessing you have applied or got ssi/ssdi? It can take a while but you have a growing boy who I bet can eat you out of house and home! Definitely hard to raise and keep up I'm guessing a "taxi service" to get him to-ing and fro-ing. All this average stuff when you have a teen but there is no average when in constant pain. I'm guessing tho your limits might be already beyond expectations at this point.

Although it would be good to have someone to talk to, young teens, in general, might be very different with your son since he grew up with more reasons to flex his empathy muscle than most.

I've had steroid injections in my hips, knee, wrist, all for bursitis but my pain is really in the fatty, fleshy part of my butt, posterior closer to the iliac crest. An Ortho surgeon I saw, didn't even examine me. Would even look at where I said the pain was insyead said it was "probably" an SI "strain" and wanted to inject me there. Insert a SCS without a definite dx.

I have read that numbing med can be injected into my gluteus muscle and if the pain stops, that's it! Id probably be up for that as diagnostic? Decades ago I did all the nerve blocks etc to avoid subsequent surgery but to no avail.

I'm glad you are getting some relief while waiting for a good time to do it, but like with Tony, there are some symptoms that can get worse and more permanent nerve damage by waiting. Rock and a hard place. Unless they can see a torn muscle that needs to be stitched or something to be able to walk, I'm avoiding any surgery and well tho I definitely had tons of back pain (I've been in and out of PT, mostly in, for 2 years. I see a chronic illness psychologist who is also trauma informed. I'm really thankful to also make myself afford good insurance, medicare supplement, when I turned 65.
I also have Hashimotos. I'm curious about 100 of gaba at hs which is not even close to anything therapeutic. It did make me pretty sleepy and I never got up to a therapeutic dose and I tried to switch from lamictal as I started getting hypomanic with the switch.
Its known that folks with traumas histories frequently have chronic pain from physical trauma plus our cortisone and adrenaline levels have never been normal. I have central sensitization so I know my body already feels all pain in esp my trunk as higher up in thd pain scale than others tho some hear that at even Mayo pain rehab I've read, as "not real, all in your head." Which is furthest from the truth. My pain receptors are kicked up a notch but like most or all of us here, we have a high pain tolerance.

An interesting mix of I feel it harder and I tolerate more which could cancel each other out.

You are in a tough spot to be responsible for a younger one as opposed to just my cat - who is feeling less loved but also seems to know when to sleep touching me...she has never done that before!

Well I've list my was so aboit that I woke today to an eye infection under my lid so I'm trying to get an eye dr appt for today. File under "always something."

What makes you think its SI niw. Is that where they are injecting. Have you been able to get -or do you feel you don't need - a 2nd opinion.

I just realized last nighf I first saw a dr two weeks after my fall but it was late March! 3 months, no diagnosis, no dr. Yep, as Tony said, absurd. I may go dump myself back into the original ortho's lap as it was a hip guy in his practice who refused to even see me. See what he says next. Either way, nobody injects me without fluoroscopy so they know where they are going. Someone who does many a day without it being a pain person, but like you, walking gets harder every day. Wishing that the injections continue to help. I have a friend with a paraformis issue who gets botox injections 4 times a year with success. Lidocaine injections can help narrow down the origin of the pain.

Where ars they injecting you? What do they say is the issue? Your back? Like me tho the pain might be different than normal back pain.
For profit medical treatment means less treatment and less staff and supplies (or local hospital had no PCP during the pandemic. Barely even masks unless they provided their own, as regardless, the stock holders needs and 2nd and 3rd homes and huge bonuses at the end if the year for the hospital CEOs for keeping costs down, profits up. Well see what happens here when they can't accept medicare/medicaid anymore. (Tho many published articles and lawsuits, lots of illegal cahoots with government local and state, probably Federal as HCA is a huge entity buying up hospitals and private practices. I just found out my vet was bought out by a corporation. Staff and hours hugely cut! People leaving. Never works in our, our pets, our families best interest. Sorry to go off the rales, I may edit later. 😁👍🏼

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