Tapering off of Clonazepam???

Posted by cici89 @cici89, Feb 16, 2023

Ive been on 1mg of Clonazepam for about 8 to 10 years. I moved from my home state 4 years ago and ive had i couple of different drs where i moved that would continue my treatment plan but both Dr's have left the practices and its just getting hard to keep changing and finding a Dr who will prescribe it. Ive been on the same dosage since i can remember but now i feel like i should just come off of it instead of worrying whether im going to find a Dr who will continue with the treatment. Im just afraid i wont taper right or ill have extreme withdrawal and the thought of seizures is terrifying - ive never abused it - i have only ever taken what a Dr told me to take for anxiety and panic which has never been over 1mg. How should i taper?

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You’re right about prescriptions getting harder to get. As you know they have done the same with opioids. The docs seemed to have replaced pain meds for even post surgical patients with Tylenol. The government wants to control all the medications now . Google the Ashton Manual. It’s the best benzo tapering method there is right now. Doctors are just very anxious to unprescribe even to those that truly need their medication. It’s inhumane.


You have to find a psychiatrist who will help you taper off. I’ve been taking clonazepam for 30 years. We recently moved from Vermont to Pittsburgh. For 22 years in Vermont my PCP kept renewing my prescription. Now suddenly I’m in a system that insists that I have to get off it. I’m 73 years old and I have CFS along with many other health issues. I’m on a quest to find a psychiatrist who will let me keep taking it. At my age it would be sheer hell for years. I refuse to go through that. You can’t do it yourself.


I suggest you talk to your pharmacist, who I have found knows much more about such things than my PCP.


I am 71 years old. Every comment says my experience, too. Been on benzos for years, cannot find any kind of doctor or health care giver to renew my prescription. I moved to a different state and am looking for healthcare to continue. I paid $1.80 a month for Valium. Every healthcare person I have gone to here is willing to give me Dayc__ (sp) for sleep, which I tried, it does nothing for my anxiety and it knocks me out thus no quality sleep. Also, it is very expensive & addictive, just as addicting as any benzo! The truth is, healthcare everywhere is horrible, if one can even find a doctor.


1 mg is a very low dose. I was taking 8 mg a day, which was low also, and after 5 years, my doctor was actually being pressured by the clinic he worked for, for 20 years, to get his patients off and to prescribe expensive, addictive, new medications instead. So he went according to Ashton's Manual and switched me to Valium. Valium is shorter acting and does not stay in your system as long. The dosage is different and if I remember correctly, I went from 8 mg to 3 mg of the Valium with the same result. After a year, I am down to 1 mg Valium in the evening, but I will be taking this dose for months as I am 71 years old, been on benzos for years, and my body needs to adjust. Then it will be 1/2 mg for months and then nothing. I have ben cautioned not to taper too quickly. In the meantime, I must substitute holistic methods of dealing with insomnia and anxiety. Which is difficult here as there isn't any group activities, so I got Roku on my TV and do yoga and meditation using the programs on TV. Also, when I wake early, like 2 or 3:00 AM, I get up and do something for about 2 hours and then I go back to bed. And I pray a lot.


I struggle with depression and irrational fear (anxiety). Am on lexapro (10mg) and klonopin (.5mg). Tried to taper off lexapro and it seemed aggressive and I was not in a healthy place when it started and was worse off when the taper ended. Ended up going back on lexapro. Would really like to taper off of klonopin and am scared/worried and am also just tired of these drugs. Anyone have any suggestions or a doctor to work with? I am in the Chicago area. Do you have to be in a good place to start a taper mentally? Or can a taper start whenever? Just a struggle to make a decision right now and am curious what others have experienced.


I can only speak of my own experience and encourage you to seek out a psychiatrist who will support what you want to do. It is hard if you are being forced off it and easier if it comes from your own desire. Either way you need to go slowly and safely and you will succeed. I had a very young psychiatrist tell me I had to be off of it by age 65 because it came with risks to seniors. This he says to a Nana who plays bass drum in a band, does kick-boxing and Dances regularly! But it has to do with cognitive decline and increased risk of falls. I reluctantly agreed and found the first part of the taper very easy - every 6-8 wks I had a small reduction. Starting with 1mg Klonopin, I went to .75, then to .5, then .375mg. At the taper to .25, I really began to feel the effects in my sleep and that has continued. I now have some 0.125mg tablets that I take occasionally and have started a low dose of Remeron (7.5mg). It has been 9 months and I'm not completely done, but almost. The Ashton manual is a good guide although my doctor had his own method. I have been using sleep meditations as well. Good luck!


You have to find a psychiatrist who will help you taper off. I’ve been taking clonazepam for 30 years. We recently moved from Vermont to Pittsburgh. For 22 years in Vermont my PCP kept renewing my prescription. Now suddenly I’m in a system that insists that I have to get off it. I’m 73 years old and I have CFS along with many other health issues. I’m on a quest to find a psychiatrist who will let me keep taking it. At my age it would be sheer hell for years. I refuse to go through that. You can’t do it yourself.

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I’m 75 and just came off of tests ling use of klonopin. I used the Ashton Manual and did a water taper. You can do it if you do it very slowly. I figured I wanted to do it on my terms before I got forced off. You are already facing that prospect. It seems you need to seriously consider tapering before someone just pulls you off.


You have to find a psychiatrist who will help you taper off. I’ve been taking clonazepam for 30 years. We recently moved from Vermont to Pittsburgh. For 22 years in Vermont my PCP kept renewing my prescription. Now suddenly I’m in a system that insists that I have to get off it. I’m 73 years old and I have CFS along with many other health issues. I’m on a quest to find a psychiatrist who will let me keep taking it. At my age it would be sheer hell for years. I refuse to go through that. You can’t do it yourself.

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Also, I am not in “sheer hell”. It actually went pretty smoothly.


I’m 75 and just came off of tests ling use of klonopin. I used the Ashton Manual and did a water taper. You can do it if you do it very slowly. I figured I wanted to do it on my terms before I got forced off. You are already facing that prospect. It seems you need to seriously consider tapering before someone just pulls you off.

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That was supposed to say years long use of Klonopin

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