Talking Frankly about Living with Advanced Cancer

Are you living with advanced cancer (sometimes referred to as stage 4 or metastatic cancer)?
This discussion is a safe space where you can connect with others to talk about the realities of living with limited time. It's not easy to find people who understand what it is like. For many reasons, you may not feel comfortable talking about your thoughts and emotions with friends or family. Perhaps you are alone. Even if you are surrounded by people who support you, you may experience intense loneliness.

Connect is a place where honest conversation can safely take place. You can speak frankly and be heard without judgement. I invite you to share your reality facing death and living now.

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Can anyone help me on sores on scalp? What to do and does hair grow back with sores?


Can anyone help me on sores on scalp? What to do and does hair grow back with sores?

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I developed a rash on my scalp as soon as I was bald, but it cleared up by itself in a few weeks and never came back. The reddish, scaly spots were never really actual sores.

In reply to @richcolleen "These are sores." + (show)

These are sores.

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@richcolleen I’m sorry about the sores. You know, the skin on our scalp is very sensitive because it never gets direct sunlight and we keep it so clean.Have you thought about having them looked at? You don’t want them to get infected. See your doctor and let me know what they are. Becky


I was unable to received my last chemo treatment because of my WBC; I'm doing the healthy greens, fresh papaya and supplement, extra protein products; Is there anything else I can do; My doctor said I could not received the Neulasta, because it had 2b given after the first treatment (wasn't given because I recovered well); My CA125 is 3.4 now; Do I need the last chemo?


I was unable to received my last chemo treatment because of my WBC; I'm doing the healthy greens, fresh papaya and supplement, extra protein products; Is there anything else I can do; My doctor said I could not received the Neulasta, because it had 2b given after the first treatment (wasn't given because I recovered well); My CA125 is 3.4 now; Do I need the last chemo?

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@pbprice This is no doubt concerning for you, and might cause not just a little anxiety. We are not doctors here and cannot offer medical advice. I do suggest you contact your doctor and care team to ask this question, as they know your case the best. Would you please come back and let us know what they say? How are you feeling these days?


I was unable to received my last chemo treatment because of my WBC; I'm doing the healthy greens, fresh papaya and supplement, extra protein products; Is there anything else I can do; My doctor said I could not received the Neulasta, because it had 2b given after the first treatment (wasn't given because I recovered well); My CA125 is 3.4 now; Do I need the last chemo?

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@pbprice I’m sure you are a little anxious about not receiving your last dose of chemo. The doctor said they can’t do it because the WBCs are too low. I’m glad you are eating well. Are you also being super careful to avoid infections especially with flu season starting? When will you be seeing the doctor next? You want to ask about the chemo and neulasta and get a good explanation. If the clinic has a portal for emails, you might try that also. Or call the triage nurse in the clinic and ask. Can you try one of these things?


@pbprice This is no doubt concerning for you, and might cause not just a little anxiety. We are not doctors here and cannot offer medical advice. I do suggest you contact your doctor and care team to ask this question, as they know your case the best. Would you please come back and let us know what they say? How are you feeling these days?

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Physically, and spiritually, I'm well; emotionally, depression gets in the way for no apparent reason; at times memory can be off key; I want to return to the job market just as soon I can get this list chemo :<) Thanks 4 asking!


@pbprice I’m sure you are a little anxious about not receiving your last dose of chemo. The doctor said they can’t do it because the WBCs are too low. I’m glad you are eating well. Are you also being super careful to avoid infections especially with flu season starting? When will you be seeing the doctor next? You want to ask about the chemo and neulasta and get a good explanation. If the clinic has a portal for emails, you might try that also. Or call the triage nurse in the clinic and ask. Can you try one of these things?

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Yes, I'm being very careful and wearing my nose mask when I'm out; was scheduled on 10/3 for my last treatment, but unable because of low WBC; waiting on lab results (10/7) for a confirmation of appt reschedule 2c the doctor

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